COVID, the Vax and now the subsequent variants that are being used to keep us in fear are a hot topic. Families, friends, and communities are being ripped apart by the various opinions about what is really happening. Where can we go to learn the TRUTH?
For myself, I have found so many truth speakers out there, but I think Dr Ardis gives us the most direct clear-cut answers as well as solutions. I STRONGLY urge you to listen to what he has to say and sign up for his updates. The info he gives can honestly save not just your life but the lives of those you love.
Whether you realize it or not, we are under attack…this is a war. And even though the light is winning there will continue to be casualties…don’t be one of them!
This is so sad. All this alien, conspiracy stuff is the new age. So is the concepts of starseeds, energy healing, vibrations ,etc. it’s sugar coated occultism. The devil is playing you all. He’s both sides. He created an enemy (shadow government, etc) and then the so called “good guys” with a savior/baby God role which only serves to lead you down a rabbit hole, away from God. The end of the rabbit hole is hell. I’m not judging. I can’t believe I ever thought any of this is real. It’s ludicrous, absolute insanity. But Satan is a master of brainwashing so it’s hard to tell new agers anything, Satan has deceived them so thoroughly and pumped up the ego, regardless of how much they don’t want to admit it. But really, you’ve been told you’re going to save the world, and that doesn’t go to the head? Pride was the original sin. Demons were angels once. They have powers and when you channel, are psychic, feel and manipulate so called energy, have out of body experiences, etc. you are utilizing demonic powers and they are more than happy to let you bc you have given them legal rights to you. Sherry please don’t be offended, I mean well and am actually talking as one of many whom the true Jesus saved out of new age occultism. You’re sick and losing everything bc you’re demonically oppressed, if not full blown possessed. Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy as the Bible/Jesus warns us. Demons are masquerading as aliens. They’ve become your companions, guides, friends. A person in your position needs deliverance (Christian term)/exorcisms (Catholic term). You need to close the doors you’ve opened, renounce and rebuke all these unclean spirits in the name of Jesus and leave the occult. Please look up ex new agers on YouTube who were saved by Jesus. Their stories are yours. They believed everything you did but couldn’t figure out why their lives were falling apart even tho they were “healers”, gifted, starseeds, etc. Satan gives with one hand while stealing with the other. Leave all these lies behind and go to church and read the Bible as it is, not with the belief that you are more enlightened than the word of God. Become discipled by a good pastor, get deliverance, and baptized. You will improve. Your health, your relationships, everything will be restored. The one true healer and physician of our souls is Jesus. The only guidance is from the Holy Spirit. Satan is just a counterfeit of God and you will know the difference by it’s fruits. The Bible says test every spirit and see the end results, the fruits. Anyway I’m going to pray for you. It’s heartbreaking to watch this as I know you truly believe you are helping others and are on the side of God and good. Satan is the Father of lies and exceptionally good at it. I pray God will be able to reach you before it’s too late.
Of course, I have allowed your post to remain on my Blog, even though not a single word of it resonates with me. It is a good example of someone who is polar opposite of my knowing. Much love and blessings as you continue on your awakening journey! ~Sherry
Sherry, oh beautiful Sherry! I emailed you, but I’m sure you’re busy. I’ve been thinking about you so much lately. I hope you’re doing well. I’m sorry to hear about your precious Maltese. Have you heard of the Rezotone12? They’ve changed our lives like crazy, for the better of course. They are like a pocket med bed. Here’s the link if you’re interested, better yet-I’d love to purchase you one to help you! You’re such an inspiration! We love you so much! Sending love, healing, peace, comfort and happiness your way!
Thank you Karla for the sweet message. I’m sorry I did not respond to your email- I know there are so many I need to answer. I’ve been very sick- in & out of the hospital. There does not appear to be anything that western medicine can do for me. Some Holistic and alternative treatments have helped some, but overall I am in a very bad place. The poison and EMF’s have taken their toll on my body. I aspire every day to keep my frequency as high as possible, but it is not easy when facing such challenges. Prayers and positive vibes are appreciated. Much Love, sherry
Such good info here and just what I was looking for. Thank you for having this important info available.; specially the ivermectin substitute of wormwood. I have some in my apothecary bag! Brilliant!
Thanks! Glad it helps!
Hey Sherry,
Your experience here is fascinating. I first saw your video from 2016 on Ozark Mountain Publishing youtube a few days ago. After some investigation I found this web site. We all have a mission on this Earth and am glad you have stuck around to complete yours.
I was visited by one of my spirit guides at 12 Y.O. and was told I had a very important mission later in Life. I thought it would be in my 30’s, but at 43 Y.O. in 2005 I had a Death experience and was told I could exit then or continue – I am continuing until whenever. I have been attacked all my life by the Evil side and after my electrocution and 2 story fall I woke up a different person and after reading many books know who I am – where I am from and why I am here.
As you know we can never let our guard down because the dark ones are always around to pounce on us. I will send healing and protection your way.
Thank you for sharing your experience.
Jeff Baker
Hello Jeff Baker! What an interesting story you have! Have you thought of sharing it in a book? Of course, I think everyone has an interesting life! There is such drama on this planet that even the person living a seemingly quiet life has their challenges! Can’t say we weren’t warned though! Each and every one of us knew it was a planet of duality before we agreed to come here. I appreciate hearing from you!
lotsa love, Sherry
Sherry I’ve been thinking about you lately. How are you doing? Much love Deb Singer
Hi Deb, Thank you for checking in with me. I’m in the desert right now- a place I feel drawn to, especially when I am not feeling well. So here I am doing all I know to help my poor beaten body to regain some strength. I just posted a video I did with a friend down here. Since I can’t type well, I wanted to get an update to everyone. You’ll find it on the website. much love, sherry
Hi Sherry,
I’ve been a long time fan of your book since you first released it. I’ve must have read it over and over. It never gets old and it resonates with my mission and my ET contacts on earth since the teachings are very similar. You are one of my favorite speakers on the subject and I’m glad to see you back doing interviews. The UFO Hub one was amazing! I have a question, I have your book on my lap right now and I came across a page where you write, “they never allow me to get sick”… which is true to what also happens to me, but why do you think Da & the crew didn’t step in to protect you from these recent poisonous attacks? I know a lot of us are getting attacked these days, but shouldn’t they step in and protect their people at all cost? I know thats the deal I have with my team, but there are times I do get physically attacked as well. I struggle with it at times but you best believe I start yelling at my team to “step it up!!’”… or the usual “I didn’t come down here to go through this crap, you guys better fix it!” …. Lol, Of course I sound like a madman if anyone hears me….But whats your honest take on this? Looking forward to a second book. Thank you!! Love you so much Sherry.❤️🙏🏼
Hi Marlo~ Thanks for taking the time to write. You ask a very good question- one I have gone round and round with for some time! I too was bitterly disappointed that I was attacked and my body made so sick. Believe me, I have asked and asked why it played out this way as I do not recall putting this health challenge on my timeline. However, things changed some time ago when it was discovered that the controllers had me in their crosshairs. My guys came in and told me they were pulling me from my mission as it had gotten too dangerous…they could not guarantee my safety. But because it was early 1990’s and my children were still fairly young, I refused to leave. When and if I am ever able to write another book, I will put forth the whole story of what happened and why. It is beyond incredible! Just suffice to say the nothing happens without our permission on some level and I had what seemed like good reasons at the time to take on this horrid experience. Right now I am planning to take my next exit which is coming up in March of 2022. They have told me that I will be much improved by then and will end up not taking it- I hope with all my heart that is true, but as it is right now I am looking forward to the exit. I committed to stay until the film gets made, which by then it looks like it should be far enough along that I would be okay to leave. If it is not, I will do my best to hang on a bit longer, as that is a large part of why I came in the first place. I wish I could write more, but the challenges are too much. Blessings & Much Love, Sherry
Sherry, thank you for this information and for all you’ve done for humanity. Your courage and perseverance is amazing!
Thanks Frank! Happy to be of service!!
Thank you so much for sharing this. I found it to be immensely helpful.
I’ve always known the virus to be phony, yet I personally know a respiratory therapy nurse who claims that in the hospital things are really bad and people are really dying. i never understood how that made any sense when in my heart i knew that the virus was full bogus yet i believed her to be telling the truth. Now after listening to this IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE AS TO WHY.
Thanks Misha! Yes, this whole fake news around what is REALLY going on with the pandemic is disturbing, to say the least! Dr Ardis is the voice of reason and makes it clear that if we want to survive we stay the hell away from your doctor and for sure, the hospital. There are simple ways to avoid catching the virus or treating it easily should you come down with it. I just learned that a good dose of L-Lysine every day will keep you safe from the virus. I take 6000 mg of it daily in my Medical Medium protocol, so I was happy to see that study! You can find it on if interested. Thanks for taking the time to post! love, Sherry