I facilitate A Course in Miracles group that meets every week. We come together to help each other remember the truth of who we are. For 90 minutes we escape from the illusion of separation and join together in One Mind. It is the highlight of my week. Those who are drawn to be a part of this gathering are like-minded, loving people whose lights shine brightly. One brilliant sparkle that we are blessed to have join with us is a young woman by the name of Talitha. Five years ago she wrote this paper for a class and after she shared it with us, I knew I had to share it with the world. Please enjoy.
A Prayer to Wake the Dreamer
I will speak to you now
in the voice that nature has taught me to use.
My words may not be many
but what I have I will share.
I am not afraid to look you in the eye and tell these secrets
while smiling.
For somewhere in you, the treasure is already found.
Beneath these words, and faces, and ages
I know you and I join the sky, earth, and animal forms
surrounding us
with this song
a ceaseless chant
a constant lullaby
one not for sleep but waking.
“Remember, please Re-Member”,
this time we are inside of
is a gift of witnessed completion,
our mission
to be the climax,
the fusion,
the finale in a most complex production.
From fear to love we move together,
and quickly now,
shedding bad advice and enforced pessimism
to reveal the luster beneath,
the pulsation of light we have carried so far.
To openly share our fierce and tender truths: this is our modern test.
We live in a challenging time.
It is undeniable now.
And as friction to the fire is a necessary start,
so are these days of
required emergency.
We are learning that
to simply object to the various shades of oppression is secondary.
To live from the center of peace in every moment is Real, the point.
This is our practice, our challenge:
to shift our focus from what we don’t desire to what we know we all
Starting when we look in the mirror,
let the voice that greets us be patient, nurturing, honest and gentle.
Then, when we encounter another, may we see beneath our beautiful differences
to acknowledge the same struggle and laughter and infinite grace.
Let’s look deeply into each other;
meeting the gaze of friends, parents, the clerk at the store, the multiple
unknown perfectly placed in our paths each day, and even those who appear
to cause us harm.
Go deeper. Recognize the same source radiates at the core of those who
seem most polarized from our known ways of being.
And with the animals, wood, water, cloud and stone, let our interactions be
open and reverent, humble and awed.
The universe is playful and invites us through every form to begin again.
With all this said
I will admit
I know less and less from each hours passing,
yet something beyond knowledge surfaces;
a new trust that all of history’s reasons empty
themselves at our feet
asking to be crushed and collected, cured and explained
To form the finest vintage of clarity and compassion.
All that has come before leads here.
I feel this
and bow in gratitude for the struggles and suffering
of so many beings
who have experienced and offered their lives
so we may finally see.
We are many in name,
separate in body,
unique to our stories,
yet something mysterious stirs us strongly to connect and
everywhere I look
is the gaze of strangers
tired of feeling estranged.
Each of us seem to be waiting for permission to
drop our masks of forced certainty.
your purpose of birth,
the ticket you accepted with devotion to assist
in this magnificent graduation.
We, the eternal children
in clumsy adult costumes
are invited to play again,
dream this world anew
and we can,
we will,
we must.
Here’s a game:
allow yourself a deservedly indulgent moment,
let the landscape of society fade
Where you are
What you know
Who you’ve been
What is possible
Wipe clean the slate
Allow your highest ideal to show itself,
invite in the world as it could be
without struggle
without pain
full of beauty
and expanding connection.
Dive deep into this creation.
Fill it with the images of your heart and
rest inside this spaciousness
for just a few seconds more.
Feel what it is to live here,
try it on with your senses.
See the colors,
hear the sounds,
feel each cell of being and body
embracing this momentary world.
And remember
The place is real, this place is true.
It is just as real as any other possibility or experience we have already had.
Remember the flavor and acquire a taste for this opening.
What we come to
fast or slow
is this:
a recollection of how to fully embrace who we are
with our vulnerable and rowdy passions
and a need to share all we have.
For there is really only one of us here.
And accepting this can end all confusion.
This wisdom is our birthright.
I believe your innocence is more powerful that any weapon or oppressive force.
So please
do not be afraid to dream again.
It is the only place to begin the successful revolution.
For if we cannot imagine it how will it ever be created?
We need your truth now
and you are ready to offer it.
I honor and thank you for coming
To play in the dreamer’s garden.
~Talitha Holvenstot
Thank you ever so much for sharing. I’m touched by your kindness. Much love and light, Ed
I wondered if you might share your prayer of surrender so we might borrow it?
Much love & thanks
Hi Ed. I’m sure you know that your prayer of surrender can be whatever you feel inspired to say, so long as it comes from deep within your heart. This is what I wrote up for my group- it is a general overview of what I say each day, but always there is deviation depending on what is in my heart that day.
I AM my I AM presence and I AM one with the I AM presence of my Father/Mother God.
I AM one with the I AM presence of all life.
I AM that I AM
I AM that I AM
I AM that I AM
I affirm that I AM one with my Creator-there is no separation. I affirm that my will is one with my Father/Mother God’s. And so I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me this day, as you do all days. Show me clearly where you would have me go & what you would have me do…. make my way clear. Chose for me in all decisions. Give me the words you would have me speak, as well as the words you would have me hear. Help me to raise my vibration as high as it can possibly go. Assist me in opening my pineal gland that I may go beyond the illusion and see the real world. I have a function to fulfill, given to me by my Father- it is to be the light of the world. Help me to be a radiant example of God’s love.
With every breath I take this day, may I bring more light & love onto the planet. I breath in God’s light and it enters every cell of my body clearing away all effects of fear and restoring my body to vibrant health. It enfolds me and raises me out of the illusion. As I breath out this light it surrounds the planet and enters into the hearts of every man, woman & child, thereby triggering an awareness and a remembering that they are not alone; that they are loved and one with all life.
Thank you so much for sharing this. So appropriate for now. I felt every word in my heart.?
With love,
This is in columns. Is it supposed to be read one line per column at a time? Sounds wonderful so far.
I copied it word for word, as was written by the author…it is like a sonnet…..or prose…..beautiful, isn’t it?
Beautiful !
I found this in an unusual circumstance and use it for strength and prayer not only for my Virtuous Body, Mind, Heart, Soul, and Spirit I was born with, but for all others in kind. My quest is shaken, but yet I stand, for I know God is at hand.
by William Ernest Henley
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.