My website & blog are being reconstructed for me by a wonderful guy that reached out to me sometime ago and offered his assistance. I am so grateful for all the miracles present in my life and this is just another example of that. He helped me to reactivate my “contact me” page on my website and I woke up to 48 emails this morning! A few days ago I spent almost 5 hours rereading and responding to comments left on my blog, but my timing was bad. I posted them right at the time my friend was revamping the site and they were all lost. Here’s the thing….I work in real estate FULL TIME. I don’t want to still be working at this age, but I have no choice. So responding individually to all inquiries- as much as my heart wants to…is simply not possible! I ruminated about this before coming up with a bit of a solution. A lot of the messages follow similar themes, so I am posting this in hopes it will help. Please forgive me for not being able to respond personally.
First off. To those sending me messages of hope, inspiration and downright cheering me on types of messages!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!! I read and reread those….you have no idea what it means to me. I feel your energy and I suck it in- I literally can feel the love and connection being made through those messages! I love them & I love you for taking the time to write!
Experiencers: To the many, many of you writing to share your experiences, I want to say how honored I am that you are willing to trust me with that information. I do understand how difficult it is- of course I do! And I understand the confusion….to get regressed or not- to look at it or look away. Take this into your heart and see how it feels. I would only recommend regression if you are consumed with knowing what happened. Because regression and remembering is going to open up a can of worms- it will just bring more questions. Although it can, in some cases, bring you peace of mind. I think the QHHT practitioners are quite good, but read reviews and look into the person you intend to use. Every case is different and your outcome will depend your level of trust and fear about the situation. Make sure you have support around you for after the regression, as it will be needed.
Light Readings: Many are asking if I will do a light reading on them. I do not. I will say that you need have no fear about whether or not you are going to “make it”. We are ALL going to make it. During this time of the Great Earth Changes, the false world is falling away and the real world will be revealed to us. This is what we are calling the ascension or shift. It is our awareness taking us to a new, higher frequency. As we leave fear behind, our awareness becomes clearer and the false disappears. It is an individual journey as we move into the frequency that resonates with us. It is true that some are not ready to be in unity consciousness- they still desire and need more of the duality experienced in that realm. Nothing wrong with that…..all will move toward Oneness when they are ready. Trust your Higher Self to know what is best for you.
Raising Your Frequency: It takes vigilance and mindfulness to break free of the illusory world. The programming and mind control is powerful, but once you are aware of it, you can easily begin to sidestep the system. Here is what I recommend, but take it into your heart and see if it resonates with you. I find it helps to read (think: feed into your mind) positive words that remind you of who you are. I personally love A Course in Miracles or for these times- A Course of Love. But whatever inspires you. Take time to be in nature. Slow down- spend time alone- in silence. Express gratitude for every little thing in your life that is positive. Stop judging!!! Monitor your thoughts and direct them to positive paths. But mostly- extend love. Realize that every second of every day you are making a decision to either add to the light of the world…or not. Be mindful of that and always choose love. THAT is the best way to raise your frequency.
Fear of the Chaos: We look out on this world and we see horrible things happening. We see anger, fear, pain, suffering, neglect, nastiness and hopelessness. NOW, in this moment, decide again. As ACIM says, Choose Again. We see “out there” what is generated from within us by our thoughts. So change your thoughts. Determine to see love, hope, laughter, joy, helpfulness, nurturing and the coming together of humanity for the good of all. It’s there. You will see and experience based on what you are putting out. Not seeing love? Then stop withholding love. Take the wall down that is around your heart and send out love to every man, woman and child on this planet. What you will quickly start to experience is more love than you ever imagined could exist.
Under Attack/Darkness: This is a tough one. Many do not like my answer to this and I understand that- having experienced some really nasty business myself, but this is what I learned- if it doesn’t resonate, than I guess you will need to look elsewhere. Bottom line: Nothing happens to us without our consent on some level. We cannot be victims. But read this carefully, as you may have just been triggered by that comment. We came into this realm to experience duality- the contrast of love vs. evil. Light vs. dark. So to whatever degree you decided (on a soul level) to have that experience, that is what will play out in your life. Some of us (me included) have had very little experience with evil and so we wanted to meet it head on- look it in the eyes and wrestle with it. Why? Oh, Lord, why would we want to do this? Answer: Because. This world is an illusory world….my guys recently told me it is very much like a computer generated reality. We take on these avatars-sending in a small aspect of yourself while the larger part of us observes, and to varying degrees, pulls the strings. This is a game. What happens here is just for the experience. These experiences are helpful to us in our desire to be of service and know ourselves. We are energy and many of us penetrate the darkness in an effort to bring in the light. This is done for the benefit of all those who are lost in fear. We transmute the fear that is brought on by these “attacks” into light when we choose love. Read that again. If you are of the impression that you are under attack…you are suffering and afraid….then you have made the decision to test yourself- to see if you can remember to choose love over fear. As soon as you do that- declare yourself a sovereign being- one that cannot be a victim….you will no longer experience attack. You chose this experience. It is an initiation. It is to take you to a higher level of understanding. It is to learn your own strength and invulnerability. Don’t cower in fear. Declare the truth of who you are and raise above the frequency of fear….now that is bringing Light onto the planet in a big way!
I will end there. I think that addresses the main themes I am hearing. I hope & trust this will be of help to you. Sending out tons of love to everyone!!
Thank you very much Sherry for your courage and honesty in revealing your journey and informing us of the information that has been imparted to you. What you have said resonates. I have always felt that everything is an expression of consciousness, of the divine and I have understood that our perception of the physical world, a world of separation was an illusion, although I do struggle with perceiving/feeling beyond the physicality and our apparent separatness. Thank you so very much.
Thank you Gerard for the comment. It is not easy to reach beyond the separation while we are in form. I can hold the concept in my thoughts, but it
is not easy to “get there”, if you know what I mean. Wanted to let you know that I will be touching on this subject a bit in my lecture that is coming
up this next week. Here is the link to the online tickets if you should have interest. This will most likely be my last public talk- unless things
change dramatically with my health.
Thank you Sherry for sharing your story.
Also for reminding me of A Course in Miracles and Seth books. I need to re-read them and look forward to reading your book too.
I also love Deloris Canon and was so excited when I found your talks on UTube.
It resonates so much with me.
I have felt so strongly about much of what you are saying. Not surprising as we are all connected.
Thank you so much for all you are doing.
Lotsa love
Thank you Jenny…and much love to you!!
Hi Sherry,
I read your book several years ago and thought it was fantastic! Just now, I finished watching Ozark Mountain’s video from 2018 where you gave a speech which I thought was brilliant. Very happy to know you did NOT choose to take your exit point😊 as you are helping alot of people. Also how is your dog doing?
Hi Sherry, Me again. Thank you for responding to my previous questions. What do you think about the Chakras? Is it real, are the certain stones/rocks really work to protect you and keep evil away? Or is it a scam, lies?
Thank you,
I am glad you are doing better.
Hi Barb, The Chakras system is indeed real- when you consider our true nature, which is energy…our bodies are projections that exist in this dimension of time/space, so it makes perfect sense. I’m a firm believer in getting your chakras balanced and cleansed from time to time. As for stones/rocks- I have always had a huge fascination for them since I was a little girl! I feel their energy and power. So yes, they absolutely do have certain strengths and abilities to protect, enhance and heal. I wish I had more time to study that science, as I find it really interesting. If you were to walk thru my house you would find random stones and rocks sitting all over the place! They speak to me when I am out walking, and I will- with permission- bring them home with me!
Hi Sherry, Me again. Thank you for responding to my previous questions. What do you think about the Chakras? Is it real, are the certain stones/rocks really work to protect you and keep evil away? Or is it a scam, lies?
Thank you,
I am glad you are doing better.
Hi Sherry, I just finished reading your book. It was recommended a few months ago by a therapy friend of my wife’s while visiting Edinburgh. So people are promoting your work by word of mouth. Thank you for sharing. Things are falling into place. Humanity is waking up. Your story puts a new perspective on what is going on. The three most important things to know are very basic yet profound and confirmed by many sources. Again, thank you.
Thank you Jim. I appreciate so much that you took the time to write and share that message. A therapist!? That is terrific! (-:
Humanity IS waking up….what a glorious thing to see! What an amazing time to be on Planet Earth!!
love to you~ Sherry
Who is controlling us?
Hi Barb.
There is no one else out there.
There is only the One of us…disguised as the many.
We need remember that in the days ahead.
Great question.
lotsa love, Sherry
Thank you so much Sherry for sharing your experiences. You are a real inspiration and I wish you well as you continue your adventure we call life here. Blessings
Hi Sherry, I went to one of your talks in Pensacola years ago and I read your book. You are such an inspiration for Truth and Love, thank you so very much, I’ve turned to you on occasion when feeling I need to hear some inspiration and it always resonates with me and sets me back on the path. ?
So sweet of you to take the time to write. Oh gosh…I never hear the word Pensacola without getting a flash of a memory.
I was dreadfully sick while there- the attack on me had started, but I didn’t yet know what was going on. I kinda recall that
time, but it’s a blur! I guess my guys took over for me cuz I think it was a 3 hour lecture. So glad you found it worthwhile!
Blessings~ Sherry
Hi Sherry.
I left a comment a few days ago but decided to read more on your site today. I have been BEGGING my spirit guides for help in raising my vibration and letting go of all the negative energy. I am trying SO HARD to “de-program” myself from a lifetime of guilt, shame, condemnation and feelings of complete worthlessness. I was raised in the Christian church and I love God very much…..but I’ve always known there was so much missing from the idea of Christianity. I read The Bible and not only did it NOT make any sense to me, but I found it to be barbaric, cruel, FEAR-INDUCING and extremely confusing….this is when I began to feel “awakened”. There was never really a question to me of the existence of ET’s, UFO’s, Intelligent life in the universe, etc…..I just always knew all of those things were real. Not really sure HOW I knew, I just knew. So I have been trying really hard to reach out to spirit and my higher self….and….nothing. Needless to say I am feeling VERY defeated. I feel as though NO ONE in the spirit realm wants to help me….including my beloved father, whom I lost 9 years ago. My question is…,if awakening is where I am meant to be, why do I feel SO ALONE??? If I chose to come to earth and experience what I have here, then why do I feel like all I’m learning is fear and loneliness?…’s horrible and I just don’t want to be here anymore. I’m sorry I don’t mean to be a big downer….I just feel lost.
I’m so sorry I am just getting to this site and seeing your post. That probably didn’t help your situation!
I’ve never been drawn to the Bible either…some find comfort there, but I didn’t. And I’ve always gotten a strong knowing as to what books I should read and which I should not bother with…and the Bible was the latter. Although, I too, was made to attend Sunday School and all that Christian stuff. So now I will do what I do so often, if you read my answers to others you will see me recommend The Course in Miracles or A Course of Love. Either one- ACIM is best to do with a study group, but ACOL is great on your own, if you’re not a joiner. Here is what I got loud and strong as I read your note. When you talked about reaching out, I heard, “She needs to go within. The answers are all within her and this she needs to learn first before looking outside herself for someone to pull her up”. And I know that to be true. We are taught from the moment we arrive on this planet to look outside ourselves for help. We are never told that all we need is within us. But don’t feel bad about that- because now you do know and can do something about it! Right? As you awaken. As you peel away the layers of lies, the truth will reveal itself to you and you will eventually have the communication you desire from your dear father or those on the other side of the veil. It will happen naturally. But it will not be to show you the way, it will be to commune with you. love, Sherry
I finished your book tonight and found many of the answers to my questions above. Thank you for writing and publishing your experiences. I think I am beginning to understand now. You have helped to bring such peace to my life and I hope I can continue to discover my own truth and influence others to do the same.
So sweet…thank you! Much love to you~ Sherry
Bless you, Sherry. Thank you for sharing your good and helpful thoughts. You inspire me to do better. Love to you.
And much love to you Jeff…thanks for posting!
Thank you! Much love.
Thank you Sherry! everything you have shared has helped bring peace and love into my life on many levels. Your dedication, honesty and bravery is such a huge blessing to ALL. I would say, mission complete, but I know it never ends. Thanks for the love and support and I’m sending it back infinitely! ?❤️ I’m really excited to see your movie too!! I wish you nothing but joy in the process.
Thank you Carly. Sorry for the late response…my site was inaccessible to me for a bit and I’ve been having health issues. Getting stronger now. The movie is due out in late 2020 or early 2021…we shall see!