I want to try to get back in the swing of posting on a more regular basis and I thought I’d start with something kind of light and fun. So, this blog is dedicated to my little 7 pound constant companion known as Pookie. I realize that is not a very masculine or regal name, but somehow it fits him. His proper name is Jasper, but it evolved- don’t ask me how- into Pookie.
It was a big decision for me to take on the responsibility of a dog. I gave it a lot of thought, but in the end, it was my heart that made the decision for me. Had I thought about it logically, I never would have done it. After all, as a single active woman who had more irons in the fire than I ever should have, I really had no business taking on the responsibility of a little creature that would require care and attention. The idea entered my thoughts quietly. I believe it was triggered when my daughter- who lived on the opposite side of the country- told me she was pregnant. Deep down- hidden in a secret place- was the knowingness that I would not be given a lot of time with my grandchild, and this dog would be the salve for my heart when the ache became too much to bear. I told friends that Pookie was the substitute for when I was separated from my grandson, but really, I knew it was more than that. I’m so glad I listened to my heart.
Pookie and I found each other online. I’d been talking to the owner of some Maltese pups and none he offered felt right. He was sending me pictures and, of course, they all looked pretty much the same. Finally, he said, “Well, there is this one little guy, but I’ve gotten kinda attached to him myself, so I’m not sure I want to let him go.” He sent me his picture. That was my dog! Then he told he’d been born on 12/25/05. That sealed it for me! My birthday is 12/25/50. It was a match made in heaven!

Baby Pookie
I’ve had dogs in the past and I’ve loved each one of them dearly, but none has been as close to me as this dog. He actually feels like a part of my soul family, if not a part of my very soul. He’s been my constant companion since he came into my life back in early 2006. He was there in 2010 when I lost most of my family. He was there the night my attorney called to tell me my bank had just been seized and the deal we’d scrambled to put together to save me from going down with them was now null and void. He was sitting at my feet the first time a Draco came walking into my house- poor little guy- he tried to be brave, but what started out as a growl quickly turned into a whimper as he shook violently with fear. He’s been there through numerous ET visits- most friendly, others not so much. I recall the night a tall white being stopped by to visit with me. He was radiant and oozing love! Seeing Pookie sleeping at the food of my bed, he reached out to him and cradled him against his chest, saying, “Ahhhh, an expression of pure love.” Pookie seemed to disappear into the white glow of this guy’s long white robe. Always Pookie had the final say in who I agreed to enter into a serious relationship with. If you didn’t get the Pookie seal of approval, then that was it. I trusted his instincts more than my own. We’ve traveled the country together and he’s been sneaked into more Hamptons than I care to count. (now we only stay at dog approved hotels)
Perhaps the most meaningful part of our journey together has been our decline in health- we went downhill together, with his ailments mirroring my own. In 2013 I noticed he would be disoriented and stagger out of his closet in the morning like he was hung over, at the very same time I had started to have similar problems in the morning. Our daily 3 mile walks ended abruptly one day when suddenly, I could no longer keep my balance. I was getting dressed when I tipped over pulling on my sweat pants and fell in a heap. I laughed out loud and looked at Pookie, saying something like, “Well that was graceful!” But it wasn’t funny when I could no longer make my legs work. Pookie also lost his ability to walk and needed surgery for his torn ACL. In addition, he was diagnosed with Lyme Disease, Cushing Disease, various infections and a heart murmur. Likewise, I learned that in addition to…or as a result of the poison, I also had Lyme Disease, Adrenal fatigue, thyroid problems and either Parkinson Disease or Parkinsonism.
The day I took him in for the surgery to repair his ACL was horrible. I could barely walk myself and I remember having to park in the lot across the street. I sat there staring at the 50 yard distance to the front door. How was I ever going to make it that far? He’d been so sick, he only weighed a little over six pounds, but it might as well have been a hundred. Later that day, the doctor called to say that the damage to Pookie’s joint was much worse than expected. Given his overall health, she urged me to let him go. My response was not at all typical for me. I burst into tears and was unable to give her an answer. Every pet owner will relate to the agony of having to make this decision. You just don’t know where the line is between your selfish desire to keep them with you as opposed to doing what is in your animal’s best interest. Eventually my heart urged me to keep him here.

Pookie Recently
It would have been a comedy if it hadn’t been so tragic to see us together. Me holding Pookie’s frail little body up in a sling as he went outside in the snow to do his job 4 or 5 times a day. I was probably at my worst during this period of time and together we’d tumble into the snow as I lost my balance or simply fell over from weakness. It was tempting to just lay there and not get up again.
After one of those bouts I brought him into the house, and I laid him gently on my bed. He was so frail and weak! I stretched out on the bench and got down to his level. I looked him in the eyes and asked him if he’d rather I let him go. Did he want to go now and give up this struggle? If he wanted to go, I’d go with him. I was ready to make that deal. But he surprised me. As clear as anything he told me no. We stay together- we see this through. I started to weep. I really thought he’d say, let’s go for it- let’s go home together. Instead, I told him, “I’ll hang in there if you will.” We made a pact.
He became my guru and my source of strength. As bad as it was for me, it was just as bad for him. Yet he never whined. I surprised myself by being a bit of a whiner. I didn’t adjust well to being sick and I pouted to him about it all the time. He’d listen without judgment but offer no sympathy…only love.
In spite of our deal we had another occurrence that drove home the point for me. It was a major turning point for me. Pookie had yet another appointment with the vet and I was barely able to get both him and me into the car. Driving wasn’t the issue, it was getting to the car- carrying him and then getting his body and mine situated in the vehicle. You have no idea how weak poison will make your body. I got him settled on the passenger seat. He was like a limp rag doll wrapped in a blanket. I walked around to the driver side and pulled myself up into the seat. I was running late, of course, but I took a few seconds to rest and catch my breath. Then I reached up, pushed the remote to open the garage door, started the car and tugged on the seatbelt to get it around me. I put the car in reverse, started to back out and immediately slammed on the brakes. The garage door had not opened. I felt a tingle go down my spine. I had a revelation. I turned to Pookie, who looked up at me with those big black eyes and I said, “This just might be a sign, Pookie! We don’t have to do anything! Do you understand, we can just sit here and fall asleep! I think this is a sign!!” I rolled down my window and kinda stuck my head out and breathed deep. “See, it’s easy….this will work…we can be out of these sick bodies today and we’ll go together.” Then I turned back to Pookie to get his approval. The look on my face must have been priceless! I have no explanation for it, because there can be none! Pookie was sitting up like he was a healthy young pup as he smiled at me (Yes! He was smiling) and his demeanor said, “We go bye-bye now…why aren’t we moving….you know I love to go bye-bye!” I wanted to cry but seeing him like that made me laugh out loud. I was somewhat disappointed, but he was right. We needed to push on.

Pookie sitting on my lap today as I write this blog
Slowly Pookie learned to get around- not sure you can call it walking, but he makes his way around well enough. I also have gone from barely walking to a half block, then a full block and now to walking almost two miles—on good days. We continue to have our challenges, but Pookie never gives up! We’ve made three appointments to have him “put down”, but each time we give it one more try. I’m hoping that is behind us. We’ve agreed…well, I agreed…no more talk about giving up. We are committed to seeing this through.
Dearest Sherry,
At 36, when I was pregnant with my last child, I was diagnosed with a genetic neurological condition. I know exactly what it means to completely lose balance, to feel like a walk to the corner is like climbing Everest. Let alone how carrying something adds to the degree of difficulty a thousand fold.
Thank you for your beautiful and courageous story. You and Pookie have reminded me not to give up. To see this through. And so we do this together.
Love, Lisa
Hi Lisa~ So sweet of you to write! It’s always a good reminder to know we are never alone. It can sure feel like it at times- especially when dealing with chronic illness. I do hope you have the support you need in your daily life! I recognize that support sometimes must come from within ourselves, but I remind myself daily that I am the one who wrote this script for my life and I would not have given myself more than I can handle. Pookie is still here with me….amazingly! He shows me what “acceptance of what is” looks like and I do my best to follow his lead! Because there is only one of us here, we do this together. Much love to you! Sherry
So good to hear you’re doing better, Sherry! Thank you for sharing this beautiful friendship story.
Thank you Ana! It was fun sharing my Pookie story….
Wow Sherry,
So your Pookie has shared your journey, never alone. The things our pets will endure for us. He looks adorable, he reminds me of a beautiful snowball. Your story with your dog has touched me very profoundly because I have had my own experiences with my pet Chomper as I mentioned in your other publishing. I just have no words for the unconditional love that pets are sharing with us humans in these times of change and hardship. We think we pick the pet but it’s the other way around, it’s been the pet who has picked us. If only people were to open up to sharing their life in a more positive way with animals, this would already be a better world, but it all starts with one, then two and so forth. Happy you are both doing well.
Love & light to you my dear Sherry & Pookie! – Mercedes

Hi Mercedes. It was your email that inspired me to write this little post tribute to Pookie! I’ve been meaning to get back to the blog, but wanted to start out
with something light. Thanks for your message!! lotsa love, Sherry
Hi Sherry,
Wishing you love, light, peace and health.
I just wanted to say hello and to share some pictures of my beautiful Chomps who brings so much love and joy to my life. Don’t know if you’ll be able to view them because when I add them here the images only show up as a list of jpgs but no images from what I can see. Here they are anyway.
Also I wanted to share with you that lately I have noticed light streamers around us. I see them, my son and husband don’t. I have taken photos of us just hanging out with Chomper and they show up on some of the photos… I noticed that things change and happen when we are just being ourselves, being happy and at peace with each other in the most mundane ways.
I see what look like tubular streams of light passing in and surrounding us at a very fast speed and they are visible to the eye, they even show up on my photos. Things are changing, everything is changing very fast Sherry.
All it takes are small good positive changes, small actions from our part – it does not take heroics because the change starts with me and one small change at a time. We need to be congruent with what we think, say, and do. The small actions in our daily life is what will bring the big changes as a humanity, it’s about the choices we make every single day. May we chose wisely!
Best wishes to you and Pookie! – love Mercedes
Hi Mercedes~ Sorry the pics didn’t come through- not sure if it’s cuz it is a blog or what. You are so right! Things are changing rapidly now!
Quite amazing and so affirming! Many, many are reporting the streams of light- the illusion is breaking down! Funky stuff happening with time and
our thoughts are manifesting so much faster! Hurrah!! Great to hear from you!! much love, sherry
I’m so happy You and Pookie are doing better! I have been waiting for update to your site and what a great way to start. Thank you and Pookie for hanging in there. I will listen better to my pets when I think their time comes. I cant begin to tell you what an
impact your story has made on me! Thank you for being there for us, Sherry! Love,Peace to you!
Hi Damon and thank you for the message! I’m happy you enjoyed the lighthearted post. With all that is going on in the world, it feels good
to just lighten up a bit! Much love & blessings~ Sherry
Hello sherry!!
So incredibly touching. Thank you sharing such a beautiful story of love. A true love story.
Our pets- especially dogs it seem- show us the true meaning of unconditional love. Thank you Lu and so nice to hear from you! ~s