We have turned a corner. For the longest time I have been wanting to write something for this blog, but it all felt so negative. The low frequency energy was so pervasive, it was difficult for me to find my way out of it, rise to the light and write something positive. A dozen times I started a post, but always scrapped it as I didn’t want to add to the darkness. Now it has all changed!
More than a year ago my guys gave me an unsolicited, rather random download. It came as a surprise and I haven’t talked about it too much. I’ve just been letting it sit in my thoughts without examining it. They said this reality is likened most to a computer software program. This didn’t come as a surprise to me, as I’ve always been aware that our world is holographic in nature and is a projection of our thoughts. So, I wasn’t sure why they bothered to give me this quick little tidbit of info. Until today. I woke up this morning feeling as if the world had been scrubbed clean…like we’d had a super-duper anti-virus program initiated. Actually, it was about 2 am when I came wide awake from a deep sleep, sat up in bed and just knew it had all changed. There was no dark energy lurking nearby. I have lived with the continual need to clear my space, my energy field and protect myself from these attachments for the past several years. Now it is all gone. And my knowingness is that it will not return.
I have been getting a ton of emails from people asking for help in stopping attacks or other nasty, nefarious activities around them. Gently, I remind them that we are the ones initiating these experiences. Nothing….No Thing, happens to us without our consent on some level. So, if that is the case, why have so many of us been subjected to this kind of activity? From my understanding, there are a few reasons that resonate with me.
In cases of the volunteers, lightworkers or starseeds that experience this sort of thing, I believe it is part of our contract and mission to transmute much of humanities fear based, victim energy. We are taking on the low frequency of this energy and neutralizing it. We innately know we cannot be victims. We don’t blame or accept guilt. We just allow. Some forgive, but many of us know we don’t even need to forgive…it just is. By taking on this role we transmute huge chunks of the negative, dark energy engulfing this planet and that allows the light to shine through from our Father/Mother God (or Creator…whatever word works for you).
Another reason many of us have agreed to take on this unpleasant experience is because we just want the experience. For many volunteers it is our one and only incarnation onto this planet of duality. We yearn to sample all that is here. It’s like a giant buffet! Standing at the dessert table trying this and that is fine, but all those sweets get boring after a while. We want the contrast that is so much a part of the Earth Human’s experience.
For those people who have a long history of incarnating over and over again onto the planet, I believe the reason their soul has chosen these experiences might be to clear out huge amounts of residual negative energy. This soul has chosen to awaken during this time and desires to go as high into the frequencies as they possibly can. These souls are especially brave and bold! It is a risky move to allow yourself to be victimized- the gamble is that you will not play the victim, but will forgive- see the truth of the situation- know you cannot be a victim, and consequently, that will bring about a huge opportunity for that soul’s growth.
I believe that my awareness of the low frequency patterns disappearing from my reality may be true for me, but not necessarily for everyone. At least, not yet. I want to believe everyone is sharing in this, but I have to admit that it may be an individual thing. Just as so many never shared in that sort of experience because it was not on your life path, so it is true with your own journey into the darkness. Having said that, however, I do think that with so many of us neutralizing negative energy, it will have an overall effect on the entire planet.
We are hearing the phrase, “Dark to Light” a lot these days and what so many of us have been doing in fulfilling our mission is exactly that. The planet cannot ascend until we, the collective, consciously choose Light over Dark. We do this- as I’ve stated many times, by looking at the dark….the evil that has gripped this planet and consciously– with strong intent- state that we are no longer in agreement with it. Then we choose otherwise. We no longer allow ourselves to be led around by our noses or give our consent by our complacency. I want to emphasize that it is required that you LOOK at the dark. Do not hide from it, as that is not going to help. Sending light and love to it is great, but we can only do this once we acknowledge what is happening and consciously, thru action and intent, choose otherwise. You came here to experience the contrast- get lost in the separation, so that you could find your way back to yourself. We do need to consciously make this choice.
To me it feels as if we have reached the tipping point. Great changes are happening all around us and they are about to become an avalanche. Soon there will be not one person on the planet who isn’t aware that something is going on. All the “sleepers” who have been so caught up in their own daily struggles and drama will be jarred awake. We all need to be gentle and patient with these folks. They are members of our own family and friends who have wondered if we had gone off the deep end. It is absolutely imperative that we know there is no judgement in any of this. There is nothing to be gained by being proven right. We are all one. Those who awakened early are no better or more special than those that chose to stay asleep a bit longer. If you are feeling superior in any way, know that you have your own work yet to do.
Along those same lines is our need to recognize that those souls who have been playing the part of the so-called evil ones are also a part of oneness. They are not separate from us. It could even be argued that perhaps they took on these roles out of their great love for humanity. This battle between light and dark could never occur if we didn’t have souls willing to play the contrasting parts. And it was humanities destiny to have this experience. To project love and admiration on the ‘good guys” while condemning the “bad guys” is a scenario from the old paradigm. Any kind of judgement will no longer hold up in the higher frequencies we are destined to access.
Let’s enjoy this experience- which will be like no other, not just in the history of this planet, but in the multiverse! Realize how blessed we are to be here. It is no accident. You are here to let your light shine!
“… Great changes are happening all around us and they are about to become an avalanche. Soon there will be not one person on the planet who isn’t aware that something is going on. All the “sleepers” who have been so caught up in their own daily struggles and drama will be jarred awake. …”
This was prophetic!
Covid, Ukraine, Monkeypox, weather manipulations, geoengineering, mass shootings, transhumanism, transgender agenda, you name it.
The ones that are still sleeping are most probably those that accepted to have that transition experience on another 3D planet, but freed from the control of regressive beings and thus, aware that there is no separation from Source.
After all, it will also be an experience in its own right! Source will appreciate receiving that feedback too, once these souls will also have moved on.
Terra is moving to 5D, that’s undeniable, everything points to it. Many of us won’t make it, but it’s OK. As you always remind us, Eternity leaves us all the time needed to grow and remember the truth of who we are.
For me, I compare my avatar with sticky rice, LOL: it tastes good, it is even delicious, but it is so heavy and often even painful to the stomach (soul)!
Being awaken, or believing to be awaken, is another kind of challenge, especially for those that are alone, as it isn’t easy to keep the frequency high and extend love to those that manipulate the strings, without receiving any visible support.
That said, in the end, we all are extensions of Source and therefore, we’ll all gather together “once”, to celebrate Oneness in Unconditional Love, as Source, as Divine Creation.
None of us can escape Unconditional Love. None of us can be separated, neither from each other, nor from Source. Even as our ego often pulls us down in terms of frequency, mostly through our emotions, erroneous perceptions and narrow perspective, Unconditional Love is our core essence, it is that Light that cannot be extinguished by any means. Therefore, it is comforting to intrinsically know that we will regain the awareness of being Source, of being One and experience ourselves as Unity Consciousness.
With deep gratitude for your resilience and for your being such a genuine expression of Source,
Love & Light
Annick ~ 💜
Beautiful! Needs to be highlighted: None of us can escape Unconditional Love. None of us can be separated, neither from each other, nor from Source. Even as our ego often pulls us down in terms of frequency, mostly through our emotions, erroneous perceptions and narrow perspective, Unconditional Love is our core essence, it is that Light that cannot be extinguished by any means. Therefore, it is comforting to intrinsically know that we will regain the awareness of being Source, of being One and experience ourselves as Unity Consciousness. with love and appreciation, Sherry
Dear Sherry,
Thank you for sharing your experience, you must definitely help and comfort many of us while we are trying to cope with our daily ordeals in this Matrix.
At one point in this text, you wrote: “Some forgive, but many of us know we don’t even need to forgive…”
This sentence troubles me a bit. I find the idea of, not needing to forgive, disconcerting.
I can be wrong but, as I understood it, love, compassion, empathy and forgiveness are all intertwined, forming a whole.
Empathy requires the capacity to place oneself in another’s position, in order to understand why that person did what she did, good or bad, especially bad though. Therefore, through empathy, shouldn’t we also be drawn to give relief to the person, by forgiving her her mistake?
You might argue that, forgiving is another way of judging, and you may be right. Yet, I am not talking about the person that forgives, but rather about the one that needs to be relieved. Doesn’t this person also deserve the entire bundle consisting of love, compassion, empathy and forgiveness?
The need for forgiveness shouldn’t be ignored since, as I see it, forgiveness is more an act of Love, than one of judgement, allowing the other person to be freed from the guilt as, some do, rightly or wrongly, accept guilt and feel sincere remorse when realizing their misdeed. Without forgiveness they might never manage to find their way back to the Light.
At the end, it may all just be a question of perspective and perception perhaps.
However, we should also take into account that, some dark entities have taken control of this Matrix, and made it a manipulation game in which each of us can skilfully be misled or influenced; not mentioning the constant brainwashing we are all submitted to. Many souls are very naive and can easily be confused, therefore, compassion and empathy should allow them to receive some solace, through forgiveness, in order for them to rise up again.
Could my way of thinking likewise seem fair to you?
Scrolling through your Blog, I noticed also that, more often than not, you assume that, because we evolve in this Matrix, we are inescapably “lost in the separation” – I presume that you understand it as, from Source.
Since the Matrix is part of Creation, which Source is the origin, I would really appreciate it if you could help me understand what exactly you mean, because I have difficulty understanding the rational behind your approach.
Thank you again for sharing your insights and advises, it is reassuring to see that there are still beautiful souls on this planet and who care for other fellow humans.
Με αγάπη
Eleana S.
Hi Eleana, thank you for the interesting post. I’ve been putting off my response only because typing is very hard for me right now. So this will be shorter than I’d like but hopefully not blunt or confusing…let me know if it creates more questions than it answers. Keep in mind that these are my “knowings” and you should look within for your own truths.
Forgiveness is an interesting subject. I see it as part of the control system in this world, effectively being taught by religion in support of judgement & separation. The backbone of the matrix is the belief we are all separate. In order to forgive another, we must first judge them as having “sinned” or done something wrong. We then, in our somewhat superior position of “the wiser or better one” forgive them. This is separation. I prefer what I call Quantem Forgiveness which sees this world for what it is. A game, of sorts. Basically, a closed system simulated computer game. We all signed on for the game- taking on an avatar and role playing the part we agreed to play…light/dark, good/bad, positive/negative. Since this particular game is one based in duality you typically pick a side. And yet, we are all a piece of the Oneness we know as Source or Creator. We came here to experience….really nothing more. To learn more about that aspect of our Oneness that we call our soul. When you look at another do you see yourself? If not, no worries, someday you will. You will simply know on a very deep level that we are One. So in this game when another aspect of you does something this world calls “bad” why would we judge it? It is just that soul having an experience in the game. Yes, I know society must have rules, but that is something outside this discussion. It is true that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, so the universe has provided its own form of redemption. This world is weighed down in guilt. The souls on this planet have been taught to judge others and themselves to such a degree that the world is encased in a dark energy of low frequency from the fear and anguish caused by that belief. Everyone should be allowed to have their experiences without judgement. When I say there is nothing to forgive, I am saying there is nothing to judge. Instead of responding to someone’s behavior with judgement we meet it with compassion, understanding and love. It just is. This is going to raise some hackles, as I’ve had this discussion before. Yes, there is need for societies rules- at least while we are at this level of our evolution, but at some point, this matrix really needs to be broken and the Children of Earth need to expand and come into the fullness of all they were created to be.
I hope this helped- it’s hard- my thoughts come fast, but I have to pick away at the keyboard with one hand!
Much Love, Sherry
Thanks for all you’ve done Sherry in getting out the truth. Recent events leave me very depressed. It appears Evil won against Good. I thought it would go the other way now that we’re in the split. I thought bringing things to light would expose the bad. Have your guides had any comments or information that explains these recent events?
Sherry hoy me llego una gran Luz !!! me llega la luz de Sherry, me conecte de inmediato contigo, me gusta tu presencia, me siento reconfortada, y quiero saber de tus publicaciones, de tu camino y me permitas compartir en mis redes todo aquello que va llegando. Gracias, bendiciones, y muchas protecciones para toda esa mision que encarnas en este momento. Mucho Amor
Maria~ I wish I spoke spanish! I attempted to take a class in it once, but got too busy! But I think I can make out enough to feel the love! (-:
Thank you so much for posting!! lotsa love, Sherry
You can use Google Translate to translate Spanish to English for you. What this says (according to GT) is…
Sherry today I get a great Light! Sherry’s light comes to me, I immediately connect with you, I like your presence, I feel comforted, and I want to know about your publications, your path and allow me to share in my networks everything that is coming. Thank you, blessings, and many protections for all that mission you embody right now. Lots of love
Well, I admit there is some clumsiness there. But it’s better than nothing. 😀
Hi Ralph~ This is just the sweetest, most heartfelt message…not clumsy at all! I feel you in my heart & soul!
I appreciate that you took the time to write this kind message!
Much love & appreciation~ Sherry
Hello Sherry, I have Ben listening to your videos and the content Is helping me to wake up and connect the dots. Listen it’s none of my business and I was just wanting to put this out there but you mentioned you lost everything financially and hoped a side venture would help make you some money. I hope it did? I too am a real estate agent and It sounded like a good idea. Anyways have you ever considered the idea that maybe your guys wanted you to stay broke so that you would be open to consider promoting your book and maybe even writing another one to help assist us to awaken. I mean if you listen to all the content you have on the you tube videos there is such valuable information there. Gems of Information I have not heard anywhere else… one last thing Shirley MacLaine is a huge fan of UFO. She wrote the book Sageing while ageing, out on a limb. I bet she would be someone very interested in meeting you. She might have some insight for you with bring in your content mainstream. Much love to, Stacey
Hi Stacey, Thank you for the email! Actually, Da told me when I was about ten years old that I would lose my family and my possessions around the year 2009- or maybe 2010- can’t remember exactly now. So on some level I knew it was coming. I could not imagine it, as I had a close family- all in pretty good health, and I was strong financially. But it did- it was bizarre. I understood it was meant to be- I put it on my path- for reasons I can’t fathom from this perspective, but I trust it. I have another book “in me”, but I have been too sick to write it. I have just learned what all I am dealing with, so I have high trust I will get stronger. Also there is a film in the works- albeit, it is moving slow, but it is moving!! (-: Shirley MacLaine had a huge impact on me with her book, Out on a Limb, when I was in my 30’s. I have a high regard for her. I believe she may be one of the few actors that didn’t sell her soul for fame. Thank you again for the interesting post!! lotsa love, Sherry
Sherry, I want you to know that I send you my love and prayers twice a day when I meditate. You are loved and cared about. Please keep that in your heart. Rick Cleland
WOW! That triggered a cascade of tears- was a good release for me. Your comment caught me by surprise- thank you for sharing such a sweet sentiment…it sure touched something in me! much love~ Sherry
Hi Sherry, long time no see and talk to you. I do hope life is better for you now and that all that dreadful stuff in your body has now gone?? Just to say, I don’t know how you do these interviews, I have just done one, and I was so nervous, and I am so embarrassed by it, but Marc the guy who did was saying its fine, you did well. I watched part of it once and I can see how much he edited it. I was all over the place! So if you want to see grass grow and my story I thought I would share it with you. It is okay you can tell my you laughed and cried at the same time as sleeping through it. Is that possible? https://youtu.be/abqyP-4JHq8 Now besides the laugh I know you would love to see the moons surface as it really is. I know some entity i s working with me and I thank that entity very much, but I fear that it might put me in a sticky position with other ET’s and the dark side of the human race on this planet. Here is the link. And can I ask everyone to download it and play around with just the dodge and burn tools in your photographic software. https://www.flickr.com/photos/lightmuncher/ Stay safe Sherry Tony XXX
Thank you so much for all you do!. Your story and the way you share your incredible journey is such a gift to receive! Much love!
Hi Tony! Good to connect with you! I trust you and yours are well! Exciting times! Love, Sherru
Sherry… have you been in touch with your guys? What’s going on in the world…? I’ve been hearing things, people claiming that Q has been sending messages.
Hope you’re staying safe, xx
Hi Lisa. I have had some contact with my guys, but nothing about the latest stuff- specifically COVID-19. I’m watching it all with fascination! I hate seeing so many of the people being manipulated into fear…gosh! So many still unaware! What I see is a world that has moved very far into the split that we all knew was happening. It’s just that now it is being put front & center for all to see. There is little way to hide if you are aligned with the dark. Just as my guys told me many years ago, the lower frequency cannot exist in the same time/space as the higher frequency so anything that is not based in love will crumble…cease to exist. That is the Ascension. It is the separating of the wheat from the chaff. Here is a link to the wonderful Sacha Stone- I resonate very strongly with what SEAN STONE says in it! https://youtu.be/P7LGGkay_xg
Searching today on the net for any updates from you. Viola ! It’s always nice to get a little hit from Sherry, just for confirmation. I had been saying to my close friends for years, If everyone in the world just united and stopped going to work , buying , consuming and quit being slaves to the “ bankers” everything would change. Little did I know that was part of the plan. Or did I? Exciting times ahead !
You are so right!! Very exciting, but turbulent times lay ahead for this planet, but if we all can remember the reason we are going thru this, it will make it a whole lot easier! We are birthing a new world! Imagine that! Moving from duality to unity consciousness….me thinks we cannot even imagine how wonderful it will be. The journey will be interesting, exciting, scary, perplexing, challenging and rewarding! Stay centered in your heart! That’s the key, right! love, Sherry
You are the spark in the dark! That’s what my guides told me.
Hey! I like that! It rhymes! LOL…. Thank you taking the time to post! lotsa love, Sherry
I love re-reading this post today. I know that any one of us can find the negatives that are happening right now around the world, but man! there are so many good things happening too! So many of us are being being forced to take time off from our normal busy schedules. We are picking up new daily routines like yoga, meditation, reading that book we’ve always wanted to read, spending time with family, playing music, creating art, being outside! the list goes on. This truly is a cleansing time for many. All of these changes are feeding our hearts and souls and in turn, our light is truly shining. We are lighting up this planet!
For those that have suffered the loss of a loved one or are suffering because of a loss of income at this time, please know I do not mean to downplay the significance of what you are experiencing. I only mean to highlight the good in this post and I continue to meditate for the healing of our planet.
Thank you, Sherry, for this post. Much love and light.
Wonderful to read this! Choosing to take a positive stance while all the negative drama is playing out around us is what it’s all about, now isn’t it? Keeping our frequency high when the dark ones are screaming…”No! You must stay in fear!” Is there a better way to defeat and rid the planet of these evil beings than to laugh in their faces and ignore their rants. Not that you should not take care- take precautions- of course we must be mindful. But what good is it to wring our hands and cower in fear. These are the days when the lightworkers can really make a difference! So let your light shine brightly and stay positive. There is so much good happening right now- add your energy to that- not the fear! Thank you for writing Shauna! love, sherry
Hi Sherry! Just finished reading your book. Have had several experiences throughout my life and a few simular to some of yours, but nothing as emotional. I do have one very upsetting memory coming out of sleep while slamming into my bed in 1995. It was while I was grieving the loss of my big sister.
I was on a spaceship with 3 beings, one tall, 2 short. Never saw faces or anthing but to me space suits, like white jump suits. On the upper left chest and on a belt was the symbol of a circle with a triangel in it. I recall walking around the ship seeing living quarter like we see on Star Trek. I noticed personal items laying on a black lacquer built in dresser. Then I was shown a computer screen, oval screen like none I had ever seen ang on the screen was NY City. I know it well and commented I knew where that was. Not until 911 did I remember what I had been shown. Watching it on TV jolted my memory and I knew I had already been witness to it, but not allowed to remember.
The last thing I remembered was leaving the ship looking back to see the doors closing together, one from the top, one from the bottom and the three beings standing there, but no faces as the doors had closed to cover the view, but the symbol 9n the upper left chest and belt was very vivid.
Next thing I was I dropped face down back into my bed as if from the air while screaming to the top of my lungs, “please don’t leave me, please don’t leave me here, please don’t leave me here again!”
My late husband thought I was yelling at him and tried to comfort me. I yelled at him, “not you, them!”
I think that was so emotional for me that IF I’ve had any other experiences they have ramped up the memory loss on me….lol
Just as we are not alone in this vast universe, neither are you. I suspect more of us have had experiences, but they just don’t remember or think it was a dream, or that they must be crazy. Not at all, we are Souls from all across the vast galaxies and not 9ne of us is from earth. We’re all visitors here experiencing being human.
Blessings to you and thank you for sharing your life experiences with humanity. Hopefully more will wake up to who they really are!! Soon, so we can move into the higher frequencies, body and mind until we realize we don’t need them. 😁
Wow Louise! That is a helluva story! I really enjoyed reading that! I get some amazing emails and messages of people sharing what they have been through and it is just unbelievable! So many of us remembering- you are right! Soon it will all come to the surface! Right now, as I write this, the world is pretty much in lock down- hopefully because the mass arrests are under way. I don’t have proof or verification of that- I keep asking what is going on, but my heart says this is it!! And finally we will see the Light spread across this planet as the evil is removed once and for all. What a celebration that will bring! Sorry I am late responding to this- been unwell for some time. Thank you for taking the time to post here! love, sherry
Hey Sherry!
Thank you for this update! 😀 I’m so happy to hear that you’ve gone through this clearing and are feeling lighter and more connected – out of the negativity that had been hounding you at your heels (and your heals, lol)! I’m hoping this has made a positive impact on your health, as well.
I’ve started mapping out what I’m seeing as 4 primary stages of the shift the planet and her people are on – and I’m referencing some of the content that you’ve shared as part of this material that I will be sharing with others. It’s time to get out of the “cosmic closet” and stand in the Truth of What Is so more people can make this shift with greater ease and more awareness. Many Light Workers (ET souls, Light Beings, etc) are relaying the same information with just slightly different slants and points of view. Case in point, I feel I should tell you about Allison Coe and invite you to check out her channel on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4AInk8UeJIcadDboZyiajA/videos She is a practitioner of Delores Cannon’s Quantum Hypnosis Healing Technique- and the data she’s collected from her clients inspires and heals the soul as to the journey that is ahead of us. This might be a good one to start with- I’ve marked the video to start where she starts presenting the 6 trends she has witnessed and documented about our current Ascension process: https://youtu.be/CPYjrErASb8?t=208
Again, I’m just so happy to hear you are in a better place. I know this incarnation was so much more than your soul bargained for… but honestly, you are a pure inspiration and deserve all the love, happiness and joy that comes at the end of making such an intense journey. Let the party begin now – and others will join you as they can! 😀
Much Respect,
Thank you Kat, for taking the time to write and share. I am aware of Allison Coe’s work and watch her reports from time to time. I will check out the ones you posted. I hope you will share your work when you feel ready- I’d love to see it.
Thanks again for posting! I really appreciate your message! ~Sherry
Hi Sherry,
I’m 25 year old Australian living in France. I heard your story a year ago and have been fascinated. I was wondering what you have to say about the recent UFO disclosures in the New York Times and Washington Post from the Navy and the Pentagon in the US.
This is something quite massive and there are those who say that the ET disclosure process is underway. Has your guys said anything about this ?
I’d been having vivid dreams about seeing soundless UFOs fly by and one where I heard this loud Crack in the air that woke me right up. Also, it doesn’t happen often, but sometimes I have lucid dreams that always start by head vibrations and ringing sounds. would you think that these dreams something to do with ET visitations? I’m really interested in this side of my life but I’ve been having trouble knowing what I should be doing, I’m a pianist and composer and I’ve been blocked lately, I can’t seem to figure out how to get my self out of repeating cycles and have been doubting myself on whether or not I should be doing this at all. I’d really appreciate it if you had any suggestions or thoughts.
Hi Tristan, thank you for the email! My thoughts on the “disclosure” stuff that is coming out are probably not what you might expect. While I think it is positive that people are talking about this subject, I am a bit jaded when it comes to the old control system being the ones driving the narrative. The NY Times and Washington Post are both highly aligned with the Deep State, so I’m more than a little suspicious about what they have up their sleeve. Same thing is true about the new program on the History channel. I see them doing the same thing they’ve always done…treating people like idiots and insulting us with half truths and small slivers of information. They don’t give people credit for being smarter than that. Our government needs to come clean with us. We deserve to not only know the entire truth, but to also have access to the technology they have kept hidden from us in order to keep us enslaved in their system of dominance. As for your dreams, it sure sounds a lot like visitations to me. Now maybe you’ve had them in the past and this is your way of remembering. Not sure why it would interfere with your ability to compose and create your music- that doesn’t make sense to me. Unless it is just such a distraction you can no longer let your creative side flow. This might be a case where regression might help to move you past the block. Good luck to you in whatever you decide. love, Sherry
Thank you so much for taking the time to write back to me. I appreciate your thoughts on these issues I’ve wondered a lot about. I too am a bit unsure about these disclosures and above all, the new documentary on the history channel. I was hoping though that maybe some good people in the government have finally won and now we are seeing a change towards truth. I guess we’ll see.
I look forward to seeing you on the UFO hub conference this August, watching from France.
Thanks so much again.
My best wishes,
Hi Sherry, how are you doing? I would like to share an experience I had with the andromeda beings. My name is Debora, I am 28 years old, I’m from Brazil and I identify myself as one of the 2nd wave of volunteers according to Dolores cannon’s material. Well, I saw a triangular spaceship in the sky in october 2015 while playing with my cat in the backyard at night. Also, in march 2017 I had an experience where I woke up around 8 a.m. and I saw in my minds eye a tall white zeta type of being…big and deep dark eyes… feminine energy…she was smiling at me very subtle smile though…and then I saw (with my physical eyes still closed) 5 zetas…short ones…like 7 year old kids I guess and they were wearing blue uniforms…and black boots…they also kind of smiled at me and one of them (the one in the middle) said telephatically: ANDROMEDA.
When I was 19 years old I was going to the store…walking because its near my house and I bought some stuff and when I got back home…my mom said: where have you been? An hour and a half at the store only to buy a beer and some chips? Then I said: what? – when I looked at the clock I realized she was right…but…for me it was just 10 minutes.
What do you think about these experiences? Am I going crazy or what?
Oh, and a couple of months ago I woke up totally paralized…only could move my eyes when I saw a being this little grey next to my bed holding some sort of device and I felt a laser on my skin…it didn’t hurt…then he left and I could move my body again.
I’ve been noticing that there are some nights where I wake up feeling as I was in a different body ( taller one).
When I was 16 years old I was crossing the street and a car amost hit me…I remember that someone spoke to me inside my head saying: “jump now!”
So I did… and the time just froze…the car was moving in slow motion and I was paralised…than I only remember I fell on the floor but I was perfectly fine.
I was wondering if your guides can tune into my energy and tell me what’s that all about.
Hi Debora, Clearly you are having contact. Some of it is with you in your physical 3rd dimensional body/life and some is on another level/dimension. You are, as we all are, a multi-dimensional being and you are sometimes remembering (or tuning into) that other dimensional being that is living life on another plane. This will happen more & more for those awakening souls on planet earth as we move into the higher dimension toward unity consciousness. The old program of 3-D is breaking down and we are coming into the truth of who we are…leaving behind the illusion, or dream world we were born into and were taught was real. It is not. We are returning to ourselves. Don’t fear what is happening to you- if you can leave fear out of it, you will have more clarity about what is going on with you. love, Sherry
Hi Sherry , thank you ❤️ I’ve had your book for 3 years , helps me understand all my experiences l read your book over and over 🙏 I can’t wait for the Netfilx series sending so much love to you from lreland 💚
Hi Teri, thank you for taking the time to write. I’m so glad the book helped you! The series is moving ahead- not sure if it will come out on Netflix or some other venue, but I will announce it here on my site and probably Twitter- although I am new to that and have not even posted anything yet! (-: But we will work to get the word out!
Blessings & love to you~ Sherry
Hi Sherry,
I have read your book and I loved it.I have a question .How were you able to take your awareness out of your body? Is there any meditation technique for doing it ? If yes,please let me know.
Hi Sagar, thank you for your comment. I’ve been thinking on & off about your question for a few days- which is why it took me a bit to respond. And I honestly can’t put into words how it works…it feels very natural when it happens. But I know I never meditated or did anything different- it just seemed to happen. It’s like a projector- you think about it and it happens…maybe a better way to say it is, you “intend” for it to happen and somehow it does. One thing is for sure, it feels very natural and easy. There is not a feeling of “Oh my gosh, I did it!” Sorry, this is a disappointing response, I know, but I can’t express it any other way. Blessings~ Sherry
I really appreciate your help ,Thank you Sherry!! There was some information i needed.As far as i have understood, we need to be in a meditative state/a neutral state and then we have to “intend”.Otherwise if we are thinking whole lot of stuff and we want to come out of body then ,anyone in the world can do it..our mind must be in a calm state. Am i right ? One more thing ,(^_^ i am curious ), who told you or taught you about it ? love and light sherry!!!
Hi Sagar. Well, I guess I don’t recall anyone telling me or teaching me…I think I just “remembered” It seems we all have the ability to tap into that awareness when we are in a higher frequency. lotsa love, Sherry
Hi Sherry,
I have only recently heard your story, although I’d consider myself a light and truth seeker.
I’m in my early 20s and I struggle to find people who believe these things. I just think to myself, why would anyone want to lie about it?
I’ve never experienced ETs, probably because I’d be too scared and aren’t emotionally able to do so right now.. But I’ve experienced such suffering of the ego that I’ve been led to here.
I wondered, I have loved ones in my family who are difficult to help. They lack understanding and live in ignorance. They aren’t evil, they just act out of ignorance. I really struggle with feelings of frustration and anger because I don’t want them left behind. But also because at times I feel trapped with them because I am attached to them and experience comfort with them (when things are good) that I don’t feel anywhere else.
Do you have any advice on how to deal with this kind of thing?
Also, how can I find out what my frequency is? I want to heighten it. I listen to Adyashanti and he helps a lot. But I feel I need more advice.
Thanks for all the work you do ♡
Hello N~ Yours is a common concern and I totally understand it. We all have people we love and hold near and dear to us, but we also see they are not yet on the path to remembering who they are. And so they continue to struggle- which is so hard to witness. Believe me I have many that I have tried and tried to point in the direction that could lead to their awakening, but they just never do. I’ve finally quit trying unless I am asked by them for my opinion or assistance, but even then, I see they just circle around and around repeating the same patterns. They are caught in the matrix and still controlled by their ego. For me- or any of us to judge this is not fair- it is not our place. Instead, we are called upon to see the truth of who they are and REMEMBER for them until they wake up. In other words, we just love them without question. Our role- those of us waking up- is to simply live our truth and perhaps our loved ones will see this and it will trigger an awakening in them. But nonetheless, we let them live their own lives without our judgment. And judgment of any kind will only puts us back in ego. Trust is necessary as you go forward with your loved ones. Trust that all is in Divine order and trust in their higher self to know what is the perfect and exactly right experience for them to have. Not all will go into the higher frequencies at the same time. But all WILL make it….eventually. We all have our own path to take, so enjoy yours and know the best thing you can do for your family and friends is to raise your own frequency. I very strongly urge anyone wanting to raise their vibration to get your hands on a copy of A Course of Love- the Combined Volume first received by Mari Perron. Read with strong intent and pay attention to what it is saying. If you do so, by the time you finish it, you will be free of the ego and you will be well on your way to living life the way we were meant to. love & blessings to you~ Sherry
My deepest thanks to you Sherry Wilde, for all you do!! It is a great help!
Thank you Lotte. I appreciate that you took the time to write and I’m so happy you find it of value!
Hello Sherry! I’ve listened to your videos (not all of them) and like your ambition and skills. But: what do you think of grey aliens who fought allegedly? Like at the so-called Dulce incident? Are all of them our benefactors?
best wishes from Austria, Europe!
Hi Hannes. FYI, I corrected the link…LOL…the music one was interesting tho!! I accessed your link, but didn’t watch the video or read the accounting. Not sure if I will. It’s not that I am trying to blow you off or anything, but I have so much on my plate I must be selective with my time. I know there are low frequency ET’s- many that appear as Greys. It is my understanding that some of them originate from our own military. If I get time to look at this article I will do so and email you my opinion, but right now my heart is not called to delve into that. I’m not advocating that we hide from the truth of what has and is occurring on the planet- if you read my blog you know that is not me. I’m just selective about how much time I spend on that side of things. love, Sherry
Thank you for sharing this. I too have recently experienced a change in the world. Things feel more safe now, more stable, it just feels more open and fresh. I used to get scared at night and was prone to paranoia. Afraid of being targeted by the “dark one’s” But as of december of 2018 i felt like things were getting safer and that feeling has continued, especially in march of 2019 ithe feeling of safety and calmness became much more apparent. And i too have questioned “am i the only one experiencing this in my own reality? or is everyone around the world experiencing this as well?” I dont know what the answer to that is but i’ve wondered if the outside world on this planet really is becoming safer,and more freeing, and some are aware of it but some are not. But i dont know. So i find it interesting to read your post and see that you are experiencing similar things as me. I wanted to comment on what you said about the dark one’s taking on their roles for the love of humanity….. I am in contact with some very good aliens.(the tall white one’s) and they tole me that “it takes an unbelievable amount of courage to play as a “dark one” in this world. They explained that i should be grateful from the bottom of my heart towards the dark one’s for playing the dark role so that i may experience who and what i really am. Just as an example….they told me whenever i see a chemtrail to say thank you. And they told me when your heart holds gratitude and appreciation the vibration of your vessel instantly changes to a higher frequency, rising you above the problems of the world such as chemtrails. Not saying your not going to be affected by the chemtrails but ive just wondered if you wont be affected as bad. My ET friends told me whats worse then the poison in chemtrails is FEAR of the poison of chemtrails. The fear does much more harm to the vessel. They encouraged me to send love and light to my lost dark brothers and sisters and explained that some of the dark one’s on this planet are sick and tired of the dark reality in which they dwell and are crying out for change but dont know how to escape being a dark one. They just know that how they function is no longer sustaining because of the deep feeling of disconnection and they desire for something else more sustainable more connected. I have seen your video on chemtrails and i was very surprised to hear that what you were saying matched very closley what my guides have told me about chemtrails. Thanks again for this message i always enjoy reading your updates.
Great post Mishael! It’s so validating to hear from others who are receiving similar messages. What strikes me is that if we all were able to feel love and gratitude for the chemtrails and the ones playing in the dark role, the frequency of this world would go too high for the chemtrails or the dark ones to be sustainable. It’s such a shame people, in general, don’t know that. We get caught up in the illusion and believe the game is real- and I am guilty of doing the same from time to time, although less and less as we move forward. I LOVE the tall white ET’s and wish they would stop by again! Next time you see your guys send them over for a quick visit! (-:
Thank you for writing this book. It has tremendous value. It helped me a lot.
Looking forward to more from you.
Much love and gratitude.
I appreciate the comment Lynn! It warms my heart to know that little book was of such benefit to so many.
Blessings~ Sherry
So grateful for you ♥️ Sending you so much love and light , divine being
Awe- thank you Manuela….I can always use more love and light!! (-:
Reflecting it back at ya! 💚 ~Sherry
You did it again Sherry, I was feeling as if whatever I did was the wrong thing to do and whatever I was touching, working with fell apart. Then your message was up here and as I read this, I was back on a loving path. I see your resilience within this blog and it helped me put my world into focus today. ET still leave their calling cards around me, like leaving me fully dressed on my sofa at 1.30 in the morning, or I am on top of my duvet and the other thing is that my bed sheets and duvet are folded back in a neet half envelope way. Thanks to them I have been seeing that my world has changed for the better. Even though I am human and some days I seem to destroy everything I touch. Sadly it is not a Midas touch 😉 Mary Rodwell has sent me three people to contact here in the UK. I need to know so much what happened to me as a child and why was my life had been usurped by negative beings, and that includes human beings too. I know this as last year I had a negative being(s) which was attached to me, was taken away. This is why I have to know the truth. Last year I awoke on top of my Duvet, and I cried. The emotions were just too overwhelming in a beautiful way. Thank you, Sherry, from all of us, you have sent out a message that will put light into many dark places. I see that more clearly now. Did I send you this ET image I took a few years ago? https://flic.kr/p/RbkKSC I look at this most days. And every time I see something different. The only thing it doesn’t show is its occupant(s). Which is strange as where you would think that being should be when looked at for a minute you will see an image of a deer! Thank you to Da and thank you Sherry. Love sent in postal packages everywhere around the world and it doesn’t cost a penny. love is FREE and when it is sent without conditions it is accepted also without conditions. And one is packaged to you Sherry for all that you have gone through.
Terrific to hear from you Tony! Since I’ve gone off FB, I have lost contact with many- including you! So glad to hear my message resonated with you. It can really get tough at times, can’t it? But knowing we are not alone in this effort means everything! I appreciate you and all you are doing during these critical days on planet earth. I did see that image before- very interesting. I get sent a lot of pics- never know quite what to make of them! The few I’ve taken of a ship never look like what I was seeing with my eyes!
lotsa love to you~ Sherry
Great synchronicity, Sherry! You’ve answered the question that I was going to ask you. There’s so much darkness coming to light that I see myself oscillating between a higher perspective – one that you have so beautifully presented in this post – to a 3D perspective, where I find myself taken by sadness and horror, and feel like I need to “do something” to help the victims. It’s very reassuring to be reminded of a higher perspective: whether I take action or not, I’ll better serve if I’m in a higher vibrational state of mind.
Much love and appreciation!
Beautiful comment Ana! It is such an emotional roller coaster ride, isn’t it? And there is this overwhelming feeling of anticipation…I suppose we have been focused on the “Event” for so long it is hard not be in a state of eagerness for any sign that things are shifting. Now, we see daily the changes- it is happening and it’s coming clear that everything that brought us to this point was in divine order. So we should continue to move forward with trust. love you~ Sherry
I love you Sherry, everything you write touches my heart. Thank you.
How sweet you are! Thank you. I love you too! ❤️
I can relate to all you have written here, Friend. You have been on my mind very much lately. Will have to connect soon. Love you.💜🎆🎇🌟
Sweet Candice! How are you!!? So good to hear from you! I hope to be in Eureka Springs this August for the UFO Hub Conference. Any chance you will be around? Let’s try to talk soon! 💚💚💚
Love all that you are and all that you have done for the awakening community.
you have made profound impressions on me with your messages.
hope that your health is improved.
and that you will still make appearances in the near future.
Hi Darcy, Thank you for leaving the sweet message! My health is better than it’s been in quite awhile & I am grateful for that! I have committed to speaking at a conference this August in Eureka Springs. I will post the info on this site when we get closer. I’ve been trying to get myself out there, but I always end up having to cancel- which is a really rotten thing to do to the organizers, but my body just hasn’t up to it. I am trusting that I will continue to gain ground and will be able to make this one happen!!
Interesting timing….Good Timing (astrology by Madeline Gerwick) was talking about a “Moment of Clarity” that occured yesterday evening from about 5pm-midnight (CDT) I was at your talk a few years ago in Belleville-UFO Days…beautiful fall day, will never forget.
Yes, I saw that there were a lot of big things happening astrologically. I see the movement of the planets into and through the different zodiac signs as the physical manifestation of what we are experiencing energetically. It all fits together. Thanks for posting Lindy!
Will you be speaking at any conferences or making any appearances anywhere this year? I am almost finished reading your book, and would love to attend.
I went to Arizona this past fall. Don’t know what’s in the air there, but I’m different and haven’t been the same since…
Thanks for sharing your story, Sherry.
The conference I mentioned in a post above is being held in Arkansas, but is really more of an internet conference that you can subscribe to or, I would think, watch later. It will be put on by UFO Hub. I’ll keep you posted on it! I really am trusting I will have the energy to do it!! He’s having a couple other speakers that will be of interest. And I think there will be a Q & A…my favorite part of the lecture series!
Yes- Arizona gets under your skin, right? I keep getting drawn back to the Tucson area….hope to perhaps make it my permanent home…we shall see.
I totally felt the shift today. Amazing alignment of energies. Happiness. Good to hear from you!
Gary!! I was standing in my closet not two days ago thinking about you! I guess that sounds funny now that I read what I just wrote- but I was getting ready to go somewhere and you came into my thoughts. I stopped what I was doing and just let the love flow thru! Are you writing a second book?
Thank you for this, Sherry…..it’s so good to hear from you!
P.S. Is there any news about your movie?
YES!! First of all, a documentary was filmed last summer and I understand is being edited and will be pitched to Netflix for a series. I was told it will- at the very least- show up on Amazon. But the feature film is being put together now. I think I will hold back on a bit of the info, but it is very exciting due to the talented woman who are doing the screenplay and directing. I should have something to release publicly soon. The film will most likely be out in late 2020 or spring 2021? Depending on everyone’s schedule. The producers are coming here again to stay with me- we have a GRAND time together…pure magic as we bring into reality what Da always told me would happen…much to my amazement!
Oh, that’s awesome! I can’t wait! ❤️
Me either!
Sherry, I think I felt this too. My head has been zinging all week, and on the whole I’ve never been happier. On that note, related to your movie, I think I have something for you. Please check your email. 😉
Hi Willem. Yes, the energies are just off the chart!! They can create all kinds of feelings in your body and emotional field! I have been blissed out on several occasions, but then will suddenly feel high anxiety! It’s a heck of a ride- just need to keep grounding ourselves! I found your email- will read later and respond! lotsa love, Sherry
I am so excited for this !!!
Beautifully written Sherry ❤️. Yes we all have our roles to play during this special time in Earths transformation. And our Star Families love us for what we do down here. I am honoured to be a part of it.
Hey Kevin! Always nice to connect with you! Exciting times for all on planet Earth! Feeling really big energetic waves coming in!
Beautiful! Glad to see your shiny being again ! Hope you are well.
luv Janice
we are pals on fb, and you still owe me a big hug!!!!
Hi Janice- Sorry that I have abandoned my FB account! Went on today for 30 seconds to post this. It’s not just that I don’t have time for it- it no longer feels okay for me to be on there….I love connecting with the people, but all the spying does not sit well with me. We will have that hug some day- I’m certain of it!
Thank you so much Sherry !!! Very Happy to hear from you and to know your doing well love you !!
Thank you George! I am doing much better! Lot’s of good stuff happening! Love to you!
Sherry, I wrote a poem this morning without knowing why .. I posted it to FB, and a friend immediately commented with a link to this post of yours. Now I know why I wrote the poem, so I could be led to your words. I resonate HIGHLY with all that you’ve said here. Blessings on your day, on your Life, on our experiences here. In Lak’Ech, Ignatius
Oh! Awesome! I would love to see your poem! I don’t spend any time of FB, but I will go on to search for it!
So many are feeling in sync with this beautiful knowing that we have “launched”….my word for us really, positively moving ahead
with the ascension process in a big way! Yahoo!!
I felt the same “washed clean” feeling last night and wondered if I was the only one feeling this. So grateful for your post! Something has definitely shifted.
Confirming! At my ACIM group last night a few people also had gotten the message that everything had changed. You could just feel it when
you woke up in the morning. Awesome!!
I saw a post on One of facebook groups she posted that she kept hearing “we are at the tipping point! Loved this!”
It’s big. My crown chakra is buzzing so much I have to massage my head! My heart chakra was experiencing a lot of issues- I actually went in
for an EKG- they found nothing wrong. Thought I had a heart attack last night- woke up feeling like my chest was splitting open. Don’t know
what’s up with all that except I’m in this blissed out state of unconditional love.
Hi Sherry,
I remember having heart centered vibrations many times in my life since my late 20″ to present day but when I had a heart centered on for the first time it scared me and times when I felt I was tilting to the left not feeling I was sitting up straight and had to ask my husband if I was sitting straight or not!
Happy to say I take it in stride for the most part now. I do have heart challenges as the DR. said I had much stress in my life to have the condition I have. By the way my vibrations are total body ones now.
Upon reflection my thought was gee I must have been out of cinque quite a bit to need so much adjustment!!
Thank you for sharing Barbara