Sherry Wilde was living an idyllic life as a wife, mother and business owner until 1987 when her community experienced a UFO flap that was considered one of the most active in the world.
No one could have ever guessed the unbelievable turn of events that would occur over the next 18-24 months as Sherry was forced to accept her involvement in a phenomenon that was totally unknown to her.
Faced with the indisputable evidence that she was experiencing contact with extra-terrestrial beings was astonishing to this pragmatic and levelheaded woman of 37, but to learn her contact had been ongoing for her entire life almost pushed her over the edge.
Sherry spent the next several years of her life trying to exonerate the experiences from her mind and did her best to return to a normal life, but when heavy contact started again in late 2009, after several years of relative peace, she could no longer ignore it.
Inexplicably she found herself writing a book about the encounters as her memory opened up to the past events and the teachings these beings had imparted to her. Overcoming her fear and learning the truth of her involvement with these ultra-dimensional beings became her life goal.
She now accepts the truth of these encounters and has cooperative contact on a regular basis with the beings she affectionately refers to as “her guys.”
Where are you Sherry. You have disappeared.
Hi Dennis. Yes, I have had to retreat. My body is so weak from the attacks on it that I have had no choice. Apparently, I do not have permission to leave so I focus on being in the moment and doing my best to find purpose and meaning in my experience. It is so very kind of you to think of me and to inquire. Along with the physical attacks on me they have also…as they said….”isolated” me. That is probably harder to bear than the effects of the poisons and EMF’s. With love, Sherry
And your film, video or series “Becoming Galactic” whats the status? Thats what I ve been waiting for.
It has been very difficult to get anything done on this project. We would feel the momentum build and then it would crash. After this happened so many times, we came to believe there were dark forces working against us. Which is reasonable given how viciously they attacked me. But things are changing. The cesspool that has been Hollywood is being cleared of the Luciferin elements. Those dark ones who permeated the entertainment business are being removed. There are many talented people left who want only to do the creative work they love so much. We have new interest in the project just this past week. I believe it could happen and the amazing person who is working so hard to bring it to light is a force to be reckoned with! If anyone can make it happen, it will be her! Thanks for asking!
Looks like your predictions about mr T and about the democratic party and rinos going down are becoming reality
Hi Dennis- I got a lot of hate when I “came out” for Trump back in 2015 or 2016. If you recall, I was not a supporter of him at first. When my guys told me I needed to speak up I questioned the whole thing. I was here for the awakening- I reminded them of that, and they set me straight on just how the enslavement of this planet worked- starting with our government. Believe me, I had little interest in politics and the idea of me endorsing a candidate was not something I was eager to do. Especially Trump. I’d been told that someone was coming to help dismantle the whole system and when I saw our choices, I was furious. I accused them of lying to me. I could easily see how corrupt and EVIL Hillary was, but Trump was an egomaniac, womanizer and so rich as to be unrelatable to the common man/woman. One night after teaching my ACIM class- must have been late 2015 as the debates were on tv. Jim & I had stopped for a bite to eat. The tv’s were all on in the bar, so you couldn’t avoid looking at their faces. My guys came through and said something about me not liking Trump. After I confirmed that, they asked me to read his energy. When I did it was shocking. I looked away and refused to believe what I’d gotten. I centered myself- took a deep breath and did it again. The read was very clear…”this man LOVES this country and LOVES, ADMIRES AND RESPECTS the working people of this country. This man would lay down his life for this country.” I shook my head and said that couldn’t be true. I was really upset. My guys simply said that I’d been brainwashed by the media. They had started a campaign long ago to discredit him and influence people’s opinion of him. They told me not to read about him- listen for yourself to the things he says. Not what MSM fed us. It’s very likely that my support of Trump is the reason my movie never got made. Hollywood, as we are now seeing is…was a snake pit of Luciferian evil people. lotsa love to you~ Sherry
after you exit and after i exit i want to meet your soul. can you arrange that? you are extraordinary and aligned with source. i want to be there too. sounds silly but i want contact in the future. i sure wish i could talk to your “”guys”” even in dreams.
I read your response a few days ago and I’ve been sitting with it…I guess I was hoping I’d get a flash of insight, or my guys would weigh in on your request, but I got nothing. I don’t want to give you an easy answer, like sure- no problem, let’s do it. Because I really don’t know if something like this can be set up on this side of the veil. Seems like we should be able to! This last year I lost someone who was very dear to me. He was afraid of dying- although he’d never admit to it. He honestly thought it was over when you died. It terrified him. He’d lived a large life…that is, he lived fully. Lots of laughter and impulse decisions making life with him an adventure. He loved large- that was infectious. So, before he died, we talked about it. I did my best to reassure him. I told him how great it would be to be enveloped in Love. I asked him to come back and let me know he was okay- just give me some sort of sign if he was able to. Sure enough. Exactly 3 weeks after his death I felt him push in on my upper arm…a steady pressure- undeniable. He did it three times. I was so surprised he was able to do that. But most amazing was his presence. I felt him enfold me in his energy and pure love. I can’t put into words what I felt…it’s one of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced. So, we have that. Maybe it is possible to make a deal here and fulfill it once we are both on the other side. The thing is, I know that not all souls go to the same “place”, but perhaps if we’ve set that intention, we can make it happen! I’m in. Looking forward to meeting you there!
lotsa love, Sherry
Hey Sherry – I just got done listening to your interview with Dolores Cannon on 1/14/2014. Very informative it was. After reading your comments from June 2022 have you overcome your health issues? Did you do your tv series? Thank you, Jeff Baker
Hello Sherry – Since reading your book, I’ve been following your journey and it’s so good to see you back. I am lost for words in thanking you for everything you’ve done, and continue to do, for Gaia and humanity.
I appreciate you taking the time to write. It always lifts my spirits to read comments like this!
much love~ Sherry
Hi Sherry! I recently finished your book and want to thank you for sharing your experiences. I intended to buy and read your book at least a few years ago but did not purchase it until early this year. I believe that I read it exactly when I was meant to. It was relatable and insightful, and will have a lasting impact on my journey. You are so appreciated. I look forward to any future events that you may take part in. Sending warmth and love as you deal with current health concerns.
Thank you for posting Steph! Glad you found the book- all in divine order!
much love, s
Hello. I have purchased your book. I have a question. Who are the beings who want to keep souls on the earth?
Hi Jo. The Orion Greys and some Reptilians’ have a vested interest in keeping the Humans in bondage. Their time is over. We are liberating this planet and as she moves into the 5th Dimension many Awakened Souls will join her. Amazing times!!!
Hi Sherry,
I just saw your videos from ufo conference at ozark mountain in 2015 and 2016! What a fabulous presentation and just incredible insight. Makes me think differently about our divine energy and relationship with God.
Just about to read about your book as well!
I wanted to ask if you are doing any other speaking events anytime soon. A couple friends and I would love to attend if you are.
My best,
Thank you Anna. Right now I am dealing with health issues but hope to return to the lecture circuit at some point. Also watch this space for announcement of a tv series
based on my life….hope to start giving updates on that within the next month or two. much love, s
Thanks so much Sherry, I hope you feel better. Would love to watch the tv series when it comes out!
My best,
Dear Sherry,
A million thanks for writing this book, I’m a Chinese version reader from Taiwan. A learner of ACIM and a reader also from Tina Louise Spalding…in her latest book she gave out several transmission article from the Grey alines who are here for helping human for a long time, it correspond to your life experiences a lot. It encouraged me so much about going on what my heart believes. God, wish I could give you a big hug! Thank YOU for much!
Dear Gloria~ I love that you read the Chinese translation of the book! A very sweet and kind man who originated from China had the book transcribed into his native language. He was a very special person! I could not help but notice your email address! “Dance til we die”! I LOVE that! I lived to dance when I was younger- it brought me great joy! Thank you sweet Gloria for taking the time to write- it means a whole lot to me! Big Hug back to you! ~Sherry
Hi Sherry,
You are a very brave person to share your on going life story with the public . I wish more people would be open and not fault others who are having these on going experiences. I’m very sorry that your daughters and your sister are acting the way they are. They are fearful and when fear takes over I’ve found this happens . Give them plenty of time , love will bring them back .
Hi Alice. Thank you for the kind email! You have walked the walk….as anyone who has, knows that the only thing you can do is offer love! I recognize that it is a cry for love when people act in such hostile and unreasonable ways. My heart breaks for them and I know that, in time, all will be fine. That’s not to say it has not been hard. FYI, I got your private email and made the necessary correction to you the email above. Thanks for taking the time to write! much love, Sherry
Many thanks, dear Sherry for sharing your story with the world! There is no way back for whom listened to your story. Once we open our eyes to truths it would be very hard to close it forever.
Thank you Mehdi! That is the hope…truth always resonates within our heart! much love to you! Sherry
I came across your videos on YouTube today. And I just want to commend you on the bravery it took for you to publish your books. I felt the emotions and it brought tears to my eyes when you touched on the part about your beautiful daughter’s. Since those videos were a few years ago, I genuinely hope that they have come around and have learned to accept and appreciate how truly special they’re mother is!!! In a world full of so much hate, you are trying to spread LOVE!! I’ve always heard that in the cosmos, there is the universal language of mathematics and numbers. But I think more importantly, the universal language is love and light!! You are a bright shining light of love!! And I wish you all the peace and happiness!!! I went on Amazon and bought the first book you published and I’m so excited to start reading it once my crazy 2 yr old goes to sleep.
I’m so sorry this response is coming late- I have been sick and didn’t see it. Such a beautiful message too! Sadly, my daughters have dug in and are so ashamed of me that they will not speak to me- it breaks my heart, but I cannot reach them and so I no longer try. I did get a message from Da after my sister also cut me out of her life. I’d noticed that a handful of friends were distancing themselves from me and I figured it was just the ebb and flow of life and relationships. But Da came in very, very clearly and told me that I was being isolated. I connected the dots and realize that my daughters had also been influenced by negative energies to stay away from me. I’d been told that by someone a few years ago- that it was Luciferian energy meant to cause me pain and suffering…part of the attack on me. Well, it worked, but it doesn’t help me to feel any better about it- as a matter of fact it makes it harder to know these people I love so much are being messed with. I hope when the frequency gets higher and the evil is removed from this planet- which is happening right now (-: things will be better. It has been the very worst part of all this. Receiving messages like yours help and so I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for posting this. I hope you enjoyed the book. And give that precious two year old a hug from me! lots and lots of love~Sherry
Hi Sherry 💖
Hope you don’t mind me interjecting, but after reading your comments I am being asked to share some information about a Great man who gets rid of/clears heavy dense negative energies from people and places. He is a Master Clearer, and I’m highly confident he can help with you and your daughters to be free from this entity and his neggo influence for good, from all your lives!
His name is Raymon Grace, and he is a master dowser.
He is super grounded, salt of the earth type man, very likeable.
You can contact (if you feel drawn to do so) and discuss your issues and solutions with him through his direct email here; raymon@raymongrace.us
This is his website, to get a feel of what he does and how he works.
Hope this info helps.
Blessings and Abundant Love, Rebekah 💖
I’m looking at his webpage now- very interesting! Thanks!! I remember my dad using dowsing to find water when we needed to drill a new well. I was so fascinated by that!
Definitely going to dig into this subject. Blessings~ Sherry
Fantastic! Sherry is a truly amazing person. She has given a lot of insight and much to think about. Its a lot to take in but how can you not believe her? I’ve read other books that corroborate her information from the greys. She says she isn’t a very good writer several times but I think she did a fantastic job of getting her message out there and telling her story. Very enjoyable read.
Dear Sherry,
I first came across one of your videos in 2016 and was immediately drawn to you and your message, and have been following you since. I also have had ET experiences, am long-time student of ACIM, and follower of Qanon. I am very grateful that you are speaking of truth, love, and oneness with Creator/Self. I have just begun to read A Course of Love, and find it soooo relevant for the current time, which is an amazing one, even with all the dark being exposed, and I suppose that is what makes it amazing! You give me inspiration to also speak up, and to speak out about the issues that concern us and our Gaia. To remember what I am, and accept what is already accomplished, and forgive, always forgive. Thank-you.
Much Love.
Thank you for the kind and inspiring message Joie. It is much appreciated! Keep your light shining bright! ~Sherry
All my life even as a little girl i was always homesick, but could not figure out where i wanted to go. I just recently watched one of your videos and now i understand why i always felt that way. As a teenager and adult i never felt that i fit in society. It wasn’t until my thirties that i stopped feeling like an outsider.
Oh…I hear you Lolly! So many of us have felt that way! But it’s all about to change!!
Thanks for taking the time to write!
lotsa love, Sherry
Hello Sherry! Thank you so very much for sharing your story! I found various interviews with you on YouTube! My reality has been thinning for about 18 mos but after hearing your story I feel like chunks of memories are coming back!! I think I’m beginning to remember things I never thought ever happened to me! I started watching Gaia a lot but then it became ufo stories, then compulsive ufology studying. Leaning towards the spiritual aspects of it mostly. After hearing your story though glimpses of childhood which never peaked any interest now are glaring clues that I dare think might be abductions/contacts!!?? I’m pretty alone in my life as far as support on this specific topic. It broke my heart to hear about your family rift. I truly pray it’s better! I’ve had a roller coaster life & at the end of the day you do realize that everyone has their own path. That brings comfort to me.
I just wanted to thank you profusely & to ask if you think hypnosis is a good idea or let it unravel on its own?? Blessings!!
Hi Maija~ Yours is not so uncommon of a story- I have heard from so many people who have shared similar results after reading The Forgotten Promise. Da said it would trigger a remembrance in those that were ready to awaken to the truth. As for undergoing hypnosis….I only recommend it if you have persistent memories that won’t let up. Too often the memories that are opened up will often lead to more questions. It can be an endless search. But every person is different. Your heart knows if delving into these memories is right for you or not. Ask yourself why you feel the need to know more. You might want to see how much is revealed to you over time, then make the decision if you need to do a regression. All the Best to You!! ~Sherry
Thank you Sherry for your honesty and bravery in telling your story to the world ! I bought your book in April 09 and had not opened it until yesterday. When I saw your note to me inside of the cover it made my Day and filled me with joy !! I then read the entire book !! Thanks again Sherry my life changed again yesterday !! Chris Kelly Burra South Australia
I appreciate the kind message Chris! I never tire of hearing from those who found the book to be of help! Every day I see the broken pieces of my life- the result of having “outed” myself by writing that book. A message like yours reminds me why I did it and makes it all worthwhile. love, Sherry
Hi Sherry, your bookThe Forgotten Promise is the most fascinating book I’ve ever read, I couldn’t put the book down. I had an experience once where I woke up in the middle of the night sleeping down stairs after watching tv in a sleep paralysis, I tried saying something but nothing could come out, but I saw a grey walking away then start to walk up the stairs all I could see was his left and back side. I don’t know it probably could have been just a dream. After reading your book I’ve been trying to contact Da, is that even possible. Thank you for writing your book.
Thank you for the very kind endorsement of The Forgotten Promise! Da always has said that those meant to benefit from the book will find it! Always validating
to hear from those that confirm those words. Ah yes, sleep paralysis…have had many of those episodes…not fun! As for contacting Da, I don’t know why you
couldn’t- I’ve heard from others who have claimed communication with him- no reason to doubt it. For sure you should be able to reach your cosmic family- they
are tuned into you already. lotsa love, Sherry
Hi Sherry. Thankyou for writing your book The Forgotten Promise. You are truely a remarkable, strong and courageous woman. Your story made sense to me and goes with what I I’ve always felt to be real. A knowing but not knowing where this knowledge came from. Next time you see Da tell him Martin says hi haha however I expect he already knows.
I wish you all the best on your continuing journey.
New Zealand.
Hey Martin~ Thank you for writing! So glad you enjoyed the book!
Love & Laughter~ Sherry
Hello Sherry.
I wrote you some time ago and recommended you read a book called ‘The Nine Freedoms.’
Just wondering if you did?
I did not, but I just took a look at it and will be downloading it onto my kindle tonight. I get a lot of books sent to me- tons of them, so always have a pile of reading, but very little time to actually sit and get into a book. But this one looks very intriguing- thank you for the reminder! I’ll try to remember to get back to you when I finish it. love, sherry
Hi Sherry, I’ve been wondering for a long time about the differences, similarities, and most of all, overlap between what we think of as angels and aliens. Yesterday I Googled the two terms and that brought me to a YouTube video of you telling your story. I recognized your name and parts of your story immediately but I wasn’t sure where from, and after viewing the video I was eager to read your book. As it turns out, I had already bought your book, and Kindle indicated I’d already read about 25% of it. I was surprised about that but also excited that there was so much more to read. I found quite a few highlights I’d made in the book, even some close to the very end. So it seems Kindle was wrong about my having read only 25% up to then. It’s possible I skipped the bulk of the interior of your book and skimmed instead because I found it too frightening to read. Maybe I wasn’t meant to read most of it until now. But yesterday and today I read every word starting at the 25% mark, right up to the end. In this Earth journey I’ve seen extremes of great light and great darkness, and you’ve helped me to realize it’s all part of the plan I agreed to before I came to the planet. And your observations at the end about Gaia and the volunteers corresponds perfectly with channeled messages I’m editing for a friend, and it was great to have those confirmations. Mostly I want to say how much I admire your ability to carry on with your life while enduring so many truly terrifying experiences. Your courage leaves me in awe, including the courage you had to summon to release the book. Rest assured, your book has been very valuable for me. I’ve soaked up every word and they will remain with me always. And I can’t imagine how much good the book has done for other abductees living in fear. Thank you Sherry!
See, it is messages like yours, John, that make it all worthwhile. Without these words of encouragement, understanding and support, I don’t know if I could hang in here. I’m not brave. I’ve said it many times- I didn’t have a choice…(-: I took a vow to fulfill this role and it’s nearly impossible to back out of the deal. Plus, I was wired to do this- naive, to say the least. I don’t always have a feel for what is…well, “normal”, as my sweetie will tell you. I don’t get the earth human very well- they confuse me and I confuse them, so I didn’t know how it was going to play out- which is a good thing. But the upside has far outweighed the downside…thanks to people like you. We are all in this together-each of us playing our part. Thank you so much for writing! Blessings~ Sherry
Hi Sherry,
It is encouraging to read and hear testimony from someone who has had the courage to dig up and face buried/blocked memories of ET contact, and then stand up on a stage and do interviews to tell others about it.
I’m not there yet, perhaps never will be, but your example is VERY much appreciated.
Thank you and bless you!
I always like to encourage people to talk about their contact to the extent they are comfortable doing so. The more of us talking, the less stigma there is attached to the subject. But don’t push it- you will know when you are ready! Very sweet of you to write Michael! lotsa love, Sherry
Hi Sherry!
I listened to the audiobook version of your book and loved it. I was trained by Dolores Cannon back in 2006 and I’ve been regressing people ever since. The experiences many are having during their regression match the concepts that you describe in your book. Most people I encounter are here to help raise the frequency and if they have experiences with beings from other dimensions it’s often their own people from these other dimensions checking in on them and their mission. All scripted experiences as in planned prior to coming into this life.
What made your book like such a great read for me is your accessible writing style and the journey you’re describing of trying to bridge the contrast between two very different worlds. I came to have such admiration and appreciation for you through your story and I thank you for putting it out into the world ?.
Awe, thank you Jeroen! I love it when somebody “gets me”! LOL And thank you for the work you are doing! I know so many QHHT people and appreciate their devotion to their calling. Dolores Cannon was a saint and way-shower. She impacted so many lives!! Blessings to you as you continue to serve humanity and Gaia. ~Sherry
I want to thank you for all your Courage, I have so much to ask you about. I guess my main question is The prayer of Surrender I have heard you mention. I really wanted to start to raise my vibration. I have had really weird thoughts since I was a kid that I was here for a reason. Its a long story anyway as far as the prayer are there particular words we need to say? Just need some guidance here.
I followed the teachings of ACIM for many years beginning towards the end of of the ’80’s, and also those of ACOL later. In case it would interest anyone, maybe what I posted under this article might resonate with you and shine a bit of extra light on what is taking place as seen from Back Stage:
A Course of Love – The Embrace – The Bull and Me – By Paula Hardin
Hi Sherry,
I am an alien researcher, metaphysical teacher, and spiritual medium of many years who has managed to elude alien capture on more than one occasion – although I came close both times. I know their tactics. There are in fact ways to avoid an alien abduction. Tried and tested ways. If you want to learn them, they are offered to abductees like you for free.
Carpe Diem!
Paul Richard
Hi Sherry! I’ve just come across you on utube. Fascinating and enlightening to say the least. You’ve answered some questions that I’ve had also. I believe I am here to help as well although I have no recollection of being visited. It feels familiar to me. Thank you for sharing!
I appreciate that you took the time to message me, Tara. And you are correct- you are here to help….we all are! Keep your light shining bright and spread the love!! Blessings~ Sherry
Just watched you as an upload from I believe this just passed Contack in the Desert 2018. I’m 34 On Friday and although my whole life (almost) I have been with at the least paranormal and not until late last year in about October have I been getting small as I like the term downloads or black memory gaps reawakening. A lot of it has been just letting YouTube run and listening to lecture after lectures….I don’t want to go into one download here as it is impossible for words and although I am in recovery my psychiatrist threw a slew of benzos and who knows how much other crap psychotropic drugs when I presented scared in flight or fight mode I had been like that for weeks on end even though she been my doctor for five years ….sorry tmi at this point 🙁 what I want to say is no contactee has ever spoken in words I have known since my teens/later teens ….how you speak of Gaia. There are things I need to know but the problem is I don’t trust anyone and although have had experiences I really and i mean really don’t think anyone can hypnotize me , so, I don’t know what to do anymore as I feel like O failed during the 3 day you spoke of at the end I Of your lecture…..I would be so grateful and thankful if there were any words you could give me and please feel free to email me too….
With Love Always,
Dear Kaitlin~ Your email touched my heart. I am sorry you find yourself in such a challenging position. Know that you are loved- your life has purpose and meaning. You are doing work on a level you are not even aware of….. It is not possible for you to fail. It will all be clear to you once the veil totally disappears. Stay grounded- if at all possible, go outside and sit on the earth- let her bring you peace. Spend as much time as possible in nature. Monitor your thoughts- quiet them- allow peace to enter. Be assured there are no mistakes- all is moving ahead as it should. You are surrounded by those who love you…..love you beyond measure. That is the message I received for you. Blessings ~ Sherry
Thank you …I can feel without words may you be continued to be blessed as for us all <3 Always with Love,
Sherry, hello!
I just watched a YouTube video of you speaking at an event. I’m not which one it was, but the video intro.was from dolorescannon.com. I was happy to hear from someone like you who shares some of the same experiences that I have had. I’m a fellow “volunteer” in AZ. Your talk was excellent and enlightening!
My experiences began as a small child in rural upstate New York. I have been shown and have studied a lot about the Earth Changes we’re in the middle of now. The physical side of these is manifested in the approaching Nemesis star system with its planet Nemesis (aka Planet X). The Hopi prophecies speak of it (the Red Star Kachina). I understand your feeling of being an outsider on Earth. Me too. Some days I want to tear up my “contract” and move on, but know I have to serve my purpose here first. I would love to chat with you for a few minutes some time. If you’d like to reach out, feel free to email me.
Take good care my friend. We are One.
– Barbara S.
Hello fellow volunteer! You know all are being activated now….even those who have no memory of contact or entering into an agreement to come here on a mission to serve. The Great Earth Changes are well underway and the Darkness is being extinguished by the Light being brought forth by those of us who remember the Truth of Who We Are. Exciting times ahead!! Thank you for posting Barbara!! Love & Blessings~ Sherry
Hello Sherry!
Just saw the Youtube Video from the “Contact in the Desert”. It is so wonderful to see that you are not looking so frail and weak anymore. I hope you are feeling as good as you look! 🙂
I just want to tell you, that on January 11th at 3:00 AM this year, I had a visit from a so called Grey. I dare to share it here, an I know the story seems to be unbelievable, but it is the truth:
Jan 11. 2018 3:00 AM
I slept lying on my right side, so with my back to the open room. Suddenly I felt someone lifting and shoving away half of my duvet so my back and legs were uncovered and were getting cold. Who could have done that? I am living alone! I pulled my duvet back and decided, half asleep, to ignore the fact that this was not a normal event, because the duvet was forcefully been shoved half away and did not glide down to the floor.
Well – I put the duvet back around me and fell asleep again. But very shortly after, somebody was pulling on my duvet again. It was two short pullings as if it was made to wake me up. Now I was wide awake! My heart was beating fast. Oh dear! somebody was there! I pondered wether I should turn around and and look into my darkend room to face whatever there would be or just imagine that I do not exist… like little children do… they say ” I am not here”.
But soon I deciced that this is MY room and I have to find out who had entered it. That was the scary part… I turned around, now lying on my left side, looking into my room trying to identify who was there.
Standing on the opposite wall – seen from my bedside – I saw very vague a figure. I could also hear a sound of someone moving. It had the hight almost like me. I could only see that it had an oval head, thin body. Immediately I realised that that must be a Grey. So I said, “Are you an extra terrestrial? Are you Arem? Then the figure moved with three steps towards me and while doing that it shapeshifted into a little girl of 4 years old, very likely looking like little Shirly Temple. It stopped right before me at my bedside. And what was my reaction?
I was so happy, and I grabbed “her” two hands as soon as she stopped there. But interstingly I FELT 3 long fingers in both of my hands but seeing the hands of a child. While grabbing them I said: “Oh! What a joy that I can eventually see you and even touch you …. Are you Arem?” The hands felt very warm like a human hand with fever and the skin felt like silk. Sooo smoooth and soft!!
To me it seemed that the beeing was a bit overrun by my bubbly an spontane reaction. It stood there, holding my hands too and answered: “No, I am not Arem, who is Arem?” I answered: “Arem is my guardian angel, my spirit guide. May I call you Arem?” The beeing answered “Yes” .and then very fast: “No!!” But it did not tell me any name.
I looked at the head of the beeing, that showed itself to me as a little girl and I remembered the incidend that I had in September 2016, when I was so sick havin very high fever and asking for help. They then came in the middle of the day, when I was resting on my sofa to help me with my pneumonia. When treating me then, I was not able to open my eyes and move. So I asked them to touch me for a prove that I was not dreaming. A little hand touched me and instantly I felt an overwhelming love an then I remembered and became soooooo painfully homesick. I just repeated again and again “Please take me home! Take my home!”
Remembering that event back in 2016 I now asked: ” Was it you coming to treat me in that September and was it THIS little hand, that I felt, when I asked for a a touch as a proof?”- ” Yes” the the beeing said, “that was me”. I thanked him /her for the treatment back in 2016.
Then I suddenly lost conciusness.I blacked out. Again I felt a pulling on my duvet. Again my position was lying on my right side. So I turned around again and apologized for falling asleep in the middle of our conversation, which is no good behaviour..
Then I put my left hand around its very thin waist. My hand became warm like giving Reiki. I was surprised and said, “Oh, my Hands are becoming really hot!” Then I realised there where at least 2 more beeings in the room. I felt it, but all I could see was a kind of blurry movement.. I asked:
” Who else is here, because I can SENSE there are more here but my eyes cannot see them ?!”. The “Girl” said: “Oh! don´t mind, these are only my little moon-friends. I asked: “Moon-Friends????!!” – “Yes,” said the “Girl”, “they are living on the moon. Do not fear, they will touch your feet now.” I answered: “Well, okay but no tickling, otherwise I have to laugh and will not be able to talk with you…”
As soon as I said that I felt the end of my duvet beeing lifted and 3 long fingers were playfully tickling my feet :-)).
During our short conversation I tried to look into the “Girls” eyes but it held its face in an position that I could not look directly into its eyes. I could see that her eyes were shaped like human eyes but all black, no white in it..
Then I blacked out again, like a light bulb that was switched off. Again I awoke because of a pulling on my duvet. Again I found myself lying on my right side, with my back to the beeing. I turned around, apologising again. I said: “I am sorry for falling asleep again. I have no explanation to that behaviour!” But there was nobody there anymore. The room felt empty. The strange energy was gone. I looked at the clock: It was 3:30 AM exactly. I immediately decided to go up, have a tea and write down what I experienced because I was afraid, that I would forget parts of that until next morning. I left my bed saying out loud into the empty room:”A heartfelt big “Thank You!” for your visit. Now I will never have fear again, when I see you next time!”
So: to all out there: do not fear the first contact. They are benevolent.
Next morning, on my way to work, I passed a poster saying: “talk to aliens” .. coincidence?
Sherry, I bow my head to you and your work. I hope very much that you will overcome every obstacle here and will get back your full power and health.
Best wishes fom Germany
Bettina Bartels
WOW!!! I LOVE that story!! My guys were here last night and I’m still saying to them….”put me in an altered state first!!” I’m such a baby!! But you just reached out and grabbed ahold of them…whew…I love it!! You inspired me- I will try to do the same next time they show up- which I’m expecting will be soon. Thank you so much for sharing Bettina!! lotsa love~ Sherry
Dearest Sherry !
Thank you soo much for your surprising reply. To me it is as if Superwoman would tell me I am braver than her! 😉 hard to believe :-))
I was able to react fearless because of YOUR work as an author and lecturer. You, and Donna Lynn CA, and Judy Carroll, Australia and Steven Jones, UK for example – you all wrote books that took away the fear of the ETs. It is because of this information, that helped me to be less fearful. In fact, the day before I asked them for a visit. I call them “my team”. I feel protected from above. Many years I thought they where spirits. But now I think they are extra-dimensionals / ETs.
But since this January this year I have not had a visit, as far as I can remember. I wonder if they ever will come again.
Judy Carroll told me in “real life” I am a Zeta – Soul – now incarnated here. I do not know wether this is true, but it is an interesting thought.. I love the earth, I feel human and at the same time somehow “different” but that is something that many many are expressing here.
Happy greetings to all!
— Bettina /Germany —
I listened to your conversation apparently at the Ozark Conference. Your discussion of dimensions and density is very reminiscent of what Ingo Swann’s commentary on such. I wondered if you ever met him?
Bob Yaffee
Thanks for posting Robert. No, I do not know who Ingo Swann is….will have to look into him. Thanks!
I enjoyed your discussion and think that a lot of it has intersubjective corroboration
from what others have been talking about who appear to have undergone similar
experiences. I think that you have been endowed with a great privilege in having
been mentored by your guys. Many of us are concerned with the degradation of
the physical and cultural environment that has been taking place lately. I’m
concerned that we may have gone over the tipping point. It looks like we have
at least one more year of living dangerously…
Best wishes,
Bob Yaffee
Hi Bob. I do feel blessed to have had the opportunity to spend time with my cosmic family and have them remind me of who I am and the truth of our reality. But, it has also made it hard to be here- to be awake in a world that is almost entirely asleep is not fun….frustrating would be the correct word. But I have huge compassion for those still unconscious- it has been quite a learning experience to be on this side of the veil. I will say that when looking in from the outside, it was hard to understand why the earth humans didn’t rise up and take back their planet. Now that I am here living in this realm, you understand just how potent the illusion is…. and how much suppression, mind control and manipulation goes on. Yes, I would agree with you. The amount of damage in the way of poisons & toxins both in our air, water and food is going to end life on this planet sooner, rather than later. I do hold the vision of the ascension, but the vast majority of people are still in the dark. Still, I believe it is inevitable that humanity will make the transition….we are too far into it and it will not be stopped. The only question is- how difficult will it be and how many will actually ascend. Thanks for the message Bob! Interesting comment! Blessings~ Sherry
Just watched the YouTube video about raising our consciousness to deal with chemtrails, fear, etc. Thank you. Amazing. Made my day.
Thank you!
Namaste Sherry, Love, Light and Blessings to You. I just stumbled across one of Your youTube vids and finally…. everything in My heart, in My head, in My knowingness is spilling out in My tears. My Life has been an unending Armageddon of Love and fear. Since I was in diapers growing up in that crazy NYC ghetto, in that intensely dysfunctional family… all I wanted was for Love to prevail. But all there was, was fear. I would scream at the top of My mind lungs – if You would all just stop and come from Love and understanding Life would be so right and so easy and so full of joy and laughter! But that’s where it all stayed – in My mind. At 2, I started screaming, everyday, every moment I could not occupy (in My mind, although I had no idea to whom) – ‘come get Me; don’t leave Me here; I don’t belong here in this ghetto with all these violent people! At 5, I promised MySelf (3x over with all My Heart and Soul) – I won’t forget, I will never forget, I promise I will never forget. I didn’t know to what or to whom, but it had something to do with why I was so brilliant and amazing and gifted.
At 10, one Autumn day in 1968, I came home from school and when I finally opened all the locks on the door, I realized, ‘they are never coming – I have to stay.’ I hung out the window, up to My thighs that held Me from falling from that 3rd floor, reaching with my body towards the only patch of grass I could see… crying for hours in desolation. And when it felt like I would lose My mind – I told God He would have to help Me make it to adulthood and My place in the World, because I would not make it that far on My own. I lived in fear from then on.
I Am still, always alone, looking from the inside out at a world so alien and scary to Me.
I have stayed true to the Love that is My Beingness and I have never stopped searching for My own and a way out of the fear..
Today, Your video has done what nothing else I have ever done or experienced has done for Me…
Thank You for walking Your walk, Your Light and Your courage. Again, much Love and Light to You… Hello and thank You from Me to Da, next time You see Him. ?
Sweet Peggy….there are no words….you- along with all of us, are returning to Love….keep your light shining bright and know all is well.
Hi Sherry
I just watched a video of you speaking at a conference last year (thd Ozark one?). Your presentation resonates with me very strongly. Have you come across A Course in Miracles I wonder? Many things you said could have been direct quotes from it – our true reality being Love; Love being All there Really is; the importance of forgiveness; our power in knowing our true reality as children of the Divine; the holographic nature of the universe of form; etc, etc. I was introduced to ACIM through Gary Renard’s books, and they were a great head-start to understanding the language and style of it.
So, I just thought I would share that with you; I find ACIM to be the most profound and helpful thought system, and as I say, your talk completely resonated for me.
I hope you are well and full of energy as 2018 begins. Many thanks for your fascinating insights.
Thank you for taking the time to write Kevin. Yes, I am all about ACIM!! If you browse through this blog or listen to me speak, you will often hear me mention how instrumental ACIM was to my understanding this realm. Lately I have been reading A Course Of Love, which is like a follow up to the Course. I highly recommend that book once you have clear understanding of the Course in Miracles. Thanks again for your message!! Lotsa love to you! ~Sherry
Good to hear from you Sherry.
Yeah, I hadn’t browsed your blog but I am not surprised at all that ACIM is important to you! I often wonder about how other beings, those from other planets or times, must also be on their corresponding journeys; ie on the ‘ladder of enlightenment’; and the ways their pathways intersect with ours. I suppose you have found that the level of awareness varies from group to group, and presumably also from individual to individual – in other words, just like for us? It’s quite amazing to contemplate it…
Anyway, many blessings and love to you. Best wishes to you, your family and for your work for 2018.
Sherry..I’m writing because since I was a child I’ve have had a memory of standing at the window in early dawn and seeing three beings. I also believe was told when it’s time..in Nov 1978 when I was 16 driving home I saw an enormous ufo..close. I was with a friend who to this day says I don’t talk about it..so I know these things exist. Throughout my life I have had “knowning moments” such as when my oldest son would have cancer. I was told this when he was 2. He was I’ll at age 6..he is fine now. I was told at that time he would be fine as well. I have tried off and on to meditate, I always have felt like there is a secret that I need to remember. I was trying to connect ufos and religion. .and paranormal ghosts etc. I ran across a utube video that seemed to have a ring to it.. me I felt a connection. .then I saw you. I do always have thoughts or concerns about truth and doubt. I’m just trying to figure this out.
Thank you for taking the time to write Katrina. We are all starting to wake up and remember who we are & where we came from! Be in stillness and just allow it to come to the surface…. Love & Blessings to you~ Sherry
Hello, Dear Sherry.
I didn’t know anything about you before, until recently – I found videos on YouTube with your stories about your life and encounters. I watched all videos about you, I could possible find. I just want to tell you, you are very brave woman! You have been through so much.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your story. I will help other volunteers to understand what is going on in their life.
I am a second wave volunteer, I was born in 1971. I had an ordinary life, until earlier this year – I start to awaken to the truth of who we really are and with the Dolores Cannon’s books I discovered that I am not just a woman – empath, who can feel pain of all beings on this planet and the planet itself. I always had a very strong feeling of not belonging here. But I know now who I am and it make such a big difference in my life.
Last month I had few encounters! I am sure I had many of them before but was not aware of it
That didn’t scare me, because I how have the knowledge.
Anyway, I found out, Sherry, that you’ve been poisoned some time ago and I hope you are on your way to full recovery. I am sending you much love! Get better soon!
P. S. When you said that there is our family out there, waiting for us, that made me cry, because the feeling of loneness never leaves me.
Love you, Sherry
Thank you
Kind regards
I appreciate that you took the time to write Natalie. Thank you for being a volunteer and thank you for empowering yourself with knowledge. We are all in this together and only by us all doing our part will we achieve the goal that was set. Many blessings to you and much, much love~ Sherry
Happy birthday, dear Sherry! May all the best things of the world happen in your life because you are definitely one of the best people too. I’ve learnt a lot from you.
Thank you and have a wonderful Christmas.
Natalie~ Thank you for the birthday wishes! Have to write it up here- seems I can’t post to your message….anyway, you are sweet to remember! A joyous & amazing 2018 to you & all the world! ?
Dear Sherry
I found you “by coinsidence” on youtube (or maybe I was being guided towards your information). Thank you for sharing your experiences. All my life I have thought to be living “in the wrong movie” and that I felt like everybody I see (exept my closest friends and some family members around me) was not real, or like a computer program. I felt like I didn’t belong here.
As a small child and today still I have had dreams and thoughts that even today are hard for grown up people to understand. I see the world like you describe it, an illusion. I never could explain it, but I just knew that everything was one, it just had to be. It’s hard not to be able to talk about these subjects without people calling you a nutjob or so. But it’s always great to know that there are other people with similar experiences out there. I have not had any ET Contacts as far as I know/can remember. but I have had some phenomenal experiences as a child when I left my body due to a very high fever. When I returned to my body a couple of minutes later (the longest minutes in my life, talk about time not existing), the fever was all gone. just like that. during that time when I left my body, i was at two places at the same time. I was here and “there”, fully conscious and aware. I am sure, that someone or something healed me in that moment.
I contacted a psychic in England (she doesn’t call herself psychic, she just calls it a gift) and asked her to read my energy. She could see only blue and violet colors in my energy field, because I was vibrating at a higher frequency. she told me more, but I don’t want to bombard you with so much text;-)
Today, more than ever, I feel that someone or something is guiding me. I always get the chills and goose bumps when there is something worth my attention. or I always see the same numbers 9, 11 and 22 over and over again. finding your videos on youtube was one of those times I got the chills. the same happened when I watched videos from dolores cannon or other people with similar things to say. I just ordered your book and am looking forward to reading it.
Thank you for your help and support towards a brighter future. Thanks also for reminding me to monitor my thoughts. It is so helpful and true.
Regards from Switzerland and lots of love
Kevin~ I appreciate that you took the time to write me and share a part of your life story. Our stories may all be different in the details, but it is true we are all being nudged toward awakening. I love hearing about other people’s experiences and their journey. I trust you found the book worthwhile, even if you are not an experiencer! Many blessings to you & much love~ Sherry
Hi Sherry
A friend just sent me a u-tube of one of your talks – totally resonates with me- I was drawn to look here because of the synchronicities of the time stamp 7:17 – it’s an affirmation number for me – I grew up with nightly dreams of being on spaceships in happiness intraspacial traveling feeling the “vacuum ” going from one galaxy to the other via ship – in a Past Life Regression I was shown my friends in the ship and my true laughter w my friends – I have seen ships playing way up in the sky but haven’t had any recent interaction and love seeing your posts and crop circles with messages – I call it my Scavenger Hunt of Liife – doing my best figuring out Messages in this path of which best serves Oneness … my “lessons” verbiage in life are maybe a way I need to change but Intended to create awareness there are acts, lessons life moments that assist us by triggering and jolting us to re- remembering more as ascension into higher dimensions our remembrance and awareness is greater with assistance of events that help us triggering gratitude, forgiveness, detachment of materialism and diving deeper into Soul connections – anyway thank you for all you are and do – gratefully – sarah
Sarah~ Thank you for the email. I love the joyful approach you are taking to this subject and your involvement in it. I would say you have chosen to take the high road- a great inspiration to all of us in this community! Please continue to let your light shine bright!! lots of love, Sherry
Hi Sherry,
I just learned of your story on UFO HUB’s YouTube channel. Fascinating.
Where were did your experiences take place? Was it in the Hudson County by any chance?
Thank you
Hi Jake. Most of my encounters happened here is SW Wisconsin and some in Arizona. So glad you enjoyed the interviews! Thanks for writing!
Dear Sherri, I stumbled across a YouTube video of you discussing your book from 8/1/15 on The Moore Show. I found myself crying with relief and joy at so much of what you were saying. It feels as if (in the last few years) I am being lead to certain concepts & authors that have a different story to share. Different than what we are being feed by the powers that be. I feel so greatful for this enlightenment and am working at stripping away the programming to embrace the beauty that is out there. Anywho, thank you, Sherri for being a lighthouse in the dark.
What a sweet & inspiring message! Thank you! I love the part about being lead….seems our angels & Higher Selves are getting pretty aggressive with us….they REALLY want us to wake up! (-: I’m happy & pleased to have played the part of the “lighthouse” for you. Now you, inturn, can play that part for someone else seeking answers. And that is how it’s done! Lotsa Love~ Sherry
Hi Sherry,
I just finished your book. Loved it. Found lots of comfort in it. Thank you for opening up.
I wanted to ask if you have any information on Rh- bloodlines.
Hi Charlene. Thank you for posting a comment. I do not have any info on the Rh bloodline issue…sorry. Love & Blessings to you!
Hi Sherry wow I found your blog, so many of us you have helped I wish you could come to Australia much to be done here. I’m still a baby in all of this new knowledge your book has opened my eyes though thank-you you are an amazing soul and a special one at that.
Thankyou so much for taking that leap of courage and faith to tell your truth.
God bless you Sherry.
Kimberley goddard your number one fan. Xx
Thank you #1 fan Kim Goddard! (-: Wish I could come to Australia! That would be awesome, perhaps some day?! Hugs & lotsa love~ Sherry
Hi Sherry it seems you will be from my to Australia just don’t know when lol.
Hugs to you you have a good friend living in Australia who’s waiting for you.
After reading Keepers of the Garden, I was drawn to your book, not knowing there was any connection between you two.Then in the middle of your book I was wondering about The Course in Miracles”. Well, the connection was there at the end of your book. I’m truly amazed at the guidance when we are open to listen. thank you for sharing your book. It resonated strongly with my soul in a way I have not experienced before.
Loved your email and message, Mary. It is very true that our angels, guides, soul family, cosmic family & higher self are all pulling for us to wake up right now, so when you make any gesture showing that you are ready and open to it, they will rush in to assist and direct you. Which is why I am such a huge proponent of surrender- it gives your “right mind” the go ahead to lead the way- taking control away from the fear based ego. Much love to you as you continue on your journey home~ Sherry
I am trying to wake up, but it hasn’t happened yet, Almost with my most recent hypnotherapist. I expect it to happen soon. I have no idea what to expect. I’m already his program. I’ve also joined another as well that promises to help remove all contracts I’ve agreed to over the great many years. I believe once out of physical body, I will not want back in.
I’ve begun researching this again due to health issues.
I’m also somewhat confused about my upbringing. As it seems to be Illuminati raising because as a child I understood much of what I read on the internet. My brothers & sisters did not get hurt trying to find out information.
I very much want to align with the light.
I have found that in my journey, I am now getting awakening CD’s that seem to be working ok. My first appointment for that was 2 weeks ago. I could get in some, but not to meet spirits or guides. I do tend to think I see something in the corner of my eye at times, but have not yet been able to get any clear pic.
I noticed the day before the regression I was filled with anxiety.The next during my regression went ok. I likely have calcified area that need to soften. I did find I am terrified for anyone to see me and see who I am. I do not know why. I am fairly certain at this time in my life, this is something I need to get done.
Thank you for your note. Please be aware that awakening is a return to ourselves. It is simply the peeling away of the lies and fear we have bought into. It is found by going within- into stillness and allowing the quiet voice of our Higher Self to speak to us. She is always there- always waiting for us to be silent enough to listen to her. There is no need to go searching for this revelation- you will never find it in that manner. That is just more of the illusion- the belief you have to DO something. Walk in nature and allow your mind to just be still. No chatter, no running dialogue. Just be at peace. If you do anything at all I recommend- as I always do, A Course in Miracles- find a study group- do the workbook lessons. STAY with it. Your ego will fight you on this because it knows it is its demise. You will awaken if you do the lessons….peace & love to you.
I just read your book, and so enjoyed every word! I too have had experiences with UFOs, and out of body experiences. I don’t think that I was actually abducted, but I can’t say for sure. My out of body experience was amazing. I was taken to what I perceived was heaven. I stood in front of a man who looked like Christ. Our communication was purely telepathic, but it seemed perfectly natural. Something in me suddenly awakened as I was looking at him. I said, “I know you!”. He smiled at me, and his eyes widened. When they did, a force slammed into me. Suddenly It felt like every pore of my being was filled with love. I never felt anything like it before or since. I felt myself being sent back, and as I was drifting through a cloud like state, I begged to stay. I somehow knew that I had more to do, even though I didn’t hear him speak. I also remember thinking to myself, “Wow, if everyone could feel this, there would be no wars, hate, etc. I feel truly blessed to have had this experience. In fact, I posted my experience on Face Book, even at the expense of being ridiculed, and called a kook, liar, etc. I know it happened. God bless.
Thank you for sharing your message Carol. I love hearing about anyone who encounters Jeshua! It is an affirming, life changing moment! Love & Light to you~ Sherry
Sherry, thank you for speaking at MN MUFON today. You help so many!
Thank you so much! I just wish I would have been at 100%, but I am getting there! Love your group- what an interesting bunch. So wish I could have hung around to talk!
I wish I was able to meet you. Your book is so much what I have dealt with for the last 40 years. I am your age and although I don’t have the conscious memories of abductions, I was basically taught and trained all the same things. I knew they had to be from another dimension and somehow I knew they were like my family. My sister and I saw a UFO in 1976 and it was extremely close. We could see windows and even my Mother, who was a devout Catholic couldn’t believe what she saw. That was the beginning of all of these years of going from one learning experience to the next. I had amazing dreams for years and the outcome is basically I connect telepathically. The part about the earth going into a new dimension really struck me hard because a friend I had reconnected with after 30 years had just told me this. I think there are so many of us like this but many can’t accept it yet. My dreams were really unusual because in many I would be on a ship and see others sitting in groups and they told me that the ones that were going with them were the ones that would die on earth. I wanted to go so bad but wasn’t allowed. And they always seemed to be trying to explain to me what death really was. Now I can see it is just moving to a higher vibration. I am so glad you wrote the book. I no longer care what people think. If your daughters won’t have anything to do with you because of this, then it’s their loss.
So many are now awakening to their experiences! Thank you for sharing yours! We each have our own connections, messages and contracts…..blessings and love to you Lyn for expressing yourself and sharing your story.
Thank you for your reply. As with anything creative, it’s easy to feel like you can always do it better. And if we had no deadlines, I’d probably ask to rerecord the whole book many more times. That being said, I believe the honesty of what you are saying found it’s way through my interpretation. Especially because I believe you. My hope is that your listeners feel the sincerity in my voice and your story enriches their lives as it has mine.
Sherry is it possible to speak to you, or organise a workshop for you in Italy? I am very impressed by what you say, it is marvellous! I would love to meet you. You could come stay with me here in Tuscany, and also take a holiday. You said you do not mind if you talk to two to three people I am working on information with angel workshops here. I am also a writer. If there is any way we can meet it would be wonderful!
Jacqueline~ did you ever receive my response? I emailed you. I am interested in talking with you further about coming to Italy- I have had others ask about visiting their European country. With much love~ Sherry
Hi Sherry. I had the honor of being hired as VoiceOver actress for the audiobook version of The Forgotten Promise. I finally finished reading the book in the studio today. 😉 It’s been a pretty amazing journey the past 2 weeks speaking for you and trying my best to relay your life experiences from childhood to now with honesty and sincerity. I find it amazing that the spiritual beliefs I have adhered to (or evolved to) in the past few years, fall right in line with what you are sharing.
The night before I went into the studio to read the chapter explaining the Three Important Things To Know, I was having a deep conversation with my 15 year old daughter about spirituality and religion. I had not read the chapter yet. So when the lessons you were relaying echoed so closely with what I was trying to explain to my daughter the night before, well, like you have said so many times, it’s difficult to explain how I felt. The best way to say is that I felt a confirmation in my spirit, and am grateful that I am close to my children and can help them evolve much sooner than I did. I pray they are able to embrace a perspective absent of fear starting at a young age, and enjoy a beautiful human experience.
Thank you for publishing your story. I know it has already begun to fulfill its purpose.
Jonna Volz
Hello Jonna! I am so pleased to hear from you! When I was told the book was being produced in audio version my first thought was that I had to be the one to read it! Of course that was ego….(smile). I told Cherokee to go ahead and choose the person he felt was best suited to fulfill that role, trusting that all would be just fine…..and so it is! I love that it was you. I cannot wait to hear it and experience it through your voice and inflections. I appreciate you reaching out to me and sharing your story. In Oneness~ Sherry
[…] Reposted from: The Forgotten Promise | by Sherry Wilde […]
Dear Sherry: Just listened to your interview on Veritas. Very close to my heart, since I have been teaching about Unconditional Love since the 1980’s. Am also an author, lecturer, Spiritual teacher, now semi retired of physical travel and overtly working. Developed a very easy transformational method to heal negative emotions,ie. fear, anger, pain etc. I call it “Feeling Dissolve” because the vibration of the feeling is actually dissolved. Any one interested can Google me Maud Nordwald Pollock, and read some articles on the subject, where I give the steps. Also images of our light body system as presented in my book, not published in the USA. Sherry I know the rejection of child, and grandchild, they do eventually come around. My daughter “my mother and her spiritual bull shit” This in the 70’s when I got started, and for many years until recently when she was ready to awaken, just a few years ago. Thank you for your tip on the Chemtails.. A conundrum, and I agree with you totally that we are co creators, sometimes it is challenging to remember and take the responsibility. Will definitely try your approach using my method, have nothing to loose, and so much to learn. Light and Love, and thank you for your sharing, one can feel the love in what you say.
Hello Maud and thank you for posting the comment and sharing your information. Releasing our bodies of fear is, indeed, one of the most important things we should be doing at this time. Clearly, we cannot go very high vibrationally if we are blocking the light with negative charges. I am uplifted by messages such as yours- to find someone who has been doing this work for so long is awesome. Thank you for your kind words regarding my estrangement from my daughters. They are angels simply playing in this world, experiencing all there is to experience….I know I have all of eternity to be with them, so I am in acceptance. Blessings to you for caring and being a light in this world! Let me know how the chemtrail zapping goes! (-:
Hi, Greetings,
I got your book after hearing you speak at Unlimited Horizons. I have just finished it. Bravo for sharing your story. I am in agreement with you and thank you for coming forth as you support the rest of us with your most pertinent information. Blessings to you on your journey. Namaste, Janet Connell
I remember talking with you! I enjoyed that group so much and look forward to being back down there for the conference next March. I appreciate you taking the time to comment Janet and wish you well on your journey. Hope to see you in next spring!
I would love to know more about the book- could you please let me know more details. The name-author and ISBN would be appreciated.
The only other book that I have read was by Judy Satori – Sunshine Before The Dawn – 978-0-9856730-0-0. It was great!
Thank you for this information.
It also clarifies my enounter with a being that did not make itself known to me but surely raised my vibrations with what I believe was “light language” of some kind. It was a soft clicking noise. By the time everything was finished my sewing lay on my lap and I felt so much high vibational energy I have tears streaming down my face. It was beautiful.
There are many space craft that I see in the night sky where I live.
Thank you
Hi Carolyn~ The name of my book is The Forgotten Promise and it is available on my website at http://www.TheForgottenPromise.net or through amazon, Barnes & Noble and kindles. I love hearing about other peoples positive interactions with the guys…it’s very affirming! I am familiar with the clicking sound you reference and the wonderful love they offer. I just wish this ol’ world would hurry up and change so that we can re-unite with them! Peace & Love to You!
Where can i get the book? I live in n.y.c.?katie yee(thank u so much for being open…im on my way)
The book is available on my website-which if you found this blog, you found that. Or through Amazon, kindle or Barnes & Noble. Enjoy!!!
In Oneness~ Sherry
Thank you so much for writing this book, Sherry! It’s awakened me and helping me remember again my past in a major, profound way. It’s helping me connect the fits again. I appreciate your sacrifice in getting your story out there. It is also so incredibly well written, you do a great job relaying your stories. This is big and you’ve done the right thing. I cannot thank you enough for your work here!!
I appreciate you taking the time to post a comment. I love hearing from others who share similar stories. I was told the book would be a catalyst for those ready to move forward with their awakening and your message certainly proves that. Soon this kind of forum will not be needed as contact from our universal family will not be seen as such an anomaly. In Oneness~ Sherry
Hello! God bless you! I listened to your interview on Dolores Cannon’s website; thanks for coming out to tell your story and for all of your work. The past few months I’ve been waking to who I am, and started reading Dolores’s books a couple months ago, which have been life changing. Again, thank you!
Catherine, I appreciate your comments so much! It is an amazing journey….this “waking up thing” we are all starting to experience! I am so honored to be a positive part of it and to be able to be of assistance as we all remember the truth of who we are! Many blessings to you!
Hey Sherry it’s Jackie just seeing how everything with you and the book were doing. I’m almost done with your friend Judy book ,also wonderful and helpful . Have a wonderful Christmas!
Hi Jackie! Just had the book release party yesterday- in spite of terrible weather we had a wonderful turn out! I feel blessed! Judy has another book coming out soon that I believe will be her best yet! I will post it here when it comes available. I’m glad you’re enjoying those. A very Holy Christmas to you and yours!
Hello sherry, I read your book years ago and it was a great Catalyst for my own Awakening and ascension journey to begin I watched your most recent interview on UFO hub and it’s always so wonderful to hey you speak and the content is always perfect please do another interview on your take on the recent events going on in the world if you are feeling up to it I too am struggling at times with life force and energy issues however it’s all self-inflictedand karmic I guess. I wanted to also touch on a couple of potential healing remedies for radiation and toxicity within the body medical medium Anthony William speaks a lot about how we can remove radiation from our body he has wonderful books and protocols.. god bless. Love and light. Sarah
Sarah~ I appreciate you taking the time to post on my blog. You are the 3rd person I have heard from this week asking me when I am going back on UFO HUB! As a matter of fact, I’d been thinking about reaching out to Adnan and telling him I’d be up for a chat whenever he is. He had graciously extended an invitation to me for whenever I’d like. Along with the emails I have also felt a strong push to get together with him to discuss the current state of our Awakening process. I’d love to write something on my blog, but my hands are still not working well. You would be amazed at how long it took me to write this little paragraph. (-: Still, I am gaining ground thanks to healing protocols that include the Medical Medium diet and HMDS. much love to you Sarah~ Sherry