If ever there was a time for me to come out of my cave, now would be the time to do so! It’s not that I’ve been hiding or fearful, but I have been watching and waiting. Waiting for that moment when it was clear that we had turned the proverbial corner and were really, truly walking hand in hand toward unity consciousness. Watching for that moment when even the most asleep person on the planet could no longer deny something was happening…. something building- not unlike a tsunami.
Never, ever in the history of this beautiful planet has there been a time like this! Not during Lemuria, not during the time of Atlantis. They, and many others, got close to ascension, but the Dark Forces prevailed. This time the Light will prevail. This time the children of earth will defeat the controllers! This time we will break out of the illusion and awaken to the truth of who we are.
If you have been busy and distracted by all the drama playing out in the matrix, you may be missing out on this amazing event. I would urge you to calm yourself and slow down. If you spend an hour a week in front of your tv, that is too much. If you want to learn the truth of what is going on you will need to tune into alternative social media sites and be very discerning. Yes, I follow Q. Thank God for this movement and for the “white hats” in our military, as well as our President. This “Great Awakening” movement has been nothing short of fascinating to watch. This is a military operation to take back our country and our world but make no mistake- this is much more than that. It is a spiritual movement to give power back to the people- always urging us to think for ourselves and to wake up!
Here’s how it works. Q will post clues pointing us in a direction, but it is up to us to interpret those clues. We are forced to dig and research to find just what it is he is pointing at. This week we were informed that something happened on 11/11 of this year. Following the clues, the Anons deciphered the drop, which led to the report of that strange anomaly that occurred off the coast of Mayotte- the “shot heard around the world” phenomena, which I took note of and instinctively knew was big. Well, turns out it was. Some months back- maybe in July we were made aware that the Good Guys had taken out a whole bunch of the Controllers satellites. It is believed those satellites were pretty nefarious. Influencing our thoughts, emotions….our very DNA….all linked to the nasty business of CERN. The event of 11/11 was to bring online a technology that will ENHANCE our DNA…and even bring our DNA back to what it was originally. That being a twelve strand instead of the limited double helix humanity was cut back to eons ago. Rather than me try to explain it, here is the link to the twitter post explaining it:
As a person who has been hit very hard by mind control technology, I am over the moon to learn this is not just coming to an end, but that positive influences are being put in their place! I’ve been forced to hide in my cave these last few years, as it was made clear to me that any time I dared speak out, I would be hit with DEWs or this horrid mind control crap. It feels like I have been freed from my cave! Stepping out into the light once again.
You always were into the Light Sherry, “they” just managed to blindfold you and hide your glow for a while.
Time has come to shine again and attract the sleepy souls with the support of the thousands of fireflies following and shielding you.
Your message of unconditional love will spread like wildfire and eventually set the earth on fire, in a blazing ascension. It will be the apotheosis that will justify all the time spent keeping your faith in spite of the suffering and the dark moments.
You made it until here and so, you will watch that wonderful firework of Unconditional Love spread above Gaia. You will then finally shed tears of joy and happiness.
Don’t wait for it to happen, in fact, “It is done! It just needs to materialize in this dimension.”
As you already know, in this Divine Universe, there is only the eternel now, in which only the possible can subsist and in Source, everything is possible.
Wishing you all the colors of the rainbow as the clothing of your eternal soul.
One of your suporters ready to shield you
Thank you kindly. ~s
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I am currently not well enough to respond fully. much love, s
Dear Sherry
You have been on my mind.Know that my love and prayers are going out to you..
It just doesn’t seem fair to me that someone who has been trying so hard to be of help should have to endure what you have.
I really would like some answers. One concept that I read about is that before we came here things were so good we got very relaxed and overconfident about what we could handle.
Maybe when there are great storms of thunder and lightening,it’s souls who have gone back and are
having conversationa with their guides .What do you think ?That would be me for sure 😆
I too have been feeling quite tired.I think our energy is going out to balance what has been going on whether we are aware of it or not.
Much love
Hey Denise~ Always good to hear from you! Thank you for the kind energy and prayers- I believe all the amazing people who have been holding me in the light
have helped make a difference, cuz I am doing so much better these past few weeks! Like you, I am so tired, but that I do attribute to the work we are doing
in transmuting the dark to light. But I see light at the end of the tunnel. (pun intended) We are making such great strides as we collectively eradicate the darkness that
controlled so much of humanity. I asked the same question- why do so many of us working for the good of all need to suffer and the answer was given. It will be in my next post- after the one I just wrote about my dog- wanted to start with something light before plunging into that deeper stuff! lotsa love to you dear one~ Sherry
Trump is one of the elite, i.e., the CABAL. The Cabal is NOT a monolith, there is more than one CABAL family that is in play for power. He is under the control of one of those groups, while railing at the other (the deep state). Just because he is anti-deep state does not mean he is anti cabal. Putin is also under the control of another one of these families and Trump is aligned with them. One family controls the West(deep state) while another controls the East (Putin’s handler). Right now the Eastern Cabal family is attempting to break up the power in the Western cabal family and completely take over. That is why they are after the EU, NATO and the US, because they are under control of the Western Cabal block. But if the Eastern Cabal family succeeds and they take over, the CABAL still wins. Putin IS NOT A GOOD PLAYER as he is controlled by the EASTERN block of the CABAL. So we will go from the frying pan into the fire. Putin and Trump are under control of the Eastern cabal family. WAKE UP.
Thank you Sophia for sharing your perspective! love & peace~ Sherry
May 2019 be a great year for all of us.
Fingers crossed we can pull it off this time.
Darla Holmes
Falls Church, VA
Nice to hear from you Darla! I think 2019 will be a transitional year with a lot of people waking up to the truth.
I believe it’s going to continue to be chaotic, but amazing as more and more comes to light.
lots of love to you~ Sherry
That is great news Sherry!! Thank you for this post.. I am so happy that I have someone to look up to cause I feel like I have been alone with my beliefs.. I sent you a message and I hope you read it.. Thank you again Sherry and have a great weekend..
P.S Do you have any upcoming lectures? I would love to attend.
Got your message Emirose and replied- as usual, I am running behind on my correspondence!
I haven’t been able to do much public speaking- going to try to do a conference in August. If I do, it
will be posted here…and it will be available online.
So good to hear from you again, Sherry! You’re my favorite speaker. Have you been able to recover your health? I hope to see you at contact in the desert 2019.
Thank you Ana! I am doing much better since getting stem cell treatments and hope to be able to return to speaking publicly again. I don’t want to push it, as it seems the least amount of stress sets me back, but I would love to do Contact again. I think that conference is just the best! But do keep an eye open for the documentary and hopefully a movie within the next few years!
Hi Sherry,
I hope your health has continued to improve. Many blessings. John
Thank you John! Yes, I am doing so much better than I ever expected to! Those familiar with poison and its effects, tell me I am very lucky!
Apparently my work here is not finished! lotsa love, Sherry
Hi Sherry! You’ve probably tried all of the best natural therapies to get the lead cleared from your body. But, just in case, since I have researched heavy metal detoxification for quite some time, here a some of the best protocols Ive found, that have helped a lot of people:
Best of luck and feel free to contact me if you need any help.
Thank you for this Ana! I have finally cleared my body of the poison- took until now to get my levels down to an acceptable level.
Your recommended treatments are familiar to me- I certainly tried many, but these are among the best! Bless you for sharing!
So happy to see you posting again, Sherry. Thanks for this great information. Another party whose judgment I value is also recommending re-looking at Q posts, even though I’ve been skeptical. Futurist John Petersen has released a forward-looking presentation concluding that events are accelerating so fast that it’s impossible to predict (in a material vein) where they’re heading. Also would be great to hear how the movie is progressing… Love from Wayne and Diane
Hi Wayne! I’m happy to see my site is working again! (-: Things are happening crazy fast….and so many are reporting anomalies that seem to indicate that the matrix is indeed collapsing. I could not be happier about that. I knew this post might ruffle some feathers, but I also know the people that follow this site are open minded and non-judgemental. Well, the documentary barely got filmed when I had a filmmaker from the UK reach out to me and inquire about possibly making a movie. I put her in touch with my producer in LA and things have gone fairly fast since then. The script will be written and investors are already expressing interest. The hope is to have the movie out by end of 2020 or early 2021. We shall see. We are heading down your way before too long….will let you know when we get to town so we can meet up! lotsa love, Sherry
I’ve missed you. And I feel very confused. Would you point me to where Q updates? I was always staying away cause I felt so crushed by the enormoity of this all but I feel ready to finally look…
I am felt an overwhelming urge to weep when I saw you’d posted.
Love, Lu
Hi Lu~ You are not alone in wanting to hide from all that is happening “out there”. I find the best way to approach life these days is by remembering the truth of who I am. Knowing and feeling on a deep level, that we truly are not separate from our Creator. We are One. The separation never happened- we really are dreaming this. Think of this world as an illusion, a dream, a computer simulated reality- whatever resonates with you. And if that is hard, then may I suggest attending some Course of Miracle or Course of Love classes, or whatever sparks you! My group is about to start on the Seth books….anything that keeps your thoughts on a path of unity consciousness. Then you can train your mind to rise above the fear. You understand there is nothing to fear. We came here to have this experience of duality and so we built this world of pain and suffering. Well, the game is ending and what we are seeing “out there” is the breaking down of the matrix we constructed. So all is as it needs to be for us to get where we want to be….awake and home with God. Much love to you~ Sherry
I realize I never answered your question as to where you can find the Q updates. I do not go on 8chan or on twitter much at all, so I follow those that do the decodes. The following are found on Youtube (except when they are taken down from time to time by the controllers). IPOT posts an update everytime Q does. Praying Medic is good. SGT Report does a good job on overall news. And We Are Free TV has a lot of interesting things to say. There are A LOT of good sites out there- check around and see what works for you. Destroying the Illusion is also good. Be discerning, as always.
Thank you sherry! For responding and taking the time. I have read and love the Seth books, I have a couple more to read – but I really fell in love with them.
I am excited to read a course in love. I have heard you mention it and know it’s time to read it.
I appreciate so much you responding. And I am happy you’re back. I have so many questions. I will look into Q and I will use my discernment!! Thank you xoxoxo