The Forgotten Promise tells the story of my lifelong interaction with beings of another dimension….or world. The memories of these encounters were buried deep within my subconscious mind until 1988.
It was then that a UFO flap occurred in my community bringing investigators from the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies to look into what was happening. Like many people, I could not and would not accept that such a thing as alien abduction was even plausible.
Now, after having many years to adjust, grow and learn about this phenomenon, I must ask how is it possible to not believe that there is life “out there”. The universe, or multiverse, as I’ve come to understand it, is infinite. Think about that for a second. It is mathematically impossible for us to be alone in the cosmos.
From there it is only a short step to recognizing that superior life forms are bound to exist and those life forms would have an interest in studying other life forms, just as we, one day will do. That is, if our species survives long enough to master space travel.
I’ve had the privilege of living an extraordinary life and learning from beings that exist in a realm quite different from the limited one we do.
I am now able to say that I am extremely grateful for these experiences, although it was not always so. The lessons they taught me, the things they showed me, the profound teachings & the high level of peace that is prevalent when in their company gives me hope for our planet.
Knowing we are not alone and that we live in a universe governed by love is comforting.
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