I feel compelled to post a short message regarding what is happening on the planet at this time. I have been thinking about this for a while, but I’ve been distracted by my own health issues of late. Then yesterday I got a significant download, so that nudged me into action.
Right now, as I write this- June 6, 2020- we have transitioned from the drama of the worldwide pandemic to protests that have escalated into riots. The riots have been occurring in the US, but I would expect them to spread- just as the COVID-19 virus did- to other countries. And after the riots, there will be more disruption- ugly things are going to continue to happen.
What, in truth, is going on? Well, we are in the split. Back in about 1989 Da told me, “The time will come when those who are of the Light and ready to live in peace and harmony will not be allowed to do so because of the presence of lower frequency beings, still aligned with conflict and control over others. It will not be possible for them to exist in the same time/space.” Then he showed me the ends of two magnets that could not be brought together. “See how they repel due to the difference in polarity? So, it will be with humanity” He went on to explain that the gulf between the “service to self” people and the “service to others” will be too contentious- those with the lower frequencies would be removed from the planet so the higher frequency beings could live in peace & harmony. Soon after this Da left my life for almost 20 years, but not before he talked to me at great length about the “Great Earth Changes” that were destined to occur in the future. In truth, those changes had started long before 1989 and were building toward the times we are in now.
When Da returned it was late 2010. He jumped right into it by saying, “Remember us talking about the Great Earth Changes? We are well into it! There is work to be done!” We talked a long time that night and I remember a twinge of fear moving through my body as he described all that lay ahead for our planet. He warned there would be great upheaval and chaos…lots of chaos! He explained that everything….everything will be held up to the Light and anything that was not aligned with the Light would be exposed for what it is.
We would see the true nature at the core of our government, religions, big business, medical field & education system. No one would be able to hide who they are- deception would no longer be possible. So basically, anyone that is aligned with the dark would be seen for the truth of who they are! This is where we are now. The dark ones can no longer deceive us and it is easy to see the game they are playing…well, that is, for those who are willing to see.
We are in the split. Every soul on the planet is- moment by moment- making a choice to align with the Light and ascend with Mother Earth to the 5th dimensional frequency of love and unity. Or they are choosing to stay in the 3-D realm of separation, which is aligned with fear. The old paradigm of this world is one in which you have given your power away to the controllers of this planet. You are, basically, a slave and not a sovereign being…you are playing the part of a victim. When you choose Love, you are resonating at the higher frequency and those in power cannot maintain control over you. When you are in fear you are lost in the lower frequency of separation, which makes it easy for you to be enslaved.
The download I received yesterday was about those on planet earth that are still asleep- and there are many! As I observed the fear spreading through the population as the “facts” came out about the virus, I was astonished! I felt certain that we, as a whole, had evolved enough and were awake enough to not buy into it. Now, before you get too excited, I will acknowledge there is a virus (or some sort of malady) called COVID-19. I am not going to get into that debate, as the truth of what it really is and the ease with which it is cured is a subject that will resolve itself in time. What absolutely amazed me was how easily the masses were herded like sheep into their homes, closed their businesses and dutifully put on their masks! Not all of us did, but so many obediently acquiesced without question. It was heartbreaking for me to watch. As Jim and I do our grocery shopping, it is clear to see the lines drawn as we move into the split. Those entrenched in fear- wearing their masks, with darting, anxious eyes peering out accusingly at those of us without masks. Some people would see us walking toward them and quickly turn and almost run away! Jim expressed my very thought as he said, “I just want to go up to them and give them a big hug, and say, it’s gonna be okay.”
Now the riots are in full action. Again, this is a planned manipulation of the masses to create distractions and raise the level of fear even higher. How in the world cannot this be seen by humanity? Jim reminds me that not everyone has turned off their tv. OK, sadly that is true. Way too many have still not come into the awareness that they are being programmed by main stream news, popular tv shows, talk shows….well, pretty much all of it is about brainwashing you into accepting the controller’s agenda. And what is that agenda? Agenda 21, of course. If you are reading my blog, you certainly know what that is.
A line you will hear me say often is that humanity has allowed themselves to be put into the role of victim- no one has done this to them. They are complicit through their complacency. You can make excuses by saying that the controllers have manipulated your DNA, you’ve been controlled and brainwashed from the time you were born onto the planet and you’ve been kept distracted and busy just trying to keep food on the table and a roof over your head. All of which is true. Still, there is a responsibility that is borne by every person who chooses to play this game. You chose to come into this drama of contrasts, and you did so with the intent of waking up. I see it as a choice and I’m not buying the excuses. What is really challenging for me is seeing the innocence in the ones still asleep, as they put forth their case for why they hate the very people working to free us or why the virus was really all the WHO & CDC said it was. They parrot what they heard on the 6:00 news, totally oblivious to the stand they are taking against their own best interest and that of their loved ones. If you could pull back the curtain and show them the world they are arguing for, it would stun them beyond words. They have no clue.
The Course in Miracles tells us we can take as long as we want to wake up. We can be as stubborn as we want! Jesus tells us, “That is fine…take as long as you want… I will wait for you.” But it begs the question, why? Why stay in a world of conflict and control. Aren’t you yearning to move into a realm where there is only peace, love and joy? Part of my job has been to meet with you on the astral plane and “read” your frequency. So many are close to the line- almost there, but when encouraged to go for it, they balk. They don’t want to go through the trauma associated with waking up. Really? You would rather stay in a 3-D reality than move into the frequency of love?
So bottom line is we have the dark ones who believe they are superior to us and that this planet belongs to them. They are being exposed by the higher frequencies coming onto the planet, exposed by our current president and by the Patriots who stand with him. You can easily see the fervor with which the dark are fighting back. They are, literally, fighting for their lives. What I don’t understand is how so many can be missing the obvious. How can so many otherwise intelligent, good people not understand what is playing out right in front of their eyes. How can so many speak ill of the very people that are our greatest defenders and hope for true freedom?
Waking up means coming into the realization of who you really are- knowing you are a divine being that does not need to be saved. That you are sovereign, and no one controls you or owns you. It means that you understand you are more than a body- that you are an eternal, powerful being. You are One with your Creator. Waking up means that you are aware of the part you are playing in this game. That you do not live your life in service to self. You share this world with other beings, and you have a level of responsibility to those who are not always able to help themselves. It is incumbent upon all to be aware of the injustices being inflicted upon the innocent ones. To turn away is to condone it. To choose not to see the horrors our controllers have inflicted on our fellow humans is to be in agreement with it.
There are two camps within the “spiritual community”. Those that are more aligned with the New Age philosophies and believe it best to stay passive, sending love & light to any issues that they feel need healing. And those who believe it is more beneficial to take action. I am somewhere in the middle. I am aware, as you probably are, that the New Age movement was a CIA initiated program to keep people passive. I believe there is good that can come from holding the light and love for social injustices, but I know that we must do more. And I am not talking about taking to the streets in protest. I am just saying that everyone must look at what has taken place….and continues to take place on this planet. The horrid acts of violence and abject control of the masses by those in power. Think for yourself. Stop being controlled. Figure out for yourself who is on your side and wanting to elevate our society and who wants to keep you enslaved! So many still haven’t figured that out.
We are in the split. There are numerous timelines available to us. Which one will we, as a collective, access? Now is the time to wake up. And I am talking about waking up to what is happening on the planet. The controllers are censoring the truth speakers. They are inundating you with lies and working overtime to keep you in the dark. But the truth is there for those wanting to see it. We are at a precipice. Be aware of your frequency and the choices you are making. Don’t give away your sovereign rights. Don’t blindly believe what you are being told- not by anyone and that includes me. We all know the truth- it is within our hearts. Follow that- not your fear-based thoughts. A wonderful new world is almost within reach. A world where we are free in a way you can barely imagine. A world where we no longer experience disease, poverty, oppression, enslavement, inequality and suffering. They are trying to keep us in separation. They want us to believe that those of a different race or color are the problem. They want us blaming each other, so we don’t look at them and realize the truth.
That is what is happening now. This is the event most of us have been waiting for. Those that have been in control for millennium on this planet will not go quietly into the night. It is a battle between the forces of Light and the dark. Do not be fooled. The dark ones are not just “bad, greedy people”. They are aligned with luciferin energy and they are pure evil. Be careful as to which side you are standing with…there can be no bigger decision for you to make.
I am in the process of reading your story..
very interesting bc this is what I went through some years ago. Anyway synchronicity numbers yes, there is no time, everything happens now. It also learns that cycles are repeating themselves. If you know astrology check Saturn. It’s just a clock we do not know about. It’s like, when one looks at a flower, what do he sees? A flower many will say, color. No , it is patterns..we live in a world of symbols and can not decode it. Well some can 😉
Just read The Split and it really resonates with me! It is spooky for me how The Split is so aligned with my thoughts. I have been quietly saying for the last two years that something of a negative or dark energy must be at work here and accross the planet. How can intelligent people and highly educated people fall for so many fake conspiracies or embrace the negative energies separating us from each other. I’ve always been big follower of the news wanting to be up to date by the hour. Couple months ago made a change I can’t hardly watch televised news, it just all to negative. Later I discovered The Forgotten Promise. Maybe I was supposed to at this time.
So i just finished The Forgotten Promise last week. I’m open to things. I lived in Belleville WI thru the 1980s and was in H.S. gym for Don Schmitt`s presentation. I know three individuals tbere that have seen different UFOs. I’m still live in vacinity and wish we could meet sometime. Have a great day Sherry.
Hi Bruce! So happy you took the time to write! What a coincidence that you live in the area and were even at the press release when Don spoke!
Small world! You are proof that when it is time to wake up all things will align to support you! I hope we can meet in person someday- I am still
in this part of Wisconsin but am too sick to commit to any kind of meeting- hopefully someday soon I will be able to!! I also could be doing another
talk at UFO Days in Belleville. I do that when I am feeling strong enough.
Blessings~ Sherry
Thank you for reply Sherry ! Would like to connect at some point. At the time my daughter was 13 or 14 and and was a baby sitter for Officer Kazmar and his wife. Namaste.
We will make it happen! x0x~ Sherry
Hi Sherry , thank you for your love of our creator , mother earth and all humanity . I am humbled and saddened by my lack of awareness and why I did not search for the truth when I was questioning what is going on ! You have opened my eyes and I truly appreciate reading and watching all that you do for us !
Thank You Sister ,
Fred Young
Such a sweet message! Don’t beat yourself up- this is an easy planet to fall into unconsciousness on! The important thing is that you woke up!!
Please share your light and awareness with others! lotsa love, Sherry
Thank you Sherry, for the Unconditional Love with which you support the souls trying to find their way back home while being struggling to escape from the illusion. We are all blessed for having you among us and those who are aware of it are filled with gratitude. Your reminding us relentlessly that we are all one and that we are the Creator, you also bring to understand that separation is part of the illusion, so as fear, deceit, etc. It is humbling to realize that WE ARE the Creator and that the Creator is us, but also that, yes, we are all one in Unity Consciousness.
One can only be overwhelmed by gratitude when gifted with this Revelation and thankful for having crossed your path. May the Creator bless you with His Unconditional Love for all Eternity.
Thank you sweet Annick. That’s all I can manage now as I am not well.
love, s
Sherry, I am praying for you for your health and well-being. It appears that you have been brainwashed by some group, most likely QAnon, and are seeing everything upside down.
Donald Trump does not love our country. He cares only about himself. The truth about his lies and criminal behavior continues to be revealed.
You are an influencer and your opinions are respected by many people, but you are spreading inaccuracies.
Just as you realized about chemtrails, Trump is playing his part in our awakening, but as someone who wants to lead our country into authoritarianism like his pal Putin. We must wake up and stand up against fascism. Our democracy is at risk. We can’t wait for the star beings to bring an end to the destruction of our planet.
Take care of yourself and be well.
All opinions are welcome so long as they are respectfully submitted.
Much love, Sherry
Dear C. Golden,
I carefully read your comment and read it many times over to make sure I understood it right
We are all brainwashed, from our birth until our grave. None of us escapes the influence of the illusion we’re living in. We also sometimes go so far as to brainwashing ourselves, with dillusions and false hopes, on which we try building our lives. The ego is very powerful in this dimension, it can hold up a lot of things that seem good and well-intentioned but which, in fact, take us away from our true self and our divine purpose.
Now, having different opinions, is something quite mundane in itself and doesn’t necessarily mean that a person is under any kind of specific or oriented influence. One can disapprove to another’s opinions but still value the spiritual message that is conveyed, well, if it resonates with one’s soul, that is.
You may disagree with Sherry on her political views, that’s perfectly OK, but it isn’t about Sherry or her opinions here, it’s about where we want this world to go.
Today, we are at the verge of a 3rd world war, something obviously Mr Trump managed to avoid during his mandate. It therefore begs the question: was Sherry’s “intuition” so wrong!?…
We all have a limited perspective on things, so we should always ponder our thoughts before giving an opinion on the views of others, and not just emit a judgement.
Disagreeing is a right, judging has a quite arrogant connotation, wouldn’t you agree?…
“It starts with one”, it therefore starts with each of us. If each of us could avoid judging others, for them being who they are or for whatever reason that displeases us or isn’t in line with our views, perhaps this world would rise faster to the Light.
With kind regards,
Annick VK
Thank you, Sherry for being so Brave to tell your story and continue raising the frequency of our Mother Gaia and all of humanity. I’m sorry I missed the opportunity to meet you on a zoom call for MUFON. I hope to meet you one day and compare notes! Prayers for your recovery and wishing you Love, Light and Blessings all of your days.
Thank you Amy. I am looking forward to doing online interviews and talks before too long. Much love, Sherry
Thank you so much for your autographed book, Sherry! It actually arrived today ON MY BIRTHDAY!!! What a great birthday present!
I look forward to listening to more of your talks and hope you are progressing with healing.
Much Love,
Amy McCoy-Shumate
I really love this article! I’m curious to learn more
About the CIA creating the New Age Movement. Perhaps, Sherry, in the future you can share more information and resources to learn about this?
Thanks for taking the time to write! I’m too sick right now to do any writing, but hopefully soon!!
This is one condescending deluded fairytale
LOL… (-:
The truth can feel blunt.
I enjoyed reading your post, as well as your response to Aimee. I never knew the ‘new age’ movement was CIA intended- But i certainly have smelt something very off about it-so that just makes so much sense to me. Lately i have had the hardest time processing the horrors of whats been going on with humanities children. It can really pull me into an angry and fearful state- I found this line of yours to be a great reminder- “When you are in fear you are lost in the lower frequency of separation, which makes it easy for you to be enslaved.” It has been a challenge for me to keep my frequency up while at the same time looking at the darkness of this world and processing it. i am in contact with ET’s as well. Though i’m not very good at recognizing what is my imagination and what is their voice. But i have asked them for some help in just mentally processing all this horrifying information. And i’m not sure if this is an answer from them or my own imagination, but i just keep thinking that the ‘elites’ must have had horrors of their own, when they were children, in order to be infected to the point of turning against their own species. So i keep feeling encouraged to focus on loving my own children and care for them the best i can. And when i have a tender moment with my children- whether its a kiss on the cheek or reading a bed time story, I mentally tell the ‘elites’- “this is how you were supposed to be cared for when you were a child.” (Not saying that i’m some super mom, but surely i’m better then what they had.) And i dont know if the elites are even watching me say that, or if they are, they might just think its corny and stupid for me to say that. But regardless of how it makes them feel, it has helped me to feel so much better. It seems to help to keep my frequency higher. but still my natural reaction after i hear horrifying news is to literally crawl up in a ball and cry. but i cant do that. i’m sure the dark one’s would love it if we all responded in that way. Anyway sorry to go on and on. I dont have anyone else to talk to about this type of stuff haha. Even though i know you’ve heard it a million times-i just want to tell you…Thank you for your courage in coming to this planet and serving with such integrity and love.
Hello Mishael. Thank you for taking the time to share. I think your way of handling the emotions that come up around the horrors of abuse is a very good way to transmute your anger/sadness/grief into positive ones of love & forgiveness. One thing I recommend- although it is a bit of a balancing act- is to remind yourself that, in reality, this is a game we are playing. Yes, it is very real for us, but it is a game. The dark ones agreed to take on that role so that we could have the experience of duality. Some might say they took on the hardest part of all. They need and deserve our love and forgiveness. They are, after all, just another aspect of our true self…some would call it our shadow self. That is going to be a very big issue in the times ahead. Humanity will need to understand that there is no separation. The souls of the children who played the part of the victims will need to be seen as participants on a higher level. To hold them in the frequency of victim would be to perpetuate the game. You are right to not look away from these horrors. It cannot be healed within each soul if it is not acknowledged and consequently no longer agreed to. That does not mean to simply push it away, but to look at what we have allowed to happen and take a stand that we will no longer be in agreement with such atrocities. Bless you for your kind & loving heart. You are helping more than you know! much love, Sherry
Thank you Sherry. I know i tend to over process things, so i need to be careful. I’ve yet to master; how to process negative things-while still keeping my own life force strong. I appreciate your words, it just makes so much sense. And it has made me feel a lot better. Thank you.
Your reply Sherry reminds me of one of my favorite childhood movies growing up. The Dark Crystal, It makes me think that we were split apart and that in order for us to grow and change we have to merge back into our original forms and Ascend. Like in the movie the crystal broke and what was once one became two and they needed the missing shard to be placed back in the crystal in order for the light to absorb the dark to become one again.
Dear Sherry,
Am I wrong by thinking that Source is dual?
Since we all are Source and Source being us, it seems logical that the duality that we experience is part of Source too.
Now, from what I observe and understand, the lower the density, the more duality and the lesser Unconditional Love is experienced. On the other hand, the higher the density, the more Unconditional Love and the lesser duality is experienced.
The duality seems therefore “contained” by Unconditional Love. Source being Unconditional Love, She cannot manifest duality otherwise than through Her extensions. But, it seems to me too that, in fact, Source wouldn’t even be able to manifest duality without actually “auto-destruct” Herself in the process. What happens on our 3D Earth is a perfect illustration of that. Duality leads to auto-destruction at many levels.
The horrors that are perpetrated on this planet are the result of our disconnection from ourselves, from our fellow humans but also, from Life as a whole and thus, from Source. In addition, we often lack of emotional maturity in order to apprehend the events of our lives with balance and without judgement or resentment.
In this Matrix, we are formatted to see or perceive “good” and “bad” and systematically oppose these.
That is the second worse trap of this illusion ~ the first trap being the illusion of our separation from Source.
There is no “good” or “bad”, there are only perceptions, perspectives, intentions, thoughts and judgement.
In a 3D environment, the soul is enjoying total free will, or so she is made to believe.
She evolves as a unique being, disconnected from everything and therefore, mostly self serving. Apart from the ego, competition, manipulation, brainwashing and so on, will do what is needed to make sure that the soul isolates herself from any collective expression. Even if we are considered as a social animal, our species is essentially navel-gazing, in a constant quest of recognition, approval, acknowledgement and reward. We may be part of a community or a group, most of us yet find it difficult to completely identify with that community or group and still tend to want to stand out from the crowd.
Perpetrator and victim are the two sides of a same coin, since both put themselves in an isolation of sorts. It is indeed difficult or impossible to accept or approve of what the perpetrator did, and it is difficult to understand what the victim experienced and feels. Both attract our attention on them, but from a different angle. Both “stand out from the crowd”, but for opposite reasons.
But then, what determines “good” from “bad”?
As I understand it, “good” or “bad” are defined, as already mentioned above, through a prism made of, and in no particular order: perception, perspective, intention, thought and judgement.
At her core, every single soul is “good”, in other words, every single soul is an expression of Unconditional Love. Therefore, souls are not supposed to be or become “bad”.
But in fact, what does “bad” mean exactly, apart from being the opposite of “good”?
Well, how I see it, through our disconnection, we create situations in which we oppose ourselves to one another, sometimes with all good intentions even.
Thanks to telepathy, connected souls would perceive and consider the intention and, as a result, would avoid distortion of communication. But this is also valid for our overall environment as we are disconnected from everything, even from ourselves. Our limited senses and our restricted awareness make us forget that we are incarnated souls and not avatars having a soul.
For those who are more aware or fully awakened, the difficulty consists in remaining in the truth of who they are, without being used and abused, since these souls always extend love, compassion, empathy and forgiveness.
Now, when it comes to what some evil and cruel people do to our kids, it goes much further than that. That is the work of the devil and the perpetrators made a clear choice. Just like some have their contract with Source, others made an agreement with Satan. This war ain’t just over yet but, the Light will prevail eventually, thanks to those ~ I would hope us ~ that will be able to remain in the truth of who they are, help raise awareness and bring everything into the light of day for all to see. And, when it comes to this, all media are good to use. The goal being to unite what has been divided and, in so doing, leave it to Source to transmute darkness into eternal Light through Her Unconditional Love.
Love & Light to all,
Thank you SO much for your post Sherry! In these extraordinary times it helps so much to get some guidance and a reminder of what is truly going on here. I so admire your sacrifice to come to this planet and help us through these difficult times when you could’ve easily stayed where you were and not have so much turmoil. I hope you know how much you mean to all of us, and how much help you’ve been to those of us trying to follow the right path. Although I do feel that I am on the right path to Ascension, I do have moments of insecurity and look for signs and messages to guide me; but I know I am doing OK when your words resonate with me so deeply! I also relate to your feelings when you express how your daughter does not understand your lack of fear… I have two daughters as well and honestly, they do not understand me either. I want so much to share what I know, but I also know that it is no use to try if they are not ready to understand. This makes me sad, but I know that I must let them come to this in their own time. I want so much to post things on social media (such as links for “Plandemic”) … my husband tells me it would be a bad idea because it will just get removed, but I really want to put something out there with the hope that it might resonate with some others who see it. I know that there is an awareness these days… that a lot of the public knows there’s something amiss with this whole Covid situation. People are beginning to question, and that makes me so happy! I look at it as a good sign. I just want to shout out the truth to everyone, but I hold back, not because I’m afraid of being called/labeled a “conspiracy theorist”, but because like a lot of beliefs, it is useless unless they are ready to hear. What are your thoughts on this? Is there something I should be doing to help? Right now I just try to wait, and say nothing unless I get an indication that someone is ready to hear. God bless you Sherry! I will be sending healing thoughts and prayers in your direction!
Hi Carrie~ Thank you for your positive thoughts and prayers- it is truly appreciated! As for your question, I agree it does no good to try to force someone to see the truth of what is going on….it really seems counter productive at this time. In the past you could nudge them or engage them in a dialogue, but it seems that those who are still refusing to wake up are in a deep sleep! I think it is going to take a massive event to jar them awake…and even then, I’ll bet there will be those who will react with anger and refuse to accept. So….I just go about my business. But I am authentic in my words in actions. So I have not yet put on a mask and I will not do so in the future. If asked why, I simply state my point of view. I know the facts so I have no concern in being able to speak to this. I walk away from businesses that require a mask and I ignore the control system of “social distancing”. It is known that none of that helps in the control of this “so called” virus. Just as a mask is totally useless. All of this is about conditioning us to obey. It takes away our sovereign rights and I will not agree to it. Can you imagine if hundreds of us did this…and then thousands…and then millions? I do not give in just because it is the easy thing to do. That is what I harp on all the time…humanity is complicent by their complacency! I wish I could put it on billboards across the world! LOL. They think that because they are only one it doesn’t matter, but it does!! Thank you for posting! lotsa love, Sherry
Hi Sherry, I just want to reach out and say a huge thank you. I have been awakened for a while now and since I was a little girl I have had many Spiritual experiences. I have never had anyone to turn to with these or to ask for guidance, so I have spent most of my life exploring all that is Spiritual, different teachers, learning mindfulness etc…But you are the first person whom I feel that your teachings really and truly resonate with me. I have recently been going through a heavy depression due to circumstances and found myself wondering the hills where I live and for the need to surrender, just like how you described. I literally got on my knees and screamed this out! This is actually the second time in my life I have done this. Also, what you say about Karma I totally agree as I have been thinking about this a lot lately and also said out loud lately whilst walking that I no longer consent to bad karma. Since then I feel like I am getting through my darkness and back in to the light again, where I used to be ( before having my son I worked as a Reiki Healer and card reader & would meditate, pray a lot & practice mindfulness). I have also just found out that I’m pregnant again, which is a lovely gift. I would love to learn more about how to ‘surrender your will’ and Ascension. I also, in the last few years have been reading a lot about creating miracles and wondered if you have any teachings on these subjects. Anyway, I just wanted to thank you and Da and to say what a remarkable and strong woman you are and how lately you have helped get me back on my path.
Much peace and love to you and your family,
Laura Halliwell ( Scottish Highlands) x
Laura, I wish I could give you a full response but I am very ill as I go through the detoxing of Lyme from my body. When I am fully recovered I will be adding more to this as well as posting an update in general. So sorry, but loved your message! Blessings~ Sherry
Very timely article and commentary for me as well. Thank you Sherry. Timely, because my thoughts have definitely been immersed in much of what you share, as well as very similar, if not same, goes for my own downloads that I’ve had. My current inquiry: Is it time to begin calling in a community of those like-minded kindred spirits who either have created a physical community or are guided to do so? Is it in this country or somewhere else? Ruminating…
Thank you for taking the time to write GG. All of my awakened friends are noticing a pulling away from loved ones- even from those who are in awareness. It feels like we are being guided by an inner compass directing us toward the place & people we are meant to be with during this transition. I, personally, have no desire to try to find where I belong. I trust I will be directed in whatever way is needed. If you, however, feel a strong push to do otherwise, you should honor that. By this point most of us are connected to our Higher Self and are able to discern the authenticity of that voice and decide for ourselves if we will choose to listen or ignore it. You have the answer to your question within you…trust it. much love, Sherry
Undo the ‘what is done, is done’. Be in the this historical moment in our evolution as spirit. We came here for this, we are holding space. Thank you for the information. Confirmation of the reality. Both 😉
Beautiful Heather….really beautiful. Thank you so much!! with love, Sherry
Fantastic and timely blog post Sherry. I was hoping you’d come out with something. I was getting very depressed with what has been happening seemingly out of nowhere over and over. The Deep State appeared to be winning with the Plandemic and the planned, directed riots and looting, trying to remove law and order to instill chaos. All the while the MSM distort the facts, fan the flames, and ignore revelations about espionage against politicians and pedophiles in high places. I won’t even get into the massive corruption they are hiding about Ukraine payoffs. I do have 1 question though. Edgar Cayce, Billy Meier, and others have mentioned the coming “Earth Changes” They will start with eruptions in Naples-Vesuvius area in Italy. This will be the beginning of the geological catastrophes followed by others and the Pole Shift. Do you have any information to confirm this or is it hooey?
Hiya Dennis~ Thank you for taking the time to post! You clearly see what is going on- you nailed it! Such manipulation! But it is being exposed! I’m very excited to see how it is all coming together- seemed to take forever, but when you think of ALL those that are involved in the evil agenda…I don’t know how they did it. I heard the plan was implemented and put into place right after JFK’s assassination. I wouldn’t doubt it! My guys call these days the time of the “Great Earth Changes”. But they don’t talk about actual physical events happening to the earth- just that she is moving into the higher frequencies. It would seem that could include physical events as she will need to release some of the energy that has built up. I would say- and this is me- not my guys, that is will be up to the collective as to what goes down with all that. We are creating this game as we go along. We can have a tough go of it or it can proceed in a gentle manner. There are a multitude of timelines we can access- our frequency will determine which one we play on. Hope that makes sense! I would also say that some of those predictions were correct at the time, but we have changed timelines many times since then, so who knows if they have any merit anymore. Thanks so much for posting! lotsa love, Sherry
Thank you for your message. I’ve been slowly awakening for the past 3 years now. Every time I think I understand what’s going on , i really don’t 😁. I was recuperateing from oral cancer when I was scheduled to go back to work in March. I accepted my sickness as my journey and something I had to go through for many reasons. Mostly spiritual. But with all the chaos and sadness in the world I felt so much peace. I just want to be happy and want to help other people feel the same. I don’t know how to explain to people how I’m feeling without sounding strange. Sometimes I feel more like the observer. Any way thank you for listening and for responding. I guess we are all just trying our best. Even those souls that are playing the villains this time around.
Lorrie~ Such a beautiful message coming from someone who is clearly in awareness and has awakened to the truth of who you are! Awesome! And that is how it works. A few days ago my daughter asked me why I wasn’t afraid…how do I stay so calm? She reminded me that her Grandpa (my dad) was like that. I responded and said, “When you know the Truth, what is there to be afraid of?” I see and hear that from you Lorrie. I’ll bet your health challenge played a role in your awakening- often it does. As an aside, from one who has also been dealing with health issues, I highly recommend checking out Dr Joe Dispenza. His books, his online classes, his meditations and his live events are stupendous! He has figured it out! Amazing info there. Thank you for the message! love, Sherry
Thank you for putting into words what I have been thinking and feeling! I have been so perplexed that more don’t see what is right in front of them. So many beautiful friends, family and those in the spiritual community that I know that continue to believe the lies and express hate for those trying to expose what is really going on. For so long I have been able to look past people’s behaviors and see the loving magnificence of who they really are, but something shifted for me in the last 6 months and it has become difficult for me to look past the hate and anger I see them display. It has been very disheartening and it caused me to retract a bit so I could focus on rebalancing my own energy. It has become increasingly clear, that in order to maintain my focus on love and light that it is no longer beneficial to look in their direction. That kind of makes me sad, like I’m leaving people behind, but I now that it is an individual choice that each must make. Much love and many blessings to you!
Jennifer~ You so beautifully expressed what has been going on with, not just myself, but others in the “awakened” community. I became very sad when I felt this division occur. I thought, “Am I judging? Am I creating separation?!” Then I realized it was the split. It is naturally occurring and, yes- many that we thought were awake- well, turns out they are not. But another surprise- those we thought might have little awareness…nope! They have quietly been coming into the Light- no fanfare- just waking up as they observe what is going on! I am watching with complete trust and wonder as this miracle happens day by day on our planet. Your approach is dead on. Now is the time to move toward those we resonate with and allow those that are still in the dream to continue their sleep. It’s not for us to try to shake them awake. At this point in the game, it is getting late. Altho I do believe there will be a massive and quite unpleasant event that will shake the sleepers to their core. Some, hopefully, will awaken then. Let’s hope so. It helps to remember that a simple fact is that not all are ready to move up the ladder- it is, after all, their choice. We must honor and trust in that. We’ve all certainly been there at some point in our journey- the ones “left behind”….and it’s fine. We all return Home…eventually! Thank you so much for sharing & posting!
love, Sherry
Absolutely agree. Perfect, descriptive, empowering, validating, timely article. Thank you
Thank you- so far all positive responses….I was expecting more flak since I implied our president is a good guy! There are many- even in the spiritual community…or rather, especially in the spiritual community who get triggered by those types of comments. That is very disheartening to me, but perhaps it is some sort of challenge with a very important message contained within. I appreciate you took the type to post! ~Sherry
Hi Sherry! It seemed more that the you were stating that he’s exposing the bad guys. I used to be triggered by him, and I understand the trigger. It’s very clear to me, now, that he is less susceptible to the deep state, whether it’s for soul or ego reasons.
I’m blown away by most democrats reactions of total compliance and support of the plamdemic agenda. Is that the “new age complacency”? I’d Love your opinion on why people who typically seem concerned for the planet and others, are so in service of the bad guys.
Hi Jessie~ It does seem as though Trump is a trigger for awakening- that is for sure. The sleepers are, for the most part, unaware that he is in service to the Light. And it is not always an easy thing to discern- he does not give off a “love & light” vibe- whereas those of the Dark agenda do come off, a lot of the time, as smooth as silk….as psychopaths typically do…charming snake oil salesman that they are! The unawakened believe they are doing the right thing- they still believe the lies and propaganda that has been shoved down our throats 24/7 and so they fight for that in total unawareness that they are fighting for Agenda 21 and their own demise. Let’s take just one example- Trump is moving us toward financial freedom- one of the biggest hammers they have used to keep us enslaved. But most people are unaware that he is now in control of the Fed. Or if they know, they don’t understand the ramifications of it. So they scream that Trump is taking away their social security or gonna take this or that from them- totally oblivious to the HUGE step he has taken on our behalf. Trump once said, (this is not word for word) “Even if you are opposed to me, I am fighting for you.” And that is true. He is what stands between us and the fulfillment of their Agenda 21- which is depopulation of up to 90% of the world’s population. Said another way- the mass murder of humanity. One by one people are waking up, but it’s not happening fast enough! And, of course, there will be those who just are not ready to awaken. And that is okay too- they will continue their journey in another 3-D world. At the end of the day it’s going to play out as it is meant to, it just will always go smoother and we will get there faster if the majority of people are awake. Good question Jessie! With Love, Sherry
Hi Sherry,
I’m a bit confused with this line: “They are being exposed by the higher frequencies coming onto the planet, exposed by our current president and by the Patriots who stand with him.” Are you saying that Donald Trump is intentionally exposing all the dark, negative energy coming to the Earth? Also, the “riots” you speak of – do you not consider them as protests for equality / humane treatment of others no matter their race or nationality? How can we live on a harmonious, peaceful Earth if racism, sexism and other toxic energy isn’t exposed, examined and eradicated?
Hello Aimee~ Thank you for taking the time to post your message. The light photons that are streaming onto our planet at this time are of a very high frequency. Those that align with a lower vibration will find these energies to be uncomfortable. They will be so out of resonance with them, that after a time, they will not be able to tolerate it and so they will be exposed. There is a battle going on at this time between the agents of Light and the controllers- also known as the dark. The controllers have ruled this planet ever since the fall and the souls of humanity have been caught in this, so called wheel of karma, ever since. The wheel of karma is nothing more than a program to trap the souls and keep them enslaved. Many of the souls on this planet have been “stuck” in this cycle for millenia. They have experienced many lifetimes of suffering and oppression. There have been many attempts to free humanity and allow planet earth to ascend, as is her desire and natural evolutionary right. She has passed up numerous opportunities to move out of 3-D and into the 5th dimension as she waited for her children to wake up. Now she is no longer willing to hold back her ascension. And so a plan was devised whereby millions and millions of higher dimensional beings would come onto the planet in human form and assist humanity with waking up to the truth of their situation. Many of the souls here…I call them Native Earth Souls….have been recycled so many times, they are defeated and weary right from the start. They have been through the programming and suffering of the matrix so many times that they hold very little light in their soul. The Native Earth Soul is- when left alone without interference- a very gentle, compassionate and loving being. The people on this planet have been programmed and brainwashed into hating one another. It has been the agenda and main focus of the controllers to turn us against each other. To create separation based on color, gender, class…..whatever they can use. Sadly, not all humans can see this. And it is easy to see why. Because along with all of this they keep you distracted. They do this by setting up a society in which money is needed just to stay alive- so we are always having to worry & work. They keep us sick by denying us cures and creating a healthcare system designed to keep us sick & weaponizing our food, air and soil. They manipulate the economy thereby keeping us under their thumb. The goal is to keep us in fear. Worst of all, they prey on us. Soon you will be hearing the truth about the horrendous things they have done to our most vulnerable…our children. Soon Americans will learn just who the evil dark ones are and it’s not going to be easy for them. Those they have most admired will be seen for what they are. And to learn that Trump is actually the one fighting for our freedom!! Who could have guessed it! Not me! I thought him a buffon- a joke. A smart, but ego driven self serving elite. But my guys got me to take another look- and so I watched what he did. I observed without judgement. And I was dumbfounded. Look at what he has done since taking office! His first acts were to free the children and others caught up in human trafficking and sex crimes. He is resetting our economy which will ultimately lead to financial freedom for us, thereby eliminating one of the major ways they keep us enslaved. He already took control of the Fed. This man is working tirelessly for our freedom, but people get caught up in judging his personality. The mainsteam media is part of the deep state, so they fuel it. As for the riots. It is part of our American history to peacefully protest against those things that oppress segments of our society. The key word here is peacefully. These protests, while intended by the good people originally organizing them, to be peaceful, were taken over by Antifa and other extreme groups that have the destruction of America as their goal. If they can destroy the US, the rest of the world will fall. Because the MSM is a part of the mind control system, they do not show the truth of what went on during these so called protests- which are really riots. Did you see they destroyed hundreds, if not thousands of businesses owned by Blacks…ruined their lives? Did you take note that the man who founded BLM has issued a statement condemning the violence and is no longer associated with them? Did you see the list of people who were killed- not by police. Most all black. Did you see the attacks on business owners just trying to defend their homes and businesses? And did you see them torture and strangle a little puppy? These are the monsters that took over the “peaceful attacks”. There is an agenda here. Study Nazi Germany to see how they went after the Jews and you will see how it is done. Now they are trying to turn you against the police- then what? Take away the police- then they come for our guns….then they have us. Did you know the plan to storm the White House included having demonstrators shot and killed so that it would cause the violence to escalate? Trump knew this and was able to alleviate it. Your frustration with all this is high…and I understand your heart is in the right place- as it is with 90% of those out there “fighting” for peace. But don’t you see? You can NEVER fight for peace. It starts with you. It starts with being centered in your heart and free from fear. For that is the only way you can really discern who the good guys are and what the right action is. Humans are good. They want peace. They aren’t born hating another because of their color. They are taught that- they are programmed. Remove the control system- that is where the cure is. So if you want to add to the Light of the world, then do so by acts of peace. By extending love and by waking up to the truth of what is really going on. For more check out Praying Medic on youtube. Or go to X22 Report ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg_E6lzXbMo&feature=youtu.be ) Check out Edge of Wonder or Jordan Sather. There are a lot of good alternative news sources that are telling the truth like Epoch Times. Stay away from tv, radio and newspapers- you might just as well watch a cartoon. Which, by the way, they have infiltrated Sesame Street too! Poisoning our children. But don’t take my word for it- dig for yourself- not easy- a lot of censorship out there, but it’s there. See what Candice Owens has to say about the events of today- she can be found on Twitter. And lastly. Stay tuned for the truth to come out about what really happened with George Floyd- my money is on it being a total set up. Most all of these events- mass shootings- anything that grabs your attention- is a diversion and a way to trigger you. We must stop taking the bait!! So to answer your last question- we will live in a harmonious, peaceful earth if the controllers are eliminated. THAT is what we must look at, expose, examine and eradicate! THEY are the toxic elements…THEY are pure evil. Do not underestimate them. Much Love~ Sherry
Another amazing and inspiring piece of writing…..do you know Magenta Pixie? she’s British and has many insights from the “Higher Perspective”. (she’s on FB and youtube)
Hi Lindy~ Thank you! Yes, I know of Magenta- I might have met her at a conference once…not sure. But I have read and listened to her a few times in the past couple of years. She is sweet as can be and seems to have clear insight. I will take a look at her most recent postings! Thank you! Sherry
Hi Sherry – I read your book and loved it. Thank you. If you genuinely believe or your guys believe that our president and the patriots who support him are representative of a higher vibration of love and light, then you lost a lot of credibility with me. Our president in no way represents service to others. He represents service to self. It’s one thing to listen with an open heart and suspended judgment and quite another to promote unsubstantiated conspiracy theories. Your response to Aimee’s comment is not only politically directed but lacks a genuine reflection from your heart. I’m glad you posted this response as is very telling about yourself and does not reflect the first of the three most important things to know…we are all one. Take care of yourself. Love and Light.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Brian. Trump is definitely a catalyst. I could write tons about why I support our president, but I don’t have the strength nor the desire to defend my position. All will be made clear in time. Blessings~ Sherry
Thanks for your response, Sherry. I agree with you 1000% that Donald Trump is a catalyst and the truth will come forth in time. Godspeed in your recovery and may you rejoice in the love and light of the One Infinite Creator.
Thank you for posting this Sherry! You are a precious angel. There’s so much information here, and it’s what I needed to hear at this time. And written so eloquently. Hoping more people keep waking up.
Hi Amy~ Such a sweet message- thank you. Keep your light shining bright! lotsa love, Sherry
Thank you for this much needed post, Sherry!
On a side note, I read your book when it first came out (downloaded to my laptop) but I wanted a hard copy, so I ordered one last month. I was so surprised and touched that you signed it! Thank you so much for your thoughtfulness! Much love to you!
Hi Nancy~ I remember signing your book! My penmanship is SO awful- my hand shakes from the poisoning, so I am glad you could even read it! LOL!
Thank you for following and commenting! love, sherry
Thank you so much for this! Well written and so eloquent! I wish you had a greater reach, you have so much wisdom, I watch your YouTube lectures every now and then, of all the experiencers your lectures ring true throughout. I hope your health stays strong, bless you for your courage, what a journey your on, much love from the UK, mick x
Mick~ Lovely heart centered comment- thank you for that. Actually, I am hoping the message coming through me will spread further- the film series that is being planned is actually under the guidance of an amazingly brilliant, talented filmmaker out of the UK. So we shall see! Even better would be if the world spontaneously woke up and no longer needed people like me to remind them of all this! lotsa love, Sherry
Beautifully written. Thanks so much for posting it.
Thank you darling PixyWinks!
Thank you Sherry!! Blessings to You! May I ask what’s your thought on how long this will go on? Do you feel there will be a tipping point where the game has at least diminished? I know this is why I am here!! To witness the change of all! <3 Love you ! <3
The drama will escalate until the dark are completely removed from power. And that can only happen when enough of humanity is awake enough to not fight the “good guys”. Hence my plea to look again at what is really going on. Too many of the good, kind hearted people of America are confused about who is really in their corner. Either that, or I am totally misreading the true intentions of my fellow man…but I don’t think so. They are just lost in their dream…confused. Many timelines to choose from. We create it as we go…to paraphrase the wise & brilliant Sacha Stone- “We are dreaming this world into existence…so dream wisely.” lotsa love, Sherry
I am overwhelmed by the authenticity in this message. I am in agreement with you on so many points.
I wish I could articulate in such a beautiful way. Much love and continued healing <3
Ronda~ You are feeling the energy behind the message! I would not say it is urgent, but it certainly would be wonderful if everyone would wake up!
The longer it goes, the more suffering there is by those who are still in the matrix. And that is a shame. This wonderful new world awaits up-
it is beyond words- no one would consciously want to delay that….unless they were either asleep or aligned with the dark.
love, Sherry
Thanks for posting, Sherry. I was wondering what had happened to you.
Best wishes
It’s been a very rough time since coming under attack in 2013-14. It is going to be a slow recovery, but at least I am finally headed in the right direction!
Thank you Gary! love, Sherry
Thank you Sherry for sharing your thoughts, advice, and your Light! We’re all looking forward to the end of these modern Dark Ages – and SOON!
Hiya Tom! So good to hear from you! I never go on FB except to add something like this post- jump on and off. I hope to be able to get back on there at some point- just not well enough at this time. I trust you are both well and life has not gotten too crazy! Sadly, we have more turmoil ahead, but it can be minimized by all those in awareness holding the vision of Truth. AND…we cannot let them manipulate and control us….no more masks! No more keeping us locked in our houses. So obvious what they are trying to do, eh? much love, Sherry
I hope your health will recover quickly
I just recently found a clinic that was able to make an accurate diagnosis, so I have started on a treatment plan. I am hopeful to return to a somewhat normal life within the next year or two. That’s much more than I had before so I am grateful! Thank you Rachid!
Oh dearest Sherry…..you have written what is on my mind,so eloquently and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. To see images of people with signs, “I can’t breathe”, wearing black masks, bowing on bended knee – don’t they realize what the hell they are doing!! I’ve read your book, saw you speak in Belleville and watched your videos….for some reason I just decided to ‘check in’ with you today on FB and so glad I did. I live in milwaukee, and have a couple friends of ‘like mind’, but most friends I have known for years are ASLEEP AT THE WHEEL. I love it here in Wisconsin, with our great lake, and many smaller lakes too. It’s been relatively quiet here, I like to think that my ‘high vibration’ is helping with that.
Much love and gratitude to you and Jim.
Hi Lindy~ Nice to hear from you. Hasn’t it been spectacular of late here?! Oh my gosh- everything seems to sparkle and shine! Must be the 5th dimensional energies coming in! Every day more beautiful than the last! We are so enjoying Mother Nature at her finest! I agree, it is hard to watch the drama and fear that is so prevalent out there. I felt moved to write this blog after seeing some people from my own ACIM class wearing masks and buying into the fear! I could not believe it! It made me so sad- clearly the message I was facilitating from The Course went over their head. I felt like I had failed. It certainly is an individual thing so far as when a person is ready to come into awareness- for sure it cannot be forced. The Course tells us that we need to “remember for them” and hold that Truth until they are ready…and so we shall. Much love~ Sherry
Perfect. Thank you.
And thank you Elizabeth for adding your Light to the world! Love, Sherry