About ten days ago I came awake with a download from my guys being absorbed into my conscious awareness. After the download was complete, they asked me to do a video about this subject…they stressed a video. But, sorry, I am just not well enough to take that on. As it is, it has taken me until now to put it down on paper. The general subject of their message was about, what they called, the Second Wave of Awakening, which they tell me is imminent. (Although, we all know they are not good with time issues!) Now it is a fact that people are awakening every day- more now due to the ridiculous things being played out for all to see…. Should one choose to see. But it sounds like there could be a singular event or trauma big enough to knock the sleepers out of their slumber into a state of jarring awareness. And that is what they wanted me to address.
Those of us who have been labeled the conspiracy freaks and whose family and friends have distanced themselves from us, because we think so different from them, have probably been in awareness for a long time…at least to some degree. We knew immediately that 9/11 was not as we were told- we knew it the instant we saw it happen. Hell, if you’re old enough, you probably knew the JFK assassination was an “inside job” and not at all what was being forced down our throats. We have an innate ability to just know. That may be because you came here as a lightworker, volunteer or starseed to serve during this time of the great earth changes. Or you might just be wired that way- to discern truth from deceit.
Those that have chosen to stay asleep up until this point are the majority. And it is a choice that was made on a soul level. I’ve been meeting with many of these souls on the astral level and encouraging them to “make a run for it” since their frequency is high enough for them to fully awaken. So, why haven’t they awakened yet? Clearly, there is enough BS out there for anyone to see that a closer look at things is warranted. They have chosen to hide from it due to fear. These souls, if you just take a minute to consider them, are gentle souls. Yes, there are exceptions- there are always exceptions! There are those people who are just too aligned with their ego- too angry to let go of the story they have been stating and identifying with for so long. These will be the last to awaken if they wake up at all this time. The ones my guys wanted me to address- although it is unlikely many of them will be reading this- I guess that is why they wanted a video…oh well. I still think it is important for the ones who will be lending support to hear this message. Those who are traumatized by whatever it is that shocks them awake are going to need lots and lots of love, patience and understanding from those of us that have already come to terms with how this world works.
One of the hardest things humanity, in general, is going to struggle with is the forgiveness of those who perpetrated such evil against us. The programmed response to that is going to be one of falling into the role of victim…which is the last thing that should happen. That does nothing to transmute the dense energy. The children of earth will need to make Oneness a part of their mindset. Above all else, they will need to embrace and understand there is no separation! They will need to think in terms of energy, frequency and forgiveness. The new kind of forgiveness, which is not assigning guilt and, being the better person, you “forgive” them. No, it is the forgiveness that recognizes that this was all about energy playing out at the “request” of the “victim” and so there is no perpetrator and there is, in truth, no victim.
You chose to come to this world of duality because you wanted to challenge yourself with that type of game. This world is an illusion. We are dreaming it into being. It is ludicrous to blame another for anything that happens to you while playing the game. You are the dreamer or your dream- to blame another is just plain silly.
Still, knowing all of the above is not going to help initially. These souls- which many of them are almost of the angelic nature- are going to spin out of control for a while. Many will not be able to function and some will not be able to get out of bed. We must be very present with these people in our response to them. They cannot be given a pat on the back and told to buck up. And they certainly will not need to hear, “I told you so”. OMG, please don’t even think it….few, if any lightworkers would ever do that! These traumatized people will need us to listen to them as they process what has happened to their world. Remember, a lot of what they trusted in and believed in is now gone. They feel like they have no ground beneath their feet. Be gentle. Be reassuring. Share what you know about the new earth and provide resources to those that ask.
I can see that those who are strongly aligned with a religion will be forced to face some uncomfortable truths. Religion was also hijacked by the controllers, so those who are devout in their faith have been deeply programmed to believe in judgement, sin and the need to “earn” their way into heaven. Learning that they were seeded onto this planet as an experiment is not going to sit easily with them. But that can wait for later, if possible. It is understandable that they will want to find comfort in their beliefs, but it could be short-lived as more and more is revealed. It would seem a good idea to, at least, introduce them to another way of thinking…maybe spiritual instead of religion. Of course, many of these angel souls are already there and perhaps, way ahead of us on that front.
I think that was the major info I was given in the download. Basic stuff, really, but important to keep in mind during the days and weeks ahead. It’s going to be a bumpy ride all the way through the end of the year. The closer we get to the election, the more the dark ones will fight to remain in control. They will continue to expose the true nature of who and what they have been all along. There will be no secrets. I find it helps to view it as a necessary, but ugly, process we must go through in order to reach the desired level of frequency on this planet. After all, the dark must be eradicated so we can move into those higher vibrations. We will, eventually, simply leave them behind. So stay centered in your heart- send love to all- even the dark (and NO!! it does not empower them) Keep yer eye on the prize! We’ll get there!
Sherry i am going through the same. My greys came in 2022. Its been nothing but deliberate suffering. This one grey is with me 24/7/365. Its going on 3 years like this. I almost died a few times. When they tried to talk you into ten years of suffering i knew you are dealing with the same. Email me anytime sherry.
Hi Sherry , thank you so very much for your sacrifices to wake us up . I have recently watched many of your interviews and then rushed to meet with my nephew to show him what we both were searching for . You have answered our questioning of what was really happening in this world . It just didn’t make any sense to both of us . We are both looking forward to reading your books and of course your TV series and any conferences you have in the future .
Sincerely , Fred Young
What a great message!! Thanks Fred for sharing your enthusiasm! It means a lot to me! Hope to meet you in person some day! lotsa love, Sherry
Hi Sherry. Thank you so very much for this video you made in February to communicate with us. I have wondered about you often over the last few years, since we last saw you speak at the conference in Eureka Springs. While it’s hard to see and hear about the deep suffering that you have gone through, I celebrate with you that you HAVE…gone THROUGH it…and that you are coming out on the other side. Exit points may be there, but I have to say, after all of this, you gotta stick around to watch the fruit of your labor be born. Why stop now?
Your words struck so many chords with me and my husband. We both have endured family rejection, for reasons other than yours, but that matters mot. It has been a great sense of loss and sadness for me for over a decade. But as you show and we know, what has not killed you has made you stronger, and I feel that in my own life, too.
There is much I would like to say but just know that you are an inspiration in the grace through which you have moved through your trials. I needed to hear your message tonight, on several levels. Thank you. You are a shining 🌟. Thank you for the light you so willing share with all.
Blessings to you, and healing, and victory.
Hi Susan~ I do appreciate your message- and you are right! It would not be smart to exit now…after all, I managed to hang on this long. I can say that now, since I am feeling well enough to answer a few emails, but this morning as I sit weeping on my sofa…well, it was a different matter. Anyone who is chronically ill knows what I am talking about. The little highs are cause for such hope and the lows send you into deep despair. The trick is to stay on an even course and just allow what shows up to play out while doing your best to not let your frequency plummet…a very difficult process. Again, I wish I could write more, but will have to cut it short. Your message touched my heart and gave me strength. Thank you! much love, sherry
Dear Sherry,
You went through too much to give up now.
I met someone here, in Cambodia, that knows you and she was just saying how great you are, she didn’t have to convince me about that fact though!
Well, she is an hypnotherapist but, nevertheless.
So, it’s time to rise. Try one step after the other, every single day, and you will walk under the sun, listen to the birds songs in the shadow of a beautiful tree and remember that it is Love that made you hang on until now.
We are too many carrying you with our prayers that, there is no way this won’t happen! We also need your trust, our prayers wouldn’t be heard without it.
No, you aren’t a victim Sherry, your are one of the most beautiful souls this world had the privilege to see walk amongst many other sleeping and lost souls.
No, you are not brave, you are just filled with the Unconditional Love of Source and your Light cannot leave right now, because this planet needs you more than ever. Gaïa would miss you at a time when she needs you the most.
You will be the new dawn for many and for still many years to come so, it isn’t the right time to exit. Beautiful times are coming and, you should experience these too. After all, you would deserve that, at least and at last!
Courage! Keep up the good fight! None of us will let you down anytime soon.
With UL,
Thank you for the words of encouragement. I appreciate you taking the time to post.
I am hanging in there day by day…
lotsa love, sherry
Dear Sherry,
Being a victim doesn’t automatically mean blaming the perpetrator.
Being a victim doesn’t necessarily mean that one victimizes oneself for what happened.
A victim can be a lighthouse for others to show the way out, to more awareness.
If perpetrator and victim had the exact same frequency they wouldn’t be opposed. While the perpetrator lives in a perpetual lie, the victim will eventually rise up and gain in strength, she will have to be reborn, renewed and grow.
Refusing to be a victim is refusing to admit the facts, that show our vulnerability to manipulation and deceit.
We all are victims Sherry, victims of our ego and our free will. Like children we want to experience it all, ignoring the warnings of our elders. We are first the victims of ourselves, of our curiosity, of our thirst of recognition, of our own emotions, of the environment we are surrounded with, of the Love we seek at the wrong places, of the relationships that we try to keep, etc. And even if we asked to be born here, in a world of duality and manipulation, we were then the victims of our arrogance, thinking that it would be an easy ride with the support of others. Perfection belongs to Source in Her unified variety.
Only Source knows the depth of each soul and recognizes the true nature of who we really are.
Only Source is the answer to all our questions and only Source can comfort those who experience whatever suffering they have to go through.
Source gave us free will to experience Herself through us, in whatever realm we would evolve, however, here at least, our ego hijacked it all.
Source is you, She is everyone of us, but we clamp Her Light down through our ego and our inability to accept that we are vulnerable and impressionable.
We want to be strong, we want to do it all by ourselves, we know it all, when in fact we are nothing without Her. Source is the Energy that drives us all in Her Oneness, in freedom, with unconditional love. No control, no formatting, no judgement, just freedom and unconditional love. Source wouldn’t limit Herself through Her Creation; Source wants to grow and expend for all Eternity, without any boundaries, and all beings are the means for Her to do exactly that.
Source also knows that, a victim can be a bright star to show our way Home, because she rose up to the Light, strong in her Faith and driven by unconditinal love, compassion and her ability to empathize. While the perpetrator will accumulated his victims, the victim will shed away the grief to fight her way back to the Light and, by doing so, she will gather behind her all the other victims in an energetic force so that all can then rise in frequency and return to the essence of all life, the unconditional love of Source.
Resentment being an egotic feeling, we’ll leave it to the perpetrator, as the victim doesn’t careless about her ego, she first needs to get up again and clame her life back.
For a soul acknowledging having been abused, manipulated or mishandled allows her to understand what it means to be a victim and to face her vulnerability in all consciousness, therefore she also knows who to ask for help as, the only One that can help her is Source. Outside Source, there are just crutches or wheelchairs offering only limited freedom and often unable to provide the needed love to rise. The fear of becoming attached or taking responsibility being often obstacles to real unconditional love. Only Source can heal the soul because, only Source does really care. It’s difficult for anyone to really care about another soul, more than with words or a tap on the shoulder. And with care I mean, taking responsibility and guide, never leaving a soul wandering in doubt, worry and uncertainty. However, sometimes, real care can heal 2 souls at once, through the power of prayer, when that prayer is rising from the depths of a soul that is loving with true unconditional love and aware that separation of Source is an illusion.
As far as I am concerned, life has shown me that only Source knows the “magic” words: “I am here, it’s all going to be OK.” And, indeed, everything always finds its way back to Light, in Faith, hope and trust because, Source never betrays and never lets one down, never. Source would rather carry us through the storm, than let us in despare, as She is Unconditional Love!
May Source bless you on your journey back to Her Oneness, in the freedom of Her unconditional love.
Emmanuel Verstand
Hi Emmanuel~ I love what you have expressed here in this message! I’ve read it a few times and will read it again. It has been such a struggle for me to come to terms with the situation I find myself in. I keep saying, “I know very well how this Matrix works…I know it is a “Project & Perceive” reality so how is it I find myself in such a pickle!! LOL! At the end of the day, it is all about the experience. Suffering…or the perception of it is just a judgement and this drama we find ourselves experiencing is just a blip on the radar of this wonderous game. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and ideas. It is very much appreciated by me. love, sherry
I was brought up Catholic but it left too many questions unanswered. I have studied Edgar Cayce, the Course in Miracles, the Course of Love and countless other books in my 70 years. I have ordered your book and watched every video of you that I can find. Your straight forward approach to getting out the message resonates with me on a deeper level than all that has come before you. I am eternally grateful for your decision to volunteer. It truly saddens me that you have had to pay such a high price for your devotion to the mission. May God bless you and heal you of all pain and discomfort. When the awakening comes to full fruition your efforts to lead the charge will enable your name to go down in earth’s long history as one of its greatest heroines. Namaste!
Hi Mike, I got your book mailed out yesterday- sorry for the poor penmanship- my hands shake so badly it is barely legible! Your comment touched me deeply as I am going through a really rough time right now and I sometimes question my decision. Hearing from people like you brings it all back into perspective. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to express your feelings! love, sherry
Heads up to everyone. July 4th my sister and her daughter were sitting outside around 11 when a light came over the horizon from the north. A series of 7 lights came directly over them. It was a full moon night so the objects were very clear. Dark tear drop shapes the size of a school bus flying at a similar altitude to a search helicopter. As they came over the light disappeared as thou recessed into the vessel. The last two turned on a dime and went east at a high rate of speed. My niece was highly animated yelling at my sister “Mom, Mom, what is that?” My sister realized later that she could not speak. Nothing would come out of her mouth. The daughter did not want to call the police to draw too much attention. My sister wrote about it on a web page of sightings which I searched for but never found. My sister has had many unexplainable events in her life. She has seen beings walk thru walls and has felt she was taken.
I personally am looking forward to the big reveal. There is no one like you Sherry – don’t go silent on us please.
Thank you for sharing this Linda. I don’t like being absent, but the poison has done damage to me- I am working hard to reverse it, but I am very ill as I go thru the process. I am hoping to be well enough to begin interviews again and post on my blog by year end. All good thoughts and prayers are appreciated. Much love, Sherry
Sherry how were you poisoned?? Absolutely loved your book and the 3 promises which I found so interesting. I try to be careful how I think, I try to remind myself we are all one and the thought that we are multi dimensional beings existing on more than one level simultaneously still freaks me out. I hope you are getting better. I’m a seeker and hope you do more videos..they are so interesting and informative. Right now I’m listening to a book called MY SOUL PURPOSE by Kim Russo. Have you ever read it or heard about it? I just started chapter 3. You 2 authors have commonalities..speaking of fear and ego and such. I try to have an open mind. I like the saying “ an open mind is like an open window it lets the fresh air in.” Well I hope you get better soon. You’ve lived quite a life and have been through so much. Stay strong and I hope you have a wonderful day today. 🙂
Hi Debbie. Thank you for taking the time to post. I’m so pleased you enjoyed the book and my lectures. I hope to once again be speaking publicly and doing interviews before too much longer. I’d also love to write a 2nd book. I’m just too sick to do any of those things right now, but I remain optimistic that my health will be restored enough for me to have the strength once again. How I was poisoned is an interesting story and one I don’t have the ability to write about now, but it will come out eventually. I was poisoned just as soon as my book was signed to be published after being warned to not talk about the things I knew. I nearly died and have spent the last 7 years trying to rid my body of this nasty horrid poison. To say it has been a nightmare is putting it very mildly. Bless you & keep you mind open! love, Sherry
I just finished listening to your book Sherry, and felt compelled to check out this blog. The material you shared in the book resonated with me deeply and affirmed so many of the strange things I’ve been experiencing and feeling over the last several years on my own personal journey. Life is a trip! Anyways I just wanted to thank you for putting yourself and your story out there, I understand the bravery (and the sacrifice) that is necessary when talking about these sorts of things.
Lots of love!
Thanks for taking the time to write. Sorry for my delay in responding- there is a lot going on right now for me. I am always glad to hear when someone finds clarity or comfort from reading my book. It makes everything worthwhile. Blessings~ Sherry
I’m just finding this now in early October, I guess I found it when I needed it! Crazy times indeed! Nothing would surprise me now.. not tempting you universe! ; )
Sherry, I just wanted to reach out & let you know how very much we appreciate you & your dedication! You have paid a very high price for aiding in the Awakening of others! You are heavy in my prayers & hope you find some relief sooner than later!!! You deserve so much happiness!!! Much Gratitude, Love, & Light!!!
Thank you Maija for you kind words and wishes. My journey here has been a really interesting and challenging one. I hope to have a very long rest after I leave, but for now I just would like to recover some quality of life. The attacks have left my body in very poor condition, but I continue to know and believe that those conditions are temporary. All prayers are appreciated! With love~ Sherry
Hi Sherry, I just found this post and wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the information within. I also want to thank you for your cautionary note regarding ” I told you so!”
We keyboard warriors work ceaselessly trying to bring Truth to those who are having a hard time waking and I’ve often wondered if I would fall prey to the ITYS! mindset once others start realizing what’s going on. Now there’s no question that I will not. You’ve given guidance on how to avoid ego and emotion. So, I’ll be quietly closing my eyes and saying thank you as others come to me.
I’m grateful to you for all your hard work, for your book, your articles, videos and FB posts. There’s no doubt that ‘now is the time.’ Though I can’t say exactly what that means instinctively, I go looking for people who can provide guidance for me as I guide others. And I deeply appreciate how difficult it must be to have to soldier on when one is not feeling well…I love you for that. Thank you again.
Hi Sandy, I see you on FB, now that I have gone back on there- not sure I will stay long- it’s just a very depressing place! I admire you for being true to your calling and gently but firmly holding space for the truth. Not sure I have what it takes to spend more than ten minutes in that medium. Thank you for your comments, the words felt like a soothing massage for my weary soul- you nailed it…I am beyond tired and have wanted to be done with this mission a long time ago, but I must see it through. There is no opting out at this point. I trust relief will come-just praying it is soon. Bless you for the work you are doing- it surely is making a difference! See ya on FB!! Lotsa love, sherry
Hello, I read your book years ago but a few times in a year I check your website. When I was stil studying and stressing about school it was good to hear that there is a possible change coming for the earth and it’s inhabitants, I really hope I live to see it! and also the awakening in people to a better reality and the realization that we are not alone in the universe. I really hope I will see this unfold in my life time 🙂
Hi Agnes- thanks for taking the time to write. You know I have an angel that I call Agnes…Angel Agnes! Not sure if I gave her that name or if she told me to call her that. She’s been with me my whole life…she’s sweet as can be…calls me dear and giggles a lot. Anyway, I think you can pretty well count on seeing all the wonderful changes unfold in your lifetime! (-: Enjoy the ride! love, sherry
Hey Dear,
It’s Evelyn from Germany. First of all im so so glad to hear again from you. 💕
I’ve often thought of you and started to worry about you.
But i was told, that you are on your way back to recovery. And here you are. 🥰
I know, your guys are right in some shape or form. Maybe ist depends on how we interpret the downlads. I’ve got similar informations. But there is so much more to come. It will be very exciting. Can‘t wait for it. 😍
Whishing you the very best from all in the World and beyond.
Your friend Evelyn
Hi Evelyn, wonderful to hear from you! It’s been a very rough 8+ years, but I am also of the understanding that it is suppose to start getting better very soon…like, I hope, right now! Wow! When they told me I’d have to go into this deep suffering in order to neutralize it, I knew it would be harsh, but this has felt like I was trapped in hell! Just last night I got the word I would be cycling out of it and I have been so excited all day! It will be a long, slow climb out of the deep hole I have been in, but already I feel myself moving closer to the familiar frequency I once lived in. The density I have endured these past 8 years has barely been tolerable! It is so very exciting! I am thrilled to still be here, as the best is yet to come! Lotsa love, Sherry
Oh, Cherry, im so happy for you!
To neutralize the darkness, we have to walk strait through it.
It takes an enormous amount of strength and courage to face such a huge task. But it will be totally worth it.
I only can guess how it must feel like to be in your shoes.
Your climb will, maybe, be like a pushing through some clouds. I wrote you a Mail last Fall. Maybe you have some free time and feel strong enough, to answer it?
Feel Yourself wrapped in Love and high vibrational feelings 💕
Thank you for the sweet message, Evelyn! You are correct that this has been a very tough time for me, but I hang on sometimes just moment to moment. When I am stronger I hope to write a book about this journey. It has been so amazing and so challenging! I must not have received your prior email, as I do answer everyone who writes me- might take a while, but I get to it eventually. Again, thank you for the words of encouragement! love, Sherry
Thanks so much for being a shining light, and reaching so many.
Love is the answer, it’s so simple, yet so challenging at times.
But we can all remind each other gently, especially when the fertiliser really hits the fan.
Apparently, it’s going to be WAY nastier than we imagined.
Can we hold steady, and shine as love? It’s the only game in town, so I hope so 🙂
Love and miss you friend. Let’s connect soon.💜🌻🎇
Hi Candice, I was really sick at the time your message came in, so all I could do was approve it. Feeling stronger now so I searched it out so you wouldn’t think I was ignoring you! Yes, give me a call- we should catch up- I’d like your opinion on a few things that I had occur recently. love ya!
I can actually undestand why a video was necessary. I regularly go to youtube and search your name after you did the piece on UFO hub which i feel was very inspiring. Today i decided to come and check your blog and I saw this. Thank you.
This is my second comment. Whitley Streiber and Chris Bledsoe has indicated we will experience more UFO traffic “soon”. I didn’t see anything in your account confirming or pointing at this possibility. Could you speak to this? I saw both comments on twitter.
It is my understanding that our cosmic family will be showing themselves more & more as people awaken. I sure hope so! Be cautious as to what the MSM has to say about it. Best~ Sherry
Look forward to your new posts and was thrilled to find one today. Was hoping to hear better news about the status of your recovery. Thank you for powering through your health challenges in order to share important messages with those of us who love you, believe you and the information you get from your “guys”. Keeping thoughts in high places is difficult for many of us even knowing how important and powerful it is. Our nation hardly looks like the American I have appreciated and loved. I never lost sight of the magnificent freedom we have enjoyed or at least we thought we did, maybe we were never free. I consider myself a lightworker or at the very least a bringer of levity and joy to my friends. I think we need to brace ourselves for the election, we may have possibly not seen the worse. But…thoughts in higher places, maybe we can change the collective trajectory. I will keep you in my evening meditation of prayers. You are so very lion hearted.
Hi Cindy~ my responses today must be short as my hands are shaking too much to type. But thank you for posting. Holding positive thoughts and keeping your frequency high is the very best thing you can do. We are into this split- those that resonate with fear are choosing to stay in duality. Those aligned with love are ready to move into unity consciousness. There is no judgment in this- all is in divine order. Have no fear around the election…that is part of the process. It is the means by which one is being made to take a stand…you can vote for your sovereignty or you can vote to stay enslaved. Those voting to stay enslaved do so out of fear and unawareness- so they have chosen to stay asleep. That has been one of the toughest things to see with humanity- their refusal to look closely at the truth. I say it is because of many reasons- first they have been programmed to be victims. Second, they are gentle hearted souls who find it almost unbearable to look at the evil. But you see, they must- in order to refuse is to perpetuate it. That’s all I can do for now- it is a deep subject and one that is inflaming many people- but that is good- might expedite awakening! lotsa love, sherry
Wonderful to read your blog post. Thank you for all you do, have done and will do, Sherry. You and your book have been a very important piece of the puzzle for me. I am grateful for your existence. Blessings to you as we continue into the unknown. Much love, Zuzanna
So pleased you took the time to post! Thank you!! much love, Sherry
Hi Sherry,,, its so nice to see you posting again. I have been going through an obvious frequency change that has been so crazy for the last year.. depression , crying , anxiety , confusion, short lived highs, then back to lows. The last almost week now,, I have been consistantly been feeling better,, after years of feeling pretty much like you,, always in bed . I wonder if you are feeling this too.? Is this a frequency feeling ?
It could be the frequency thing, but each person is different. For me it is my body breaking down from the poison and EMF attacks. blessings~ sherry
Hello Sherry Wilde,
You don’t know me but I have been listening for about two years.
I want to thank you on this side and express my gratitude for the truth.
Oh’ what it must be like to peer into the eyes of the Devine. I hope I can find the courage when it is my turn.
I view your sacrifice as a gift to me as well as others. Although you and I have never met, you have helped me find my footing. Thanks is not enough, but that’s all I have right now.
I appreciate your kind-hearted message Martin! Your words are inspiration for me to keep going and get through another day.
Please know that you are just as important and together we will create this beautiful New Earth.
much love, Sherry
Hi Sherry,
Thanks for taking the time to write and share with us. Your words just reflect what is happening around us, they are so true. Sunday morning during breakfast at my dad’s, my sister who is 4 years older than me started sharing about the deeper questions in life triggered by our most current major events happening on a global scale. You are very right, they need comfort and answers without judgement in the middle of chaos and their new reality. I though my family would never wake up, they seemed to be very happy with their lives as they were, never questioning the profound things in life, I silently rejoiced in my heart and found it very gratifying to be the one to help her out. Sherry you are stronger than you think, you are amazing, and even though we’ve never met I feel I’m somehow connected to you. Thank you for somehow being in my life. I send my love and light to you and Pookie! 🙏🏻💙
Pookie and I gratefully accept your love & light, Mercedes! He is lying next to me on the sofa- his frail little body pushed tight up against me. He still inspires me to keep on. Just this morning- it was extremely tough and everything in me wanted to give up. But Jim looked over at Pookie and said, “Look at him- he’s still here, Sherry.” Amazing where you find inspiration. I love your story- this is real and it not going to be a walk in the park. Families and friends will turn on one another. I’m down to just a few people I can truly count on in my day to day life, but that does not include all the amazing love & support I get from all of you out there. YOU are the ones I draw strength from when the mountain feels too steep. I truly feel the love and light that is extended to me everyday from so many of you. It has made a tremendous difference in my life! So Thank YOU! And all the best as your family returns to the light! Woohoo!!! ~Sherry
Thank you, Sherry for finding the strength to write this update in spite of your health challenges. I first heard of you when I watched your presentation a couple of days ago at the Harmonic Convergence 2020. I bought your book right away and finished it within 48h. Words can’t express the impact and shift it had on my life! I’ve never applauded at the end of a book, ever! I’m forever grateful to you for pushing past your doubts and write it all anyway.
If you ever need someone to type up the info as you dictate, please let me know.
I’m sure many of us are ready to assist in any way you need.
Thanks again. Much gratitude.
Another beautiful message from another beautiful soul! Thank you Lise. Your words and the energy behind them really touched me! I am so happy you liked the book…applauded! I feel humbled and honored all at the same time. I am trying to get used to the dictate feature on my computer, but it’s still awkward. My arms feel like they weigh a thousand pounds each when I type for more than a few minutes. And my left hand shakes so bad I type every letter 3 to 6 times! LOL…and I have to back-up to erase it. Those last two sentences took me about 4 minutes to type!! Thank you for taking the time to write! lotsa love, Sherry
Thank you, Sherry.
I am grateful to the Harmonics Convergence 2020 that I found you and your messages.
My heart is rejoicing!
Sending you light, love, and healing! 💖
Well, thank you Natalia, for participating in & adding your light to that worthwhile gathering! I need to find that interview to see what I said. I have no recollection of it after the first minute or two. (-: Much love, Sherry
Dear Sherry,
Thank you for your courage and persistence. Yes, I also first heard of you through the Harmonic Convergence 2020 and I loved your book. One thing I can not totally grasp is the idea that the president is on our side. Are your guys saying we should vote for him in the coming election? He seems like a power crazy egomaniac to me. At best he is a very wounded soul. Please advise.
Hi Laura, my guys would never tell me who to vote for, but they do assist me by directing me to the truth. And the truth is elusive these days with ALL of our main stream media being compromised. To find the truth one must go in search of it- not sit passively in front of a tv and allow others to feed their garbage into our minds. The truth is playing out right in front of us- only those that are deeply asleep are refusing to see it. I would suggest going on Twitter or Parlour to gain direct access to the true stories of what is going on. Thank you for posting! love, sherry
Amazing words of wisdom from an amazing spritual teacher! 🙂
It helps to speak words of wisdom when you have 6th dimensional guys whispering in your ears! LOL! Couldn’t resist a little lightheartedness!
Thank you dear Mehdi for taking time to post your message. Gratitude is a wonderful energy and I received it and return it to you! ~sherry
Thank you for sharing. Healing Love sent your way.
Thank you Kelly. So grateful for you healing. lotsa love coming your way~ Sherry
Hello Sherry,
Thank you for the reminder and it does resonate with me. Be well and stay strong.
Hi Toni~ We all need those reminders! Blessings to you as we move toward Unity and a New Earth! much love~ Sherry
Thank you Sherry. Love to you ♥
You are my Hero..!!
Thank you….
Hello Sherry, it always makes me so happy when I find a new video or message from you on your blog. I read your book a couple of years ago and have followed every possible thing I could find of yours since then. You are dialled into the mainline in my view! Since you have such direct access to your higher guides, I feel your messages are of the most accurate to be found.
Perhaps a video format might be nice for you because you really don’t need to type. I think you can make videos quite easily on your computer and then upload them to your personal website. I would be worried about you on YouTube with so many trolls and censorship at the moment. You seem to have so much lovely support here on your website which you deserve and I’m sure could use as you are going through the struggles above mentioned. Sending lots of gratitude, and love. ❤️❤️❤️
Thanks Jeanette! I might try doing videos in the future, but I am hoping things get so beautiful and positive on the planet that you won’t need to hear from me or any of us that came in to assist! That’s always the goal, right? Everyone humming along happily with no stress and no issues! But I DO have the bestest people in the world posting on my site and I just love hearing from each & every one! I think I have gotten a total of 3- maybe 4 negative comments…and I don’t think those were all that bad. I actually can’t even recall them, but I always allow them, cuz everyone is welcome to their opinion! Thanks for posting and enjoy the days ahead!! Very dramatic times- lots of great change- woohoo!!
Thank you so much Sherry for your message from Da and yr guys much appreciated.
Im so greatful just for your existence, if it wasn’t for you the book you wrote (The forgotten Promise) l think l would be still asleep. And words cannot express how grateful l am.
Sending you healing prayers and Love. 💖 When lm feeling lost l re read yr book, which is most nights. X
So sweet Teri…thank you & much love to you!
This is wonderful Sherry.
thank you for your appearance, wisdom and contribution at the Harmonics Convergence 2020.